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Posts posted by Beck1976

  1. Thank you all for your replies.

    Robinsons in Phuket Town have them , only a few to choice from but a start for you.

    Have never been there, will go take a look.

    Robinsons Central too.

    Isnt that the big department store spread out over several floors? If so, they had a number of low baby chairs with wheels on them, allowing the baby to move around, but none suitable for eating (too small "table", non-detachable pillow/cushion that will get dirty right away etc)

    We bough one at a place called Sentral Furniture about 500m south of the Central intersection nightmare on Chao Fa West - left hand side heading south.

    I know that place, will go there too, thanks.

  2. Im looking to buy a baby high chair, but have yet to find one in the various Phuket shops.

    Even the big department store in Central didn´t have them.

    Does anybody know where they are sold? Or maybe have a used, well-kept they would like to sell.

  3. I think you need to answer a few questions that might help you decide:

    What is the purpose of the pet ? Do we want to interact with it or simply watch it ?

    Do we want the pet inside the house or outside ?

    Do we have arrangements to look after the pet when we are away from the house ?

    Has the pet got to be safe with children.

    Hope this helps

    Im looking for a pet that I can interact with, and safe for children. Preferably to be kept outside. I have somebody to look after the pet when Im gone.

    These things were "decided" before I made the post, but was primarily looking for a list or link of legal pets, as well as ideas for what other kept as pets.

    I had marmosets (legally) back home, and they were absolutely amazing pets. i would love to keep them down here in a big outside voliere.

  4. I´m thinking about getting a family pet.

    We cant have a dog where we live, and the wife arent to fond of cats.

    I would prefer a pet that could be kept outside in a big cage or vouliere, and hopefully something a bit more exciting than a hamster or rabbit, any suggestions?

    It would probably be easy to buy all sorts of exotic animals, but how do I find out, which ones are actually legal to keep?

  5. @jrtmedic

    i was indeed very surprised myself. i have always been treated nice in there before. One of the officers at the back desk (where they do the marriage extensions amongst other things), often seems like he got a stick up his a.., but I have never experienced this before.

    It is not the fact that they want further documentation that bothers me, but the constantly contradicting answers and their general behavior in this whole matter.

    A friend told me the other day that Phuket Immigration had gotten a new person in charge, who was supposed to be very strict, Guess that explains why they were this thorough, as Lopburi3 indicates as well.

    I do expect it to be approved since everything is by the books, I fulfill all requirements etc

  6. Figured I give an update.

    I went to Immigration Jan 2 in the morning, with a copy of the house owner´s wifes ID card, and a new rental contract with her name on it, as instructed.

    Regardsess of the fact that I was told specifically, that I did NOT need the Tabien Baan of her as well, that was the first paper the immigration officer (not the same I talked to Friday) requested (guess I should have anticipated that), so I was in for another long scooter ride back and forth. He checked all the other papers (same as his colleague did the first day), and assured me that everything else was in order.

    Drove back home, Got the Tabien baan, went to the copy center at Immigration to make 2 copies, was waiting in line, but got blatantly ignored by the staff, and then instructed to go to the back of the line, when I mentioned, I was waiting in line, and why they let others cut in. So this resulted in me getting back to the office at 11.42 am. They close for applications at 11.40 am. I see the officer I had talked to a couple of hours earlier, tell him, I have the paper he asked for, and whether he can accept the application, since he has checked everything already. He then proceeds to laugh in my face, and tell me to come back 1 o´clock. Thought it was rather offensive behaviour by him, but did manage to keep my calm, as I knew getting angry wouldnt help me anything.

    So I wait around untill 1 o´clock, enter the office, now a third immigration officer calls me to his desk, check through all my papers again, even though he acknowledged the fact that his colleague had already done that earlier. He then proceeded to ask further questions about my paperwork and income ( I have nothing to hide, everything is 100% legit), why my wife wasnt with me (she was with me, when we first applied Friday, and was told she did not need to come back), and asking me to sign all the papers (I had signed one copy of all the documents, now he asked for signature on the second pile of papers).

    Finally I get the receipt, wait around, I can see all my papers are checked again (by the boss, I assume). I finally get my passport back, with the comment "you get 30 day stamp. Now lets see if you get more" with a smirk on his face.

    It´s my fourth extension, and I am honestly very surprised by the way I´ve been treated this time. I dress appropriately, I always smile, greet and talk politely. My paperwork is 100% in order according to the law, and I bring all the papers and documents Phuket Immigration ask for in addition to that. My marriage is not fake/proforma, we have 2 kids together (one newborn, that we had to bring first time around). Yet I still feel they did everything they could to find an excuse NOT to accept my application. Maybe they were just trying to make pay more than 1.900 baht, for their "service", but it has never been this obvious before.

    As mentioned I got the under consideration stamp, and was instructed to come back Feb 2nd. However that is a Saturday. Should I then come Friday or Monday? Because I definitely do not dare to miss this date, the way things have been going so far.

  7. Regarding income, I have sent various documents (rental agreement, tax forms, bank statement) to the Danish embassy in BKK, to prove my income. Based on that, they issued a letter, stating/verifying/guaranteeing my income, that I can then give to the immigration officer. I have never been asked for further documents by the immigration officer regarding my income (this is my fourth extension), and they are all in Danish anyway, and doesnt seem to be on the list of required documents, since its all taken care of by my embassy. It is no problem, it took me 2 minutes to make a photocopy of the agreement, as I got home. Just had the feeling, it was a requirement he invented on the spot.

    Regarding the application, yes I applied yesterday, and was then told to get the ID card issue fixed (as well as the rental agreement regarding my income), and come back on the 2nd or 3rd.

    I then asked the officer specifically, what I could do, if I was unable to get a copy of a valid ID card, for the owner, if his wifes would be sufficient. The answer was, that yes it would be sufficient, IF we also made a new contract stating her name on the contract and not his. That the house is registered to him according to the Tabien Baan was not a problem.

    So hopefully I can go in the morning 2nd January, with his wifes papers, and all his good, just want to be one step ahead, if it turns out to be a problem anyway.

    About a paper from the amphur, the owner explained to the staff at the amphur, that I needed it for my visa and was semi-urgent, and whether it could be solved somehow, but they were unable to help.

  8. As this requirement is not a law do not believe expired ID card would have been an issue (it is well known that there is a shortage of materials currently). I would go with what you have on January 2 and fully expect it to be accepted.

    Well, as said it was denied yesterday, and was told to get it fixed and come back on the 2nd or 3rd January. I have always been asked for lease agreement of the house I live in, along with ID card and Tabien baan for the owner.

    Also, my income for the extension is based on renting out an apartment in Copenhagen, and the Danish embassy have issued an income statement based on various documents. The immigration officer then proceeded to ask for a copy of my Danish rental contract for said apartment, no idea what he will use that for.

    Every time, some new made-up rule or requirement.

  9. My current permitted to stay is 3rd jan, which is the third 1-year extension i´ve had.

    Due to recent childbirth and Tabien Baan being sent back and forth to KhonKaen, I wasnt able to go to Phuket immigration untill yesterday, to apply for yet another extension. Unfortunately, the ID card of the owner of the house (they require that along with our lease contract), had expired just the day before, and was now invalid. I got hold of him, and we went to the amphur, but they were unable to issue him a new one, as they had run out of the physical plastic cards, and they were unsure exactly which date they would get a new batch.

    It can most likely be solved by getting a copy of his wifes ID card and making a new contract with her name instead of his.

    Hiwever, if not, will I be able to extend my visa if I come a couple of days late, depending on how soon he can get a new ID card? I understand I will have to pay overstay fees, but thats the least of problems.

  10. I will be applying for an 1-year extension of my visa based on marriage tomorrow Friday, my current permitted to stay is January 3rd 2013.

    I will then be given the "under consideration" stamp, lasting until Feb 3rd.

    What if I would like to leave the country before then? Can I get a re-entry or do I need to wait for my extension to be approved?

    Also, will I need to go on the exact date to get the final stamps, or is there a "window" (Like Feb 3rd +/- a week or similar).

  11. Im looking to buy a sledgehammer, preferably 16 lbs, something like this


    I've been to both HomePro and Homeworks in Phuket Town, no luck. Homeworks had some 10 lbs hammerheads, but no matching handles....

    Have yet to go to Supercheap, but am a bit worried how the quality might be?

    Any other suggestions where to look?

  12. Thanks, I wil go take a look.

    Not sure where the "pig farm smell" is :) About how far from the monument would you estimate it to be?

    Do you know if I would need to make an appointment,or can I just walk in? A local stray cat that have settled in my backyard had kittens recently, so just want a checkup on them.

  13. I´m in the process of getting the paperwork ready for extending my visa based on marriage. I have just received my letter of from my embassy, but am unsure whether I need to have it certifed at the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs? I remember as if I had to do it before, but cant find any "evidence" of doing it.

    My permit to stay expire January 3rd, 2012.I assume I can apply for the extension now, right?

  14. Thank you both for the replies.

    I looked into the Hash House harriers, and thats definitely something I want to give a shot.

    About the dirt trails, if I would have to do some hiking first to get there, that would be no problem, that would just be part of the exercise.

    Guess my biggest worry is to suddenly have some old timer coming at me with a shotgun because I'm trespassing :)

    Is it possible for you to give at least partial directions where to go, regarding the trails you mention? Then I would just do some exploration myself.

  15. Anybody got suggestions for some scenic places to run around Kamala?

    I dont mind taking the bike to Surin or likewise, before starting the run.

    I have yet to find good places to run with soft ground (i.e. not concrete, blacktop, pavement tiles), except the beach.

    So was hoping someboody might have suggestions for some trails/tracks?

    I was thinking there would be some possibilities around Laguna, anybody with experience about that?

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