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Posts posted by phomsanuk

  1. Was there last week, got all the help I need, just ask they're a little shy.

    Got stuck behind a farang, something about a hammer he didn't buy after 10 min confusion.

  2. As long as there is enough foreign currency coming in to Thailand we can print a lot of Baht. Thailand easily lands a billion US$ a month on money sent by Thai living abroad, farang spending a foreign pension or income here and the inccidental girlfriends getting some support. This comes at virtually no expense what soever. On top of that there is, even after the floads, a lot of export that is generated at by now even lower wages than in China. Dream on about a lower Baht, this won't happen any time soon!

    My sentiments exactly.

  3. I beg to differ on that "just" title. All of my dogs have been, as I put it, 100% purebred dog and have displayed none of the health issues, personality issues and genetic problems that many overbred dogs that people seem to think are so valuable have. My dog Scruffy, a gorgeous white fluffy dog, lived to the ripe old age of 16. All of my current dogs are extremely fit, healthy, happy and friendly 11 year old dogs. I expect, unless something catastrophic happens, they will live to at least 16.

    These dogs are supremely adapted to their environment and make great, loyal, loving and healthy pets.

    hear hear! Soi dogs are great. Such loving dogs. All the dogs i had in Australia were from the RSPCA or similar. Smart and loving all of them.

    I look forward to owning a soi dog or two down the track.

    Where/how would you go about getting a puppy & $$$$?

    Do u mean in Thailand?

    Yes, in the Pattaya/Jomtien area.

  4. I beg to differ on that "just" title. All of my dogs have been, as I put it, 100% purebred dog and have displayed none of the health issues, personality issues and genetic problems that many overbred dogs that people seem to think are so valuable have. My dog Scruffy, a gorgeous white fluffy dog, lived to the ripe old age of 16. All of my current dogs are extremely fit, healthy, happy and friendly 11 year old dogs. I expect, unless something catastrophic happens, they will live to at least 16.

    These dogs are supremely adapted to their environment and make great, loyal, loving and healthy pets.

    hear hear! Soi dogs are great. Such loving dogs. All the dogs i had in Australia were from the RSPCA or similar. Smart and loving all of them.

    I look forward to owning a soi dog or two down the track.

    Where/how would you go about getting a puppy & $$$$?

  5. I fixed the URL in the previous post.

    A quick check in the dictionary shows a few words with the loudspeaker symbol, these do include audio which works for me.

    Does your sound work for other sources / websites (try YouTube)?

    Let's try this in the main Technology forum.

    Yes, I know about the symbols and it used to work on explorer but not on firefox or google.

    BTW I.ve tried it on my laptop and PC

  6. [email protected]

    Here are specifications on our Ecobrand mobility scooters. · 4-Wheel Portable Mobility Scooter Maximum Forward Speed: 8.5 km/hr Maximum Reverse Speed: 4.8 km/hr Motor: 300 watt Batteries: 2 x 12v 12ah Range (Average): 16 km Maximum Load: 140 kg Ground Clearance: 40 mm Turning Radius: 120 cm Climbing Capacity: 12 degrees Overall Length: 1.07 m Overall Width: 0.58 m Overall Height: 0.88 m Total Weight: 53 kg Heaviest Piece: 19.5 kg Tires (Front): 2” x 8.5” solid Tires (Rear) 3” x 9.0” solid Colors: Blue & Red Manufacturer: China · Classic Deluxe Mobility Scooter Maximum Forward Speed: 8.5 km/hr Maximum Reverse Speed: 4.8 km/hr Motor: 600 watt Batteries: 2 x 12v 38ah Range (Average): 25 km Maximum Load: 140 kg Ground Clearance: 160 mm Turning Radius: 150 cm Climbing Capacity: 12 degrees Overall Length: 1.78 m Overall Width: 0.68 m Overall Height: 1.20 m Total Weight: 112 kg Tires 13” Colors: Blue & Red Manufacturer: China Please let us know if you need any additional information. Thank you. Best regards, Rob Thompson 081-875-0860

  7. Is it road legal, 3 wheels in page 4 of green book? Tiger Retro is.

    Test vehicle need to be road legal, most samlors are not


    I have a green book with a page 4 all in Thai, seems stamped and signed.. Does that make it legal?

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