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Posts posted by rhino533

  1. OK, I was just reading the requirements for my non imm o extension based on marriage. This is my 9th extension and I always check the requirements every year because they always change. I usually put 400,000 in the bank for 2 months which is no issue but I read something interesting under the financial requirements. Have a look below:

    Have the required financial resources:
    a. Husband of a Thai lady - An average annual income of 40,000 Baht per month or a
    money deposit of not less than 400,000 Baht for the past two months.
    b. Parent(s) - One must have an average annual income of 40,000 Baht per month or a
    money deposit of not less than 400,000 Baht.
    Can anyone tell me if you're parents to a half Thai/foreign child does that mean under "b" that either parent (Thai or not Thai) can show proof of funds of 40,000B a month income? or is it still just the foreigner have to show the funds? If my wife(thai) can show the 40,000B income per month it would save me a lot of time with transfers etc. And what about the 400,000B in the Bank. Can my wife show that instead of me? It doesn't stat a time frame. This info was posted on Oct 2015.
    Does anyone know if there are any changes from last year applying for the Non Imm O extension via spouse? I'm applying in Rayong. Thanks for any info!!
  2. A group of us are going to Singapore for a holiday in the nest few weeks. There will be a mix of Thai and Westerners going and there will be a couple of kids (Thai 11 & 12 yrs old) that coming with us without their parents. Do we need to carry a consent letter from the parents or not? Do the parents have to go to their local Amphur to get the consent letter? Any help would be greatly appreciated. THANKS!!

  3. Living in Thailand for 14 years? Start traveling! Only way to find out.

    Only limitation: If you have to work for a living, obviously you will have to stay where the Jobs are and therefore a good part of Thailand will remain "out of reach" for you.


    Yeah I've lived here for 14 years. I've been all through Thailand but just as a holiday or weekend get away. Not to research a place to live. I have places in mind but just wanted to hear peoples suggestions? I can learn a lot from them. I've never really considered moving from Rayong until now. Work is not an issue.

    Thanks for all the posts!!!!

  4. I've been living in Thailand for the last 14 years. In the past I've lived in Bangkok (6 years) and I'm currently living in Rayong (8 years). I used to love Rayong (still do in parts) but I'm starting to get fed up with it. To many new factories, the odd gas plant explosion, gas leaks, water contamination, and just how busy it is now. I live very near Rayong City. I have a young family and I'm starting to think it's time to move. Somewhere more quiet, better air, has ok schools, I would need to be able to get an ok internet connection, safe and places I can go food shopping. Tesco, Big C etc. I would want to build a house on a big plot of land. Maybe somewhere where the land prices aren't to crazy. I prefer live outside of a town/city not in it. I drive so I'm able to get around. I'm very curious to hear any suggestions from TV members? Where do you think is the best place to live in Thailand? Phetchabun is nice any thoughts? Thanks for any comments!

  5. I've traveled many times now Bangkok to Calgary return with my Thai wife and son. I've booked online and through travel agents. I would go to a travel agent or email one at least and ask them for the cheapest possible flight they can find. Travel agents can get some pretty good deals on decent airlines. The cheapest I ever book was 19,500b incluing tax flying Eva airlines Bangkok to Calgary return through a travel agent. Avoid the states it's a pain in the butt. Lots of choices to choose from without flying through the states. Flying to Montreal will cost more than Calgary of course. My last trip to Calgary was last year and I paid 42,000b. You can always try flying the Europe route to Montreal. Not to sure the price or visas needed for a Thai flying that route.

    Transit Visas are 100% for sure required for a Thai transiting through the States. I've learned the hard way.

  6. I have Family coming from Canada during the Olympics. They really want to watch it on TV or on the internet. I currently don't have satellite TV and I'm thinking of getting it. I don't want TrueVision. I used them for 10 years and finally got fed up and canceled my subscription with them last year. I was wondering if anyone could recommend any other companies out there. Maybe a Sat company that has some good sport channel where we can watch the Olympics when it's on. OR if anyone knows of any good Internet TV sites where we can watch the Olympics. (Pay or Free is fine)

  7. So is this game, set and match to Suthep? All of his demands have been met, after a short but desperate struggle by the government to resist, yet they capitulated every time. Yingluck will cease to be the acting PM imminently, possibly even before the day is out. The situation is very fluid and has been given a shot in the arm by the police sending 50 of the protesters to hospital with gunshot wounds.

    "So is game set and match to Suthep"

    I don't see the police using live fire on this group thins morning, But these thugs most certainly are using live rounds against the police and even murdered one of the police officers, and shot several others, So do you really applaud Suthep as having the "game" through the murder of this police officer???

    Hey " Cobber" ... Can you tell us all where you got that information ?? QUOTE.. ", But these thugs most certainly are using live rounds against the police and even murdered one of the police officers, and shot several others...". Just a simple Link will be ok .. Maybe I've missed some news .....coffee1.gif

    Go to the website of the newspaper were not allowed to mention. (Bangkokp**t) They have an artical there about a policeman being shot and killed today.

  8. I'm looking for English (or both Thai and English) Classified/Buying & Selling websites. I know of a few like the Thai Visa Classifieds, bahtsold.com, craigslist and of course ebay but are there any other good sites simular to these? Are there any good multy language classifeds sites? (Thai and English) I'm not really looking for international sites more just in Thailand and maybe even in Cambodia and neighbouring countries. I've done google searches and found a lot of sites but just want to hear from people here. You may know different sites that I don't. Thanks!!!

  9. My wife's been buying land/houses then reselling it for quite a while now. Pretty much this is how it works out here (Rayong). Anyone who introduces someone to any of my wife's properties she has for sale will receive 3%. That's usually brought up right away to people who seem interested to avoid problems. She sometimes can negotiate the buyer has to pay the 3%. This usually happens when there are more than one person interested in the property or they just really want it. I would say 90% of the time when someone introduces someone to her property she ends up paying the 3%. Brokers can be a pain in the butt and sometimes threatening if they don't get there way. If they call you talk for 1 second then the buyer bypasses the broker. Even if you didn't realize it was a broker you talked with they sometimes try and demand 3 or even 5% (even if they aren't entitled to it.). A lot of time my wife won't pay them if that's the case. She gets so many short useless calls from people about property she has for sale. The 3% commission never gets brought up so the 3% really doesn't have to be paid. There was no verbal agreement. I must say there are a lot of good brokers out there but a ton of cheats/bad brokers too.

  10. So does this mean when I go do my Non Imm O extension (based on marriage + kids) in early December I have to now show 800,000B in the bank for 3 months? This will totally mess me up. I won't be able to show the funds in the bank for the 3 months. The time has already passed. I don't usually keep much money in my personal account only in my joint account and transfer it over a few days before the 2 months time frame. I usually show a lump sum not monthly income. Now this will change everything. It will cause a huge headache at the Imm. What to do?

    This will be my 6th extension. Probably my last (It'll be 1,200,000B needed for a Non Imm O visa before we know it) What's going on?

    No, it does not mean that. The rules for getting an extension of stay have not changed.

    Thank God. Thanks Mario2008 for the reply.

  11. So does this mean when I go do my Non Imm O extension (based on marriage + kids) in early December I have to now show 800,000B in the bank for 3 months? This will totally mess me up. I won't be able to show the funds in the bank for the 3 months. The time has already passed. I don't usually keep much money in my personal account only in my joint account and transfer it over a few days before the 2 months time frame. I usually show a lump sum not monthly income. Now this will change everything. It will cause a huge headache at the Imm. What to do?

    This will be my 6th extension. Probably my last (It'll be 1,200,000B needed for a Non Imm O visa before we know it) What's going on?

  12. My usual year extension is in mid December. My passport expires Aug 2014. So does that mean I need to get a new passport mid November this year to avoid re applying for my extension twice in a year?? Once I get my new passport in November will they transfer the old visa to my new passport without having to re apply? I would still have 8 months before my old passport expired and a month before my visa expired. They should transfer my visa without issue because my old passport didn't expire yet right? What a pain in the A**.

  13. Has anyone had any issues when going through Thai customs at the airport with their infant who is dual citizen? (Thai, Canadian). I have an 9month old son and it will be his first time leaving Thailand. My wife, son and I are going to Canada for a holiday. I'll be presenting his Thai Passport when going through Thai immigration and His Canadian when going through Canadian immigration. My son won't have a Canadian visa because he doesn't need one but will the Thai immigration ask why he doesn't have a visa? Will I have to show his Canadian passport as well as his Thai when going through Thai imm? If I do will there be any issues that he holds 2 passports and dual citizen? Thanks for any info you can give regarding this! Cheers

  14. I have an 8 month old and we are going on a long haul flight to Calgary, Canada in July. This will be his first flight. He's a really good boy and never really causes us any problems but likes to be happily vocal. He's not meaning to disturb anyone he's just happy. I do worry he's going to bother people on the plane. People who say control your children I agree but when he's being happily vocal what do you do. Make him feel he's done something wrong when he hasn't. I agree with a lot of people on here. Before I had children I hated kids on planes but since I've been a parent I understand what parents have to go through now and my opinion has changed a bit. Things like kicking the seats etc I absolutely hate and I’ll let my kids know not to do it but making my child feel he's done something wrong for being happy I don't agree with much. I've talked to my doctor about medication that will calm my child on the plane and she said it was fine for him to take. I'll defiantly bring it with me and use it if needed. I'll see how he is before giving it to him but if he starts bothering people I'll defiantly give him it. Last thing I want is to fight with someone on a plane. I'll stick up for my child every time and I'm sure all parents will. I think they should actually have children’s and parents sections on planes. Maybe at the back of planes and make that area more sound proof.

    In my option drunks are way worse on planes and I have always thought this even before I had children. I totally agree with SantiSuk Some people need to practice a bit more patience and tolerance.

    I do find Asian parents are way too lenient with their children and let them do what ever they want. They never discipline them! Not all but most!

  15. My wife, son and I are going on holidays to Canada for 47days. I'm just wondering if anyone has any recommendations for Insurance Companies that have good Travel Insurance. I usually use Blupa and want to know about other companies available in Thailand. Are they as good as Blupa? Pricing ok? etc. Thanks for any comments!!smile.png

  16. thaivisa should have a section in their forum called "Rare Blood Types" and people can post there blood type and location for when things like this happen. People can track down donors and location of donors easily. I have A- blood and it would be great to know if anyone else in my area (Rayong) has the same blood type just in case of an emergency!

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