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Posts posted by peecee

  1. I just read this on the other world feeds and had a bit of a chuckle. Here it is, 10 days since the disappearance of MH370 and the Thai military just now release their radar traces. When asked why they just released them now, their response was that no one had asked them. Priceless.

    EDIT: As you would expect, the western media is now ripping Thailand a new one for taking so long to release this data.

    They have a radar contact inbound from the Gulf of Thailand which squawks no data (that will pass through its airspace on a track to Penang) but don't scramble a fighter to challenge it, someones in for a bollocking! Maybe loss of face in the Thai Air Force is the reason why it took so long to own up!

  2. The plane did not crash into the sea at any part of the planned route. That route is take by many more planes, plus is searched by planes and ships. A plane that large gives a huge rubble of floating debris, think of 250 seats that are floating, luggage of 250 people, 250 swim vests, many parts of a plane are light weight and will float, so a crash in a frequented part of the South Chinese sea is unlikely, as no debris are found.

    Second option is what the military found but had to withdraw: the plane turned around.

    That means that all searchers are at the wrong place. It was mentioned that it was on the military radar near an island between Malaysia and Indonesia, that is way out of the are where they are searching now. The airforce commander had to take his statement back, but I personnally think he knows more than all officials will admit.

    Another thing: the pilots can switch off the black box signal (I read) and also radar signals. That would leave only ground radar efficient, radar that send a signal and catches reflections. Military have that, not sure about civil radars. It would explain something: military saw more than civil radar.... If this happened the plane could have flown anywhere and landed. Reason why no debris are found yet....

    Just a few thoughts...

    Don't know about 777's but C/B's for the cockpit voice & flight recorder's are not normally accessible to the flight crew, these C/B's would have had to be pulled on the ground.

  3. Sad to see Human Beings Lives and Wild Life lives wasted, because of SPEED. It is my understanding in Thailand, Elephants and Cattle have the Right-of-way.

    I hope Alcohol was not involed. Speed Kills, Speed and Alcohol make it worse. God Bless !!


    I didnt read anything in the article that your god had anything to do with it....

    the first accident is hardly an argument for Thai driver skill bashing as it could have happened in other countries as well (just different animals)

    The second accident is plain stupid from the police to not mark the place properly.

    good to see the elephant gets taken care of (by humans no god) and hope to see it lives another day back on her feet again

    God willing!

  4. Excellent article. Some one in the Nation has finally had the 'balls' to truthfully put it all together and tell it as it is.

    Not quite right; the anti-government protesters are yelling so loudly because they cannot win an election. They had an opportunity to introduce a manifesto that would attract a majority vote but instead chose to go down their well trodden road of screwing up the incumbents administration, hoping the army would step in and place them in office.

    • Like 1
  5. Mango Bob # 4.

    If Khun Abhisit can face the court so can Khun Suthep,

    Indeed true, of course that little comment must also apply to Yingluck and Chalerm, Tharit, Jutaporn, Thida and a host of other characters intent on destroying the unity of Thailand by virtue of using the Red Shirts as cannon fodder and pawns yet again so as the Shinwatra clan can achieve ultimate power and the establishing of a Shinwatra dictatorship.

    There's nothing like sitting on the fence, maybe you could inform us who should be in power following an election?

  6. As the driver died, because of his own fault, will the police charge the electricity post for being there?

    I would charge the car builder, not the post ....

    vehicles, in particular pickups, aren't designed to hit concrete at 150 km/h. A benz/bmw driver would also be dead in such an accident.

    Quite .... ask princess Diana..

    I'm afraid she's not available for comment!

    Thought I'd make just as stupid a remark, by the way; her body guard who was wearing a seat belt did survive.

  7. Seems like money was a motivator - to repay gambling debts - but I would bet a pound to a penny that the bar owner refused to lend his manager the necessary...

    Speculative to say the least; the poor guy may never have known his bar manager had gambling debts and almost certainly didn't know about his violent past!

    • Like 1
  8. An inconsequential comment to this travesty. His name doesn't appear to be Dutch....Looks more English to me, but never mind...Hope they catch the perps.

    A shot-across-the-bow to us inveterate optimists, who think they live in a similarly safe and policed place to what they are accustomed to.

    It is Thai wifey who keeps up the 'alert level' for me....Constantly telling me not to be so trusting of Thai people, which route to take home late at night, never stopping for people seeking a ride, even if they are Monks, etc,. etc.

    I know this is overgeneralizing and not fair to the Thai people as a whole, who treat me with the utmost respect to which I reciprocate in kind.

    If not for warnings from her, I would automatically interact with inquiring Thai's at my front gate, perhaps the same way this person did..........Like the saying goes, "But for the grace of God, there go I".

    His name doesn't appear to be Dutch....Looks more English to me,

    Frederik Franciscus Lelie. about as English as Robin van Persie.


    van Persie's English?

    Ratcatcher didn't say that.

    I know; but to an American who's van Persie? Just how many van P's are English, certain to be quite a few US van P's. I thought it was a bit off speculating wherever he hailed from as he was clearly Dutch, the guy's dead and that's very sad.

  9. An inconsequential comment to this travesty. His name doesn't appear to be Dutch....Looks more English to me, but never mind...Hope they catch the perps.

    A shot-across-the-bow to us inveterate optimists, who think they live in a similarly safe and policed place to what they are accustomed to.

    It is Thai wifey who keeps up the 'alert level' for me....Constantly telling me not to be so trusting of Thai people, which route to take home late at night, never stopping for people seeking a ride, even if they are Monks, etc,. etc.

    I know this is overgeneralizing and not fair to the Thai people as a whole, who treat me with the utmost respect to which I reciprocate in kind.

    If not for warnings from her, I would automatically interact with inquiring Thai's at my front gate, perhaps the same way this person did..........Like the saying goes, "But for the grace of God, there go I".

    His name doesn't appear to be Dutch....Looks more English to me,

    Frederik Franciscus Lelie. about as English as Robin van Persie.


    van Persie's English?

  10. You seem to have no problem supporting the "waste of resources" to investigate Yingluck. Why not Suthep as well? Fair is fair, no? After all he has a history of corruption and the Democrats themselves in a conversation with the US Embassy (see cable leaks) called Suthep one of the most corrupt politicians in Thailand.

    So according to you, someone donated (lost) 1.2 BILLION Baht to support the protests for 4 months get rid of Thaksin.

    Who was it?

    They should investigate Thaksin because without evidence and since this is Thaivisa, I declare that he is behind this protest and the true master of Suthep. He had made billions shorting the stocks of the companies targeted and he also made tons speculating on the Baht's fall. Finally, it has given his henchmen the red shirts the excuse to come out and form a 600,000 strong militia and also to secede and form a northern Shinawatra republic. It's true because I came up with this idea and posted it here without evidence.

    Sounds ridiculous right? Yeah well I'm doing what you're doing and posting crap here without a shred of evidence.

    Who was it who donated the money to fund the protest? Like I said already, the DSI and Chalerm seem to know, why don't you ask them? As I recall, they claim there are over 30 or so companies and individuals. rolleyes.gif

    Doesn't sound ridiculous at all. It's an opinion and a possibility and I respect it. It could very well be that Thaksin is funding Suthep, as you say. After all, all Suthep has achieved is cause damage to the Democrat party, so you ma be right.

    See? No need to insult another person just because he has a different opinion than you.

    Maybe you're right, maybe I am right. Time will tell.

    There's a lot of people who have nothing constructive to offer and so revert to slagging off other TV members just on a difference of opinion! Let's hope this country can resolve it's differences; John Lennon's immortal word's "Give piece a chance" come to mind.

  11. Coup please.

    It is the only thing to put all this nonsense to sleep. There will be a little resistance from the UDD and the reds, but that will soon be put to bed with some targeted arrests made at the higher levels, then the reds sent packing like in 2010.

    Keep all UDD leaders, PTP MPs suspected of corruption including YL and all red shirt leaders locked up in a military prison to be investigated by a special branch of the NACC with swift and harsh sentencing on irrefutable evidence, to serve as a future warning to anyone else wishing to tread a similar path.

    Appoint a neutral PM and cabinet, pay the farmers off via a special budget approval by the constitutional court, and suspend the rice pledging scheme.

    Then we can set about imposing the new reforms to hopefully bring Thailand back down to earth.

    Not the most helpful suggestion, coup's of late have been pretty bloody affairs. I know the rich element of Thai society have a difficult time understanding the democratic process but any other path would be anarchy. The point of an election is to decide on who manages the country and if the losers don't modify their policies to attract voters in the next election then they will continue in the wilderness.

    The fact that Thailand is so prone to coup's is in the power general's have over politicians, a constitution that gives them impunity is bizarre! I remember swearing an oath of allegiance to the Monarch, her government and officers set over me, to break that oath is in my mind treason.

    • Like 1
  12. Another drunken Aussie comes to grief when removed from the nanny state.

    I find it amusing poms love calling Aussies softies when you've been getting owned at sport in recent months tongue.png

    Convicts vs The Poms! Bring it on biggrin.png

    Granted, in recent times the English sports teams have not really excelled at anything (apart from the last Olympics) but surely you cannot be classing cricket as a sport. tongue.png

    70-35 in the two Olympics wasn't it?

  13. Question is this proves that thailand has been controlling them for a long time back in the old days when you were allowed to conquer and take over kingdoms it shows how weak the patani kingdom and the other malay kingdoms were to be under siamese rule more than 100 years ago so why the sudden so called fight for independence. It doesn't truly make any sense after being under thai rule for so long they should have taken on thai nationalistic characteristics.

    Well the Southern Irish were under British rule for around 700 years, they certainly did not take on British 'nationalistic characteristics'. I guess for the same reasons as those who are members of the insurgent/miltant ethnic Malays groups in the deep South.

    So it's the far North to the ethnic Malay's? They will always remain a headache for Thailand until they get autonomy. I don't doubt that a referendum would prefer this as just handing over to Malaysia seems out of the question.

  14. It's not the PM at fault (as so many seem to feel on TV) she won an election and tried to govern, but the crazies of both camps. The reds see their overwhelming election victory's overturned by judges who make it abundantly clear that they back the yellows. This enrages the crazies to take up arms against the innocents, we saw much the same thing after the yellows when in government felt against the wall and started shooting up Bangkok. I just hope both sides can one day accept an elected government to implement a fair constitution and then everyone uphold the rule of law.

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