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Posts posted by peecee

  1. This man (I cannot call him a monk) is disgraceful.

    He is everything bad about Thailand embodied in one person.

    I hate it!

    Has Thaksin become a monk??

    Show me the link to as to where and when he was ordained.

    You are guilty of Sophistry. Look it up

    John Major reignited the use of the word way back at the dispatch box in the House of Commons and was rebuked for unparliamentary language!

  2. The compensation was for the wasted diesel and other costs of getting to the hotel from up-country.

    The police colonel who was called by the hotel even paid the 4,200 baht deposit from his own money, according to other reports!

    Gotta respect that monk for sheer chutzpah! http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/chutzpah

    Can't see what courage is being displayed by a monk acting politically; the monk hood like the monarchy are, or should be, above such things.

  3. No doubt about these scum ,Thailand is in tatters and these low life are still operating , congratulations to the police in there efforts in this field of police work.clap2.gif

    Would like to see the death penalty for people buying these animals and people taking possession of ivory. That is just me.

    No it's not; a lot of people feel very strongly about these scumbags & harsh sentences are what's needed.

  4. I have to admit, it looks impressive with all those tractors. The farmers mean business and I wish them well. Unless you've worked on a rice farm, you would never know just how hard a life it is, let alone worrying about payment after a hard seasons work. They were treated unfairly and enough is enough.

    Our family also work their rice farm & it's a hand to mouth existence. I feel sorry for them in having to vote on a constitution (in order to have an election) that ties the hands of a caretaker government. In my mind any government has to function as a government, no matter if its an interim, caretaker or whatever. To force the people into approving this constitution so as to be able to vote only illustrates the crass stupidity of those who framed it!

    I know a couple of things; our family wouldn't be able to leave the farm & their animals for so long & neither would they be able to afford to spend so much on fuel on a fruitless protest in Bangkok against a government who have their hands tied by this constitution.

  5. I was just curious. Given all the civilian killings the military has been involved in,

    has any soldier ever been convicted of anything and put in prison ??

    A deal was struck back in 2010 not to prosecute the Army or its personnel for anything that happened at that time, but if I remember correctly it also included a provision/agreement that the Army not reveal the identities of the "men in black" that were around at that time.

    and all the times the army and plotters were exempted under an Amnesty. No rioting Dems and PDRC when that deal was struck

    Amnesty... a one way street of protection from prosecution. not applicable to red shirt protestors of Governments.

    What is wrong with you bkkdave 1220?

    Do you have to go to every post spreading lies and propoganda in your vain attempts to make the Dems look bad and the Reds look good. This forum is not about political parties. EVERYONE knows you are a hardcore Red.

    Why dont you try to learn some self control.

    Im not a Red, Yellow, Dem, PTP supporter. So dont try replying your same PTP fed BS to this.

    As for the forum. I believe since the Army is governed and controlled by the King then they would have their own set of rules for this. The men who are being questioned may have acted outside of military channels which woulD be a good reason for the Army to hand them over

    I don't think the King has any more control of the army than any other constitutional Monarch, the army is a law unto it's self in Thailand and has to learn that they are subject to political control. The sceptre of coup's that they wield over this country is abhorrent to democratic principles.

  6. Amazing isn't it.

    A wanted criminal with blood on his hands and pockets full of corrupt palm-oil money vowing to chase a democratically elected (at the last elections) leader of a country.

    A dangerous, deranged rich man insane with power. Sadly supported by those who despise the poor majority, who have sadly ruled the country with their minority up until 10 odd years ago, and are driven insane that the poor have actually been given a voice. sad.png

    I just wish that the government had the balls to put the bastard behind bars! I'm in a "b" mood today!!

  7. Flee? As usual TVF with another red meat posting title. There's no shame in avoiding an angry mob which should be put at a distance in the first place, but this is Thailand. The angry rice farmers ironically standing alongside and in hand with the very reason for their current difficulties in being paid, the PDRC.

    Continues to amaze how the media generally and the haters here on TVF manage to invert a seditious insurrection by illegal actors of a democratically elected government acting in a responsible and genuine manner to maintain the law and the democracy into a cause juste for a gang of criminals and witless advocates of bringing down the entire Thai state down on their own jingoist heads.

    I think many of them are Thai's who pass themselves of as westerners, because who in the west would argue that democracy is a bad thing? It, like capitalism has it's faults; but to advocate a government appointed by the most learned or richest elements of society without recourse to the electorate boarders on fascism.

  8. He is so right, the court seem to forget about the little people who just want to move on with their lives, but are blocked to enter many government officers, face road blocks and some could no even vote because they were blocked by the peaceful protesters.

    and in another topic about the airport you said you wanted the farmers to close down bangkok and the baht to plummet hypocrite to the end its an im alright jack sort of thing for you ...found out again ....crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gifcrazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

    Good memory!

  9. Fair enough! one Foreigner has been caught cheating and got arrested. So when Thais do the same thing it's perfectly acceptable to cheat?

    Double standards and double entrance fees,and now cheating is reserved for Thais only.?

    Stupidest comment sofar this year.

    Not so stupid, Thai's often act in a despicable way when it comes to begging. They buy disabled Cambodian & Burmese children just for the extra worth their disabilities afford the scammers & entrance fees to attractions can be 10x for foreigners! But then again we all know TIT!!

    Get a drivers licenses and pay Thai price, The children are usually part of the Cambodian gang.

    & the Cambodian/Burmese boys & young men promised lucrative jobs who are kidnapped & sold to Thai fishing boats? These poor kids never see land for 10 or more years as the catches are transferred at see, they complain or get sick & it's over the side!!

    There are many more such stories like the maids sold into prostitution or kids even having limbs removed to make them worth more in the begging racket. y brother-in-law is a police inspector and hates how many in law enforcement & government turn blind eyes to their suffering.

  10. Fair enough! one Foreigner has been caught cheating and got arrested. So when Thais do the same thing it's perfectly acceptable to cheat?

    Double standards and double entrance fees,and now cheating is reserved for Thais only.?

    Stupidest comment sofar this year.

    Not so stupid, Thai's often act in a despicable way when it comes to begging. They buy disabled Cambodian & Burmese children just for the extra worth their disabilities afford the scammers & entrance fees to attractions can be 10x for foreigners! But then again we all know TIT!!

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  11. "if successfully held, will pave the way for the opening of the House of Representatives and national reform dictatorship"


    I suppose a country gets what it votes for!

    A lot of western nations are finding it difficult to choose who can lead them out of financial ruin but are still adhering to democratic principles.

    We do not have to go back too long in Europe to remember how the Nazi's gained power in the reichstag without a majority by using bully boy tactics and look what resulted, 50 million plus slaughtered. You aught to well remember that they were helped in the bloodbath by other militaristic nation both east and west.

    So knock elections as much as you want but please propose a better alternative first because I can't.

  12. Excellent ground to sue the government. Their minister's preparing hit lists for their red shirt militants to take out.

    I thought it was the yellow lot that throw the tantrums when they lose elections, invading public property and disrupting every day life. I know there are idiots on both sides as well as many with good intensions, but on balance I think from any impartial observer viewpoint it's the yellows who take the biscuit!

  13. Not really,

    it just means where there's smoke there's fire and they will prosecute.

    Yet you and many others on this board continue to lambast anybody for suggesting

    "where there's smoke there's fire and they will prosecute"

    with respect to abhisit and sutheps murder charges.

    Double standards, surely not.

    another red sheeple trying to compare apples to oranges. If you have a recording of Abisit or Suteb saying 'Go and murder protestors' or you have video of them with guns in THEIR hands shooting at protestors, then the murder thing could be right, then we are talking a bit more similarly. Otherwise it is, as the non brainwashed ( and I use 'brain' loosely in many cases in here ) red sheeple know all a crock of crap designed to strong arm them into agreeing to the bs amnesty bill to save their own hides. Unfortunately for PT those 2 have more integrity than the entire PT gang of crooks and cronies and decided to fight it as they have faith in the democratic system and they know it will be thrown out for lack of evidence. Shame PT and co. keep trying to pervert the system for their own ends...

    Please God help Thailand to stop this endless bickering and sort out all it's problems in a calm & considerate manner so peace & harmony may once again be restored to this green & pleasant land. Get your clergy to emphasize the soothing, gentle, non malevolent approach that their Buddhist faith offers. Give the well off the strength to act unselfish & altruistically for the greater good of their fellow man. But then again TIT!

  14. Wow, a real testament to Thaksin who not only opened the airport in the first place but was right about it becoming a hub.

    I remember how all the haters sccoffed at the airport and made false accusastions about the runway etc.

    So nice to see it doing well and those unlucky enough to fly from Don Muang military base and golf course smile.png can see the difference in attitudes and approach between the 2 sides.

    Well done swampy... An Airport to be proud of.


    You are an A--hole, obviously.

    It's not the place here to detail the long and sorry history of that airport since it was first conceived as a 'possible" new airport as a replacement for Don Mueng back in .... (wait for it ...... 1977).

    The true story of the delays, over costs, corruption, and so on until that airport was finally completed over 10 years later would fill a book.

    As for the 'accusations" about the runway .... it's not a pretty story.... massive corruption and overcharging for shoddy results and emergency "repairs".

    But apparently you weren't here, not paying attention, or are just to stupid to know or see the truth.

    Oh well, that's not the topic here.

    Just go on, living in your cloud cuckoo land, thinking everything is okay.


    How polite we are on TV!

  15. Total admission of the fact that the Coup is dead.

    Long live the weasle Judicial Coup.... 5 rice story of the day is it. Great the media really helping out with the Power grab.

    Won't get away with it though.... its 2 decades out of date doing this!!

    In most normal countries with a real judicial system, the members talking about the case in public like this would automatically have the case thrown out... Which is what needs to happen to this dumb case.

    yes, how dare the courts abide by the laws of thew country and not what the ptp/red shirts tell them to. Thaksin should have been found guilty(as stated by the judge) when he was let off because he was the pm, this time they are not going to make the same mistake. The only ones bitching are the red supporters because it means their demise and that of the ptp, it is great that the courts are finally doing the correct thing, not doing as they are being threatened to do.

    Couldnt happen to a nicer person then ylbah.gif

    How many of the airport invaders & nurse killers are doing time?

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