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Posts posted by Kringle

  1. I have to open this again as I have a hernia operation that I have to get done and am looking to see if I can find any place that I might be able to get it done for a little less money than the "Docs" namesake place.

    I have been doing research through Google and found this site very informative: http://www.hernia.org/ They do NOT suggest the keyhole route at all and state that this can be very problematic. I am very interested in their way of doing this type of operation but cannot do the 1100 pounds plus plus... to go to England and have this done. It does seem that they have been doing it this way for years so I'm hoping that I can get the same proceedure done here.

    On their website, they state that it is done under local anaesthetic and you can leave the hospital the same day and be back to work in a very short period of time.

    Any help would be apreciated.

    Thank you,


  2. I've been getting extremely slow speeds when using the TV Hub and it's supposed to be here in Thailand but it can be as slow as getting something from Torrent sites at times and I thought it was supposed to be fast. Hardly seems worthwhile at times. It's either I'm not doing something right or the people on the Hub are DL from a bunch of sites at the same time which I thought was not supposed to be going on. Wish I could get more info on that also

    Cheers, Kringle

  3. I have not used DC++ but most P2P activity is actively restricted by TRUE to allow other access at reasonable speeds.

    that the truth, alas, but there is still a way to bypass that : change the ports number where the P2P is working.

    I use winmix, and I do that everyday, connnection is just fine , but if I keep the same ports, after 2 or 3 days the speed is about 4 k/sec


    Thanks to all for the info and help. Is there any place here that will give me some help on resizing pics to put on as an avitar and also putting things in my blog?

    Sting01, how do I change the port numbers to get better speed P2P



  4. If you're coming from the US, pick up your Grits there. I get a friend to bring them in for me. He brings me the Quaker Instant kind and on his first trip he brought over some slow cook kind which are good but I prefer the instant. I have offered 2 of the 3 boxes (of the slow cook kind) to Richard but he's not in Bangkok so whenever he gets here he can have those. Grits wouldn't be the same as using corn meal as grits are made from homminy (white corn) not yellow corn.

    If you are looking for corn meal, I have bought it at Bangkok Mission Hospital in there natural food store. I would think you could buy it elsewhere.

  5. I have just changed from a 256 hookup to 512 with True and they tell me that it will take 5 days to accomplish this. I went 2 days ago and just checked my speed and they stat that I am at 253.293. My question is, will I see any real difference in this or is it just a waste of the extra 160 baht a month that it's going to cost me? I download stuff from DC++ and have gotten tired of the slow speeds. I can't do the 2 meg route as it's just not affordable for me and really not that necesary for what I use my computer for. I will be downloading more educational stuff for my daugter and think the 512 will make some difference.

    I also would like to know if there is any section here that I can go to to get info on sizing pics to use as an avitar and for putting pics in my blog. I seem to have a lot of trouble with this and just can't figure it all out.

    Thanks for any help,


  6. PM me with her name and if you have her room number, and I can get my wife to check into the situation and get back to you. Send you email addy also and it'll get done.

    Best I can offer,


  7. Get a friend to bring in your parts for you. I've been very lucky to have a couple of guys from here to help me bring in parts for my 900 Eli and that saved me a bundle. The Thai customs boys will put the value on whatever parts you have shipped in, no matter what receipt you may have or value posted on the packages. From what I've seen here on TV, they will even ask for "tea money" on top of this amount. It can be crazy trying to get stuff into Thailand.

  8. Gotta get the parts for my bike so I can relax a while. Just tired of doing nothing is most of the problem and then just trying to figure out how the heck I'm going to send my girl to school here when even the farang teachers here say the system sucks. Haven't seen any comments from even the teachers here about schools that are good except the ones that cost you like you were in a private all girl or boy school in Europe, England or America. I can't do the 200k a year gig and I'm tired of hearing from the guys on here that have money to burn and think I'm a sod because I survive on my pension. I can't support the whole of my new Thai family and refuse to be an ATM to them. I'm lucky that my wife believes this also but it is still a wall I have to climb. I do live better here than I did in the US but it's still not the easiest to do any kind of biz in. The old saying is the best, "It takes money to make money" and I just don't have enough. :o

  9. If you are in an area that you can get used cooking oil in a decent amount of volume then you can get a machine to produce your own biodiesel. It's not a hard process to do. The main problem is the loss of methanol in the process. There are big plants that can recover up to 90+ percent of the methanol in the processing. I do believe that I read a while back that the Thai government was openning a plant near Chiang Mai but I can't remember all the details. There was also mention then about converting more land to palm oil production also as it yields a lot more oil than most any other plant.

  10. Last week my wife was picking our daughter up from Aksorn school when a pair on a motor-bike rode up, kicked her motor-bike's front wheel so she wobbled, grabbed her (one baht) necklace, punched our eight-year-old in the face and rode off.

    The same day a friend of ours, living in the same road (the one with a fence across the end to keep soi dogs away from a certain member's gateposts) lost a two baht necklace the same way.

    This is the seond necklace my wife has lost this year. She usually wears costume jewellry, but for this one day had a little bit of gold on.

    So, we have police reports, we have insurance, but this is at the bottom end of the excess, so I doubt if I'll bother to claim.

    I am just bloody annoyed with these yobs on motor-bikes.

    Humphrey Bear, I apologise as I didn't mean any kind of dig at you or your misses, sorry if you took it this way.

    BritMaverick, I need to take a break from TV for a while as I have been over the top lately.

    Apologees to most anyway :o Not saying it to all as I still have to retain some kind of self, no matter how bad that may be. :D

  11. Not a dumb reply at all in my opinion. I see so many women AND men out there wearing so much gold it's insane. I've got friends that their wives go out with so much gold on them that it would choke a horse. Is kinda stupid to be riding around on a motorcycle with all of this hanging off of you. I've even heard stories of ladies being robbed in department stores with gold on them. It's a different world out there now and to think that you can flaunt your gold so you look good to other people is just crazy.

    Purely up2u what you do.

    I don't CONDONE any kind of stealing as "loveThailandlongtime" might want you to believe. I've already posted my stupidity on this forum for NOT being aware and I don't think I was ADVETISING that I had a lot of dosh on me when it happened. ALL I was saying is that I think it to be irresponsible to wear a lot of gold and not be in the position to protect yourself.

    I think that MOST people that are on this forum KNOW of the stealing going on in PAttaya and other places by these motorcyle guys, so why not cover your own a$$ and not advertise. Granted a 1 baht chain is not much to you but it sure is to the CRIM. If you can't grab that logic, then I apologise if I made the wrong statement.

  12. I think the crying bit was only because she had to show her face in the bloody news. Too stupid these news boys to put everybodies face in the news. He11 I'm surprised these priks didn't show the kid that got electricuted. That's a bad story of the Thais protecting the rich and not punishing the wrong doers. Not that the girl is rich but why show her face. SICK jounarlism and don't see it getting any better. Why don't they go after the rich guys screwing the people that really make this country work. Rich get richer and the poor get poorer. SAD

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