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Posts posted by Kringle

  1. And I gues NONE of the muslims there know ANYTHING. :D:o Until the muslim leaders and the people themselves start doing anything about this, then I blame all of the muslims. It's up to them to do something for a change and stop just sitting back and saying: Oh it's so sad and it's not all of us but you deserved it or asked for it to happen.

  2. They're just dreams, don't try and read too much into them or you will make yourself more crazy than you already are. Dammm if ALL my dreams meant something that was going to happen or had some significant meaning, I would have either been dead or having the best sex in the world. Go here if you feel you must:


    Seems to me people worry too much about BS stuff. I think people are crazier because all these "supposed experts" are telling people this means this and that means that. Live a good life and don't worry about the small stuff, dammm, they're only dreams.

    dream Audio pronunciation of "dreams" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (drm)


    1. A series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.

    2. A daydream; a reverie.

    3. A state of abstraction; a trance.

    4. A wild fancy or hope.

    5. A condition or achievement that is longed for; an aspiration: a dream of owning their own business.

    6. One that is exceptionally gratifying, excellent, or beautiful: Our new car runs like a dream.

    v. dreamed, or dreamt (drmt) dream·ing, dreams

    v. intr.

    1. To experience a dream in sleep: dreamed of meeting an old friend.

    2. To daydream.

    3. To have a deep aspiration: dreaming of a world at peace.

    4. To regard something as feasible or practical: I wouldn't dream of trick skiing on icy slopes.

    v. tr.

    1. To experience a dream of while asleep: Did it storm last night, or did I dream it?

    2. To conceive of; imagine.

    3. To pass (time) idly or in reverie.

    Phrasal Verbs:

    dream on Informal

    Used in the imperative to indicate that a statement or suggestion is improbable or unrealistic.

    dream up

    To invent; concoct: dreamed up a plan to corner the market.

  3. It's a "normal" procedure in some areas when applying for a one year extension based on marriage to a Thai citizen.

    George, you can't really believe they are going to ask "How much gold you have" and other BS sh1t like this. I went to the site Ray23 mentioned and the original post came from Dakoda but why isn't he just posting a copy of this form. Sounds too crazy even for Thailand to do something like this. None of their frickin biz what I have or what I give to my wife, money or gold. Way too many unanswered questions and I don't believe it's real. :o:D bobo

  4. Udon,

    Ben is trying to ship his household goods from here in Thailand back to the UK and doubt there would be any TEA MONEY involved there. Has to be someone on here that has done this.

    Ben, Glad you like my new avitar. Reminds me of an island in Hawaii and just couldn't pass it up. Should last on here as I can't see anything wrong with an island pic. :D:o:D

  5. My friend hasn't checked witht the companies listed above but was quoted by a UK firm saying it would be 370K Baht to ship all his household goods. This can't be right can it? There has to be someone on here that has doen this before. What was your experience with this? Any help is great.



  6. I have AVG free and it has the following trojan quarenteened (spelling) and I want to get rid of it. How do I do this?

    Trojan Horse dropper.agent.8.b


    Backup copy


    thanks for any help.


  7. I've found a nebulizer at the small clinic I go to here in Bangbuathong for about 2000 baht. I then took the booklet that they let me use to my daughters doctor at Mission Hospital and he said that the price was very good but that I didn't need to buy it at this time as my daughter is getting better (I'm so glad). Her doctor wants to know where the clinic is getting them so he can tell the parents of his patients because the cheapest price he has is 3200 baht.

    If anyone needs the number to this clinic, just send me a pm and I'll send it to you with the doctors name. He speaks reasonable English and a nice person. If you would like the name of a very good pediatrition at Mission Hospital, I can also send that info. He is a great guy and has even called to check on our daughter when she has been having troubles.

    Thanks again to all,


  8. Update: I have found 2 models of the Medel brand nebulizer here in Thailand but from the one user manual that I looked at it seems to have so many user warnings that I wonder if it's safe to use. It says that it's made in Italy but when I spoe to the Doctor that was showing it to me, he says it's manufactured in Taiwan.

    Does anyone have experience with using this brand?

    I'm still looking for this and would really like to find a humidifier also.

    Thank you,


  9. I have a friend in the UK that is trying to find a shipper to handle his household goods. How much would it cost to send a container load 20-40 foot size. I would guess he could maybe fill the 20 footer. This would be from his house in Bang Bua Thong (Nonthaburi province) to the UK.

    He has:

    2 beds plus clothes cabinets for each and and 2 dressers.

    1 big screen tele and one 27 incher

    7 piece dining set

    1 large dish cabinet

    Loads of dishes 90% wrapped and boxed already

    1 outside table with 4 bench style seats

    1 wooden outside swing

    1 4 foot long fish tank with metal stand

    10 assorted flower pots some with stands

    If any more information is reqired, please let me know and I will find out. Any help anyone can supply would be great.

    Thank you,


  10. I need to find a nebulizer and or humidifier for my daughter as she has bronchitis and this was suggested by her doctor. He said they (nebulizer) were expensive but I have no idea what figure he was talking about. I am also looking for a humidifier that can except medication in with the water or saline solution I might have to use.

    Thanks for any help,


  11. Some of you people amaze me with your comments when you don't know sh1t. The doctor said it was most likely from a viagra overdose but an autopsy would still have to be performed. You lot don't know what the stomach meds were or if it was genuine viagra or what, and you're making all your own minds up of what happened. The Thai autorities have contacted his embassy and everything seems to be above board so far, so shut up with your stupid comments.

    The man is dead and that is sad. I'm sure his family wouldn't be too happy to read the drible you are posting. My condolences to his family and friends.

  12. Go here for the definition of detritus:


    if she considers that the most of us are this:

    "Disintegrated or eroded matter: the detritus of past civilizations."

    de·tri·tus (d-trts)

    n. pl. detritus

    Loose matter resulting from the wearing away or disintegration of a tissue or substance.

    I would take this to mean that she considers most of us as worn away old guys of no use like old skin, what a sad thought as I think the majority of the guys and gals here are pretty level headed. Go figure....

  13. I hope the op is going to look at the translation after all your work Bambi!

    Rest assured that I am looking at the great work she has done. I wish to thank her very much for this help. I also wish to thank you Neeranam for your help in this. It turned out great and couldn't be happier with the results. It did turn out that they use sea bass instead of snapper but that's no biggy.

    I owe some drinks at the next party at least. :o:D

    Thanks again to the fantastic Bambi and to the ever helpful Neeranam. We are all lucky to have people like this to help. :D:D



  14. Hopefully I can get some help here as I have tried to use the Thai2english website but just can't seem to get it in to be translqated. I go to this resturaunt quite a bit and would like to help them to get their menu translated into English. THis will also help me so I can order stuff that I don't know how to say in Thai. I have already explained the English mistakes on their menu so just need help with all the Thai portion. Thanks for any help you can provide.

    Chok Dee,


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