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Posts posted by onnut

  1. what is it with these tip threads?

    I had a foot massage in Pattaya last night, cost 200 baht. I tipped the girl 200 baht. so what............. she was happy and needs the money. plus she was cute.

    everytime I get a hair cut I tip 200 baht, it garantees me a seat and great service even if they are busy. so my hair cuts cost me including tip 400 baht, its 5 times that in the UK.

    ahhh wellll, it makes em happy. funny though, I wouldnt tip a bloke that much.

  2. Why feel pity for the guy? He's scum.

    It's pretty easy to stay out of Thai prisons you know.

    I happen to know Colin, he is not scum.

    he was ripped off a lot of cash and wanted it back. Thai police would not help him so he took the law into his hands.

    A guy died in a fight, that could happen to anyone of us. It does not make us scum.

  3. Thats the thing, what is the limit, they have a sign saying 80KPH which I think is very slow for a large highway like that. I think in future I will just take it easy until I have past the toll gates then let rip..... oh yeah, and next time I get stopped which will happen soon I will say I have left my licence at home. I dont mind paying tea money, but points................

  4. I was doing 130 kph and saw some coppers hiding behind the wall of the slip road on the tollway, so new I had been clocked. when I got to the tollway entrance I was told to pull over and told to go and see some coppers outside there office area.

    they with held my Thai license and told me I would have to drive to the police station to collect it the next day. they would not take any money off me, I tried to give them 500 and they said no.

    anyway, a couple of days later I collected my licences or tried to, I was told to come back in 15 days time to collect it. I had a 500 baht fine and 30 points on the license. we start with 60 points, so thats not good.

    I wont be speeding anymore, at least trying not to.

    mind yourselves, maybe they are getting strict now. or could it be because of the upcomming elections? Ive never heard of anyone getting points over here. bad luck for me.....

  5. Spiders scare the h-ll out of me, big ones or small ones, dunno why, ive never been bitten.

    one day i was in my office and was going through my desk and a hugh brown spider ran over the back of my hand, wooohhaaa, I ran out of the room like you couldnt imagine. anyway, one of my staff laughed and said they dont hurt and went in to find it. a little later even he came running out of the office. dont know what it was.

    it freaked us all out.........

  6. I like the girls trying to look Hi-So, gives me something good to look at when I have to do the shopping. I think they look cute in there little shorts.. and I am sure they have something to say about your dress sense, but the wouldnt because they are polite.

  7. Not every Thai wife is bad, sure there seem to be plenty of them but look at the farangs that marry them.

    I have plenty of friends that have lovely wifes and girlfriends, I myself am lucky to have one.

    I have also bought a large 5 bedroom house for us to live in, my wife is pregnant and we are both very happy. my wifes sister lives with us but I hardly ever see her so no problems there.

    we have been married 2 years and known each other for nearly 5 and I am 100% certain that we have a good chance to last the course.

    My wife has a good job, her parents are good kind people and dont ask for money.

    so for sure, farang can meet and marry great Thai girls, it does happen.

    why cant we start a thread about good Thai farang relationships? I am sure I am not the only one that has a great wife over here.

  8. I ordered a chili dog in Mikes on Silom, it was terrible, I could not eat it. my mate was stunned at the cra-p they served us and he really has a bad diet.

    I am glad its closed down, because they would of ended up killing someone with poisoning sooner or later.

    anyway, I have heard a new bar will open up there, not sure how true it is though.

  9. Some of the Chinese girls in Singapore are a little bit the same - daddy's girls but i think more so in Thailand.

    In Thailand there were always more of the 30 something's in the office with cartoons and fluffy toys together with other shit all around their PC's and desk - it used to make me laugh.

    Yeah, Some girls are very immature over here, the guys can be worse.

    my misses had to be home early, she was 28 at that time, now we are married so no problem.

    and to the OP, mate, everyone has a bad relationship at some point in there lives, get over it and try again.

    bit dumb buying house and car for her though.

  10. Nothing wrong with the hygiene at the salad bar.

    They put a chemical on some of the food in the salad bar to keep it fresh, but it makes a small number of people with weak stomachs feel ill. Most people have no reaction at all. :D

    that is the biggest load of tosh I ever heard :o , they spray the crops sure, but sizzler dont spray there salad bar.

  11. most beer promotion girls I know are at university and trying to pay there way. most of them do the job because it pays very well, and it helps improve there English. the ones I know are not bad girls, I think all of em would like a farang boyfriend.

    sounds like your one has already met hers, relax and see where it goes.

    by the way, my wife is from Isan, and she is lovely, and certainly not a bad girl, so I dont know where you get that from.

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