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Posts posted by onnut

  1. if you were driving down the road and right in front of you some guy drives out accross the road on the wrong side on a motorbike and gets driven over buy a dump truck would you stop to help. the guy on the bike ended up being a 20 metre skid mark, nothing left of him, so for sure he was a gonna.

    I slowed down and was about to stop but then chose to drive on as I saw the truck driver himself running across the field.

    My stomach still turns when I think of it. this happened out side Pattaya on the way to Bangkok on one of the roads that are makeshift while the highway is being constructed.

    the reason why I drove on was because I can remember my wife saying I should not stop if I saw an accident because I could end up getting the blame somehow.

    another time when driving to Pattaya from Bangkok I passed a dead guy in the road that had just been hit, this time the person who hit him was on the phone calling insurance by the looks of it. I nearly stopped then, but was told to keep going by my passenger (a Farang) because of the same reason.

    Makes me feel terrible to drive on and leave that there.

  2. I was in the vets last week and they had a poster on the wall showing the types of worm dogs suffer from and I am sure this is one of them because of the shape it's head (or butt) is very strange and it just rings a bell seeing that picture.

    Dont quote me on it but I am nearly sure anyway.

  3. I hold hands with my wife, whats wrong with that.

    I have even seen English girls hold hands with their partners.

    I dont see what the problem is.

    why dont you just concentrate on your relationship and let others concentrate on theres.

  4. Eat the same food for too long, you will eventually become sick of it.

    Ditto staying in the same place too long. Try and treat yourself to a bit of a holiday somewhere else. Maybe that will change your perception.

    Yeah, try the UK for a week or two! you will soon be glad you are living in Thailand again.

  5. Ikea is cheap and tacky.

    I bought a complete set of bedroom furniture from a Thai firm that was hand made to my wishes and it was great and looks great. it took them three weeks to make and cost less then 80K this stuff will last years.

    with Ikea stuff you have to be gentle when opening cupboard doors because they are easy to fall off. and it all looks the same. I am glad they are not coming to Thailand.

  6. LOL ! :o

    I have just done the same thing to my brothers phone. I made a recording of my own voice leaving an obscene & weird sounding message for the ring tone. Then I waited until he had a doctors appointment and called his phone while he was there

    BRILLIANT, if I do say so myself

    great stuff, thats right up street. I used to record farts and put them on my mates phones. ha ha :D

  7. I just saw Sky News, some guy in England was clocked Doing 172 MPH in a Porsche.... :D

    102 MPH over the speed limit!!! :o

    He got 10 weeks in Jail and a 3 years driving ban. :D

    I wonder what would happen for the same offense in Thailand?

    Probably 500 Baht tea money, a Salute and a smile from the Policeman and off you'd go. :D

    yeah, I read that. It was not his Porsch as well.

    I have sped, still do sometimes. but the most I ever done is about 210KPH I think that is about 130MPH. I could not imagine going 172MPH though, thats nuts.

  8. I am trying to find out how much it SHOULD cost to have a 2006 Toyota Vios, repainted with a new color, from black to red. It seems some bonehead apparently shook up a can of Coca-cola and sprayed the car. At least thats what I suspect.

    My Thai wife has checked a couple of places. One was the dealer: 70,000 baht. Some other place (not sure where) says 30,000-32000 bht. I know that changing the original color up's the paint job price, but can anyone tell me what is a realistic price to pay and maybe a shop in or near BKK to have it done?

    We are trying to avoid useing the insurance company as we have used them twice since the car was bought already. Once for a couple of scrapes, and once for an accident.

    Thanks for any help.

    wow I never knew coke could do that to car paint...

    I check at the honda garrage in ekemai about a full respray and it was around 50k another colour also.

    and why not get it done on insurance? you have paid for it. plus dont forget that you will need to change all the papers for the car as well. was black now red, that will probably cost you also.

  9. My poor dog is covered in ticks, some of them are massive.

    we normally had to get rid of 1 or 2 over a couple weeks period, but today I came home and noticed he was covered. all in all I removed 25 ticks then gave him a good bath again. yesterday I gave him a bath and he had no ticks whatsoever. I cant believe this happened so fast.

    Needless to say, My garden must be a right haven for ticks, is this something pestcontrol can fix or is there something else I can do?

    I will be taking my boy to the Vets first thing to get him checked over and also collect some medication. Is there anything that anyone can recomend please.

    its a male Bulldog, he is 1 1/2 years old and weighs around 25kg.

  10. Funny...I think you'd be crazy to put your life in the hands of the average Thai driver. Have you seen the way many Thais drive? I trust my driving and judgment on the road better.

    But would defer any direct liability. Never forget the one incontrovertible law of Thai accidents that whatever vehicle the farang is driving, that one is to blame regardless of what actually happened.

    I have had two idiots drive into the side of me while trying to change lanes, both times there fault and both times they paid or there insurance did. so I do not believe that the Farang is always to blame.

  11. Actually it's a pretty well established fact. Besides t Civis has lots of other goodies like traction control not available in competition There's also special trim for 2l - white with black interior. Two tiered instrument panes with blue lights is also stunning.

    Outside Mazda is still in a different class. Civic's rear end is the ugliest butt around, and those 2.0l big red letters are completely out of style.

    I like Mazda on the outside aswell. I like the hatchback type cars. Audi A3 Sportback is one of my favourite cars. But the price here make it out my leauge so far.

    Inside the Honda look great. The quality of the interior is similar to some German cars.

    Today i'm going to the show room on Ekkamai . I've booked test drive. :o

    Good on you mate, I think you will like it. let us know.

  12. Irish XChange, when it reopens :o

    The Xchange is Dead, Long Live Molly Malones.

    and it still has the best pub grub in Town

    Is that the new name?

    IS it now owned by the same people from Singapore?

    Will Mark still be running it?


    The same guys who own Mollys in Phuket have taken it over. and Mark is still there.

  13. The Dubliner gets my vote. Im told it won an award in the 'Best Pub and Restaurant' category from the Bangkok entertainment and dining magazine too. So I guess it has has some other fans as well.

    yeah, They paid good money for that award. :o

  14. Step on the gas because it is to risky to stop,.....???? you poof.

    the most important thing is keep calm, I lost my temper and the guy called two friends of his who really wanted to give a farrang a pasting. luckely for me I had two bigger Thai mates to help me out of it.

    really, no matter what happens whos fault just stay calm and ring you're insurance. if you dont have insurance then you are a TW-T. Driving in Thailand is hard work, you need all the help you can get, make sure you are fully covered and have the right paper work.

  15. Well, Thailand Time Out certainly got very annoyed with one bunch of Scallywags who have started YET ANOTHER sub par Eng Lang mag (is there any other kind?) with amazingly similar initials.

    Who said Big Chilli was good? Come on, own up.

    Maaaaaaate, whats wrong with the Big Chili? I like it and think it is the only one worth reading. there is a lot of cr-p out there.

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