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  1. Death In Paradise is back but the traditional whitey detective has been replaced by one who is not, par for the course nowadays, and apparently Selwyn is getting the push because of budgeting costs!
  2. Apparently Musk's Grok 3 is a big step beyond what we have seen so far. Have used Grok 2 and it is good. hoping to try Grok 3 in the next day or two. But it does seem quite scary with rapid growth and moving in to the unknown with Super Intelligence , Living Intelligence etc which is something else again!
  3. Out There- Martin Clunes (Doc Martin) Episode one a little slow but getting to know the characters, episode two warming up, episode three takes off! Will be watching the remaining. episodes tomorrow
  4. He does have a desirable beachside property coming available although I think Gaza might be a leap too far for Thailand.
  5. The Lost Women Spies - very good docudrama from Sky History. https://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/female-ww2-spy-betrayed-double-34451731
  6. Managed almost 15 minutes dreadful total rip off of House, the black Watson and the Fagin character don't help. But simply my opinion.
  7. Seems weird to get some "whatever" putting up a laughing Emojy, takes all sorts I guess and they are certainly on AN! I watch live golf and Rugby which I like. Apps that provide access to Aussie football , cricket , American baseball etc. for those with other preferences Watch most of the new movies, documentaries ,TV shows etc. Basically everything the average person would want to watch. Currently TX6 783 baht on Lazada No additional costs. Now that is really funny!
  8. Been using a TX6 from Lazada about 800 baht for sometime get all we need with the addition of the apps that meet or requirements.
  9. Aren't there schools here who teach Thai Massage to foreigners, even get extensions of stay for it?
  10. Wonder if Musk and his geeks will expose all the naughties the Republicans have been up to as well with USAID, after all Trump was President for 4 years already and he and cronies will have been sure to be have been partaking of the pie not just Democrats!
  11. "From 2009 to 2019, USAID partnered with EcoHealth Alliance on the PREDICT program, which identified 1,200 new viruses, trained 5,000 people globally in disease detection, and enhanced 60 research labs. This partnership provided the CIA with a direct channel for embedding human assets within biological research facilities worldwide in exchange for funding and technology transfers." When was Trump President first time around? I see Rubio is now in charge of USAID!
  12. New series called Watson after Holmes death that wasn't. Not likely to watch it as Watson has changed colour am I wrong to think like that? Apparently it is being compared to House! Maybe one episode to check it out!
  13. Apparently there is a reason why such posts are allowed but I can't remember what it was!
  14. Apparently the word "fight" was misconstrued. Didn't someone else use it recently? "Fight Fight Fight"

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