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  1. No surprise here. Orban is a dictator. Another Putin puppet and a thorn in the side of the EU.
  2. Used to be the Good View in Mae Hia which changed to The View for obvious reasons. Much prefer it to the riverside one. The View is loud and ostentatious, very party atmosphere. Some dishes are good some so so. Plenty of entertainment predominately Thai style can get very busy. Great fun if you have guests from overseas.
  3. They will end up with something nearer to this: Singapore requires citizens and permanent residents to pay an entry fee to enter casinos. As of 2019, the daily entry fee for locals is SGD 150, valid for 6 hours from the time of purchase. Additionally, locals can opt for an annual entry fee of SGD 3,000, which also allows for a maximum of 6 hours of casino access per day. Foreign visitors, however, do not need to pay an entry fee to enter the casinos.
  4. Can still see Doi Suthep so definitely better this year.
  5. Using it for sometime but recently been suffering from metallic mouth tried multiple "cures" mouth washes etc but thought Lispril may be the problem. Have consulted with doctors and dentists but no real success. Been worse since a bad case of Covid last year, any recommendations?
  6. So you read the last sentence and decided to comment on that?
  7. The man has very serious problems and is now probably a danger to himself and America. That video is pretty much disgusting and if you are commenting without seeing it don't. See it first and then decide. And probably created by one of Musk's child geeks and posted by Trump. Mitigating factor, his account may have been hacked but unlikely.
  8. Cuts Overseas Aid Does that mean our pensions won't get the index linked increase again?
  9. My post is 4 years old!
  10. Don't have a good day! Bye.
  11. Oh dear I was a little incorrect feel better now? Whatever-It works it is great, almost perfect
  12. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/mini-pc-8g-hp-elitedesk-800-g1-dm-i5-4590-ram-8gb-hdd-320gb-i3852938777-s14709882267.html?c=&channelLpJumpArgs=&clickTrackInfo=query%3AMINI%2BPC%2B8G%2B%2BHP%2BElite%2BDesk%2B800%2BG1%2BDM%2Bi5-4590%2BRAM%2B8GB%2BHDD%2B320GB%3Bnid%3A3852938777%3Bsrc%3ALazadaMainSrp%3Brn%3A6c8f3c2aca1157d062404646e4dd4b9c%3Bregion%3Ath%3Bsku%3A3852938777_TH%3Bprice%3A2651.76%3Bclient%3Adesktop%3Bsupplier_id%3A100182660%3Bbiz_source%3Ah5_hp%3Bslot%3A0%3Butlog_bucket_id%3A470687%3Basc_category_id%3A9670%3Bitem_id%3A3852938777%3Bsku_id%3A14709882267%3Bshop_id%3A208897%3BtemplateInfo%3A107882_D_E%231104_L%23116176_A0%23-1_A3_C%23&freeshipping=1&fs_ab=2&fuse_fs=&lang=en&location=Bangkok&price=2651.76&priceCompare=skuId%3A14709882267%3Bsource%3Alazada-search-voucher%3Bsn%3A6c8f3c2aca1157d062404646e4dd4b9c%3BoriginPrice%3A265176%3BdisplayPrice%3A265176%3BsinglePromotionId%3A900000047616220%3BsingleToolCode%3ApromPrice%3BvoucherPricePlugin%3A0%3Btimestamp%3A1740448030747&ratingscore=4.5&request_id=6c8f3c2aca1157d062404646e4dd4b9c&review=26&sale=75&search=1&source=search&spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.0&stock=1
  13. No, why would you assume that?
  14. Any list will be heavily redacted but it will still be nothing more than a list. The real information is probably well protected by Maxwell, maybe why she is still alive.
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