Three weeks had a young Thai guy on a motorcycle rip off the rear right side of my bumper whilst he was dodging in and out of traffic at high speed as they do.
He was very lucky sustaining cuts and grazes. No helmet, flip flops, no insurance, no ID but he was wearing a mask!
Police on the scene quickly, motorcyclist was whipped away by one of "those" ambulances. My ID was taken from me by a senior police offer who had decided to come to the scene of a minor traffic accident and I was told to go to the local police station to see him and make another statement after the insurance guy had evaluated the scene. The "local" police station was 15 miles away!
Arrived at the police station with the insurance assessor and went in to the office of the senior police officer. The insurance assessor pointed out to the officer that my car was absolutely straight in the lane and that my car was stationary waiting in traffic when hit by the motorcyclist, in addition I had front and rear cameras.
Then I went home and prepared to get the car fixed.