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Everything posted by Thailand

  1. If they mean 20,000 non Thai's but mostly not tourists then that would be believable.
  2. He does own most of the farms (along with) so I guess there is another incentive for him.
  3. So, 14 groups of 6 to get stuck behind at Artitaya, Inthanon and the Gassan Courses. Guessing the prices will have leapt up accordingly.
  4. Did not know knowledge of Thai was necessary to operate a laptop and apply for the Thailand Pass.
  5. Nothing wrong with this site. It clearly states that it is not the official site for obtaining the Thailand Pass" on at least 3 occassions and clearly links to the actual government website. Just smart business. ThailandPass .com has a "coming soon" on the site so more competition.
  6. The 200 missing will be those military persons with jobs for life perhaps?
  7. The chance to swap a military + backed government for a military + backed government.
  8. Another committee, another burning season almost upon us as the rains cease. More talk and little action as usual. Thailand, Low season, high season, burning season!
  9. I guess they are not involved with the 90 day online website as it seems to be working!
  10. "But those who came were complaining that there were only two staff in the whole airport doing checks." But in the picture I see only 2 tourists and 3 staff?
  11. Zero in Chiangmai from another thread. Even the taxi driver I used this morning thinks 2 more years for any significant increase in tourists.
  12. So 32 Thai's returning home plus 11 others. I am guessing six are the Japanese golfers that I get stuck behind every year.
  13. 1 to 2 years according to friends in Beijing and Xian. Still 3 weeks quarantine on return in most places.
  14. Went shopping yesterday so as to avoid the throngs of tourists arriving today.
  15. Why would you be concerned about 90 days if submitting from the UK?
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