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  1. It all depends on how strong your committee is. Mine is a one voice, one vote and I have been revamping the building in two years ( first time anything, but changing the bulbs in the lobby, had been done) . One just needs a majority of the votes from the co-owners attending the second call.
  2. Well, that is not related to my query but thanks for your input
  3. Hey everyone Reviving this thread to ask a legal question The above cited difficult co-owner is filing lawsuit after lawsuit against me personally and the Committee. It is fine by me but the point is that he is accusing me of having commanded the breaking of his car, stolen from the co-owners .... This is ok because his lies will easily be proven but the lawyers say that no defamation case may be brought against him because his claims are only known by the court and this guy has carefully not spread it In short no witnesses to whom he would have talked. My question: is there a law somewhere in the Thai legal system to convict such false accusations or prevent this from filing again ? I am kind of tired of this troublemaker who wakes up and has nothing better to do but to file lawsuit based on his fantasy, notwithstanding the fact that he files with the civil court, hence he has no expense nor conviction whereas we have to pay the lawyers.and waste my time Thanks for any insight
  4. And how the kind of credit cards and their spending limit are of anybody's concern ?
  5. well ...decision of the general assembly ....he should have contested within a month of the vote which he has not ... furthemore there is no colour change ,,, just refreshing
  6. As a matter of fact he has held hostage the previous committee (since 1990 ...until I took over and hopefully we will win but he is so sneaky that he confuses the courts (at least tries to) by mixing all events and twisting the facts After two years, he made a mistake and I am serving him a taste of his own medicine by suing him for defamation It must be noted that we have hired an excellent legal team even though our income is quite low ... it is worth it
  7. He is Thai and he has been suing the committee (and me in particular, which I could not care less ) so many times that I have lost count, threatening the Police and even the judges , forcing the Committee to plan a special decision on top of the general decisions On going cases for a couple of years already, finding ways to delay their courses and defy everybody The only one in the building...it is his way of life
  8. yep you are talking about the condominium act or the internal regulations ? actually that is my question: to whom the external walls belong ?
  9. Exactly my response ( for the first part 😊 but I was told by a lawyer on the team that the definition of the common area is the parts susceptible to be used by everyone that does confuse me The balcony, ok but the walls on either side of is unit ?
  10. Good morning Thank you for taking the time to read my question: The painting of a 22 story building has been voted by the General Assembly and will start soon. One ( malicious) co-owner is trying to stop the Juristic from doing it and… forbids the workers to paint the eternal walls I surrounding his flat Result: the outside wall of 191 flats will be painted and one flat will not be ….leaving a dirty stain on the face of the building Can this person stop us fro m painting ( from the outside ) ? If he can, is it possible ro sue him for damaging the image of the building ? thanks ( kindly comment on the legal approach of this matter and refrain from commenting the behaviour of the parties involved) have a great day
  11. Cheapest way ? But what on earth are you talking about ? I confirm ....I am not the dumb one here .. Dickie... right ? It figures
  12. Thanks you Still not clear Don't worry ... I will try again and if not successful I will make a visa run...Less bothersome than a trip to Chaeng Wattana in Bangkok
  13. Sorry I might have not been clear. I have registered the property and everything is in order. But what I have not been able to do is to 'declare" the guest (me) and I cannot access the guests I have recorded earlier
  14. Thanks No I am in Bangkok I will get out of the country then as it bothers me to go to the immigration and waste my time there
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