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Everything posted by alyx

  1. The best way is to get married abroad in person or/and get married via Internet in the US. Then register your marriage. I am not a US citizens but there are plenty of forums about this and, heterosexual or not, the cases are treated the same way ( FYI I got married both ways ( and I am not a US citizen) , first time during COVID, second time a couple of years later.... two countries in Europe are not as difficult as the others whatever the nationalities and the residency status)
  2. That is correct and not correct at the same time. If death happens at the hospital and he is registered as the caretaker, then he will get the death certificate. If he is not, he may ask the certificate from the caretaker. Now, if he were "only" your boyfriend, he would have no right whatsoever, and that would be difficult/impossible to get any documents related to such an event. If you are married abroad, it is another matter. Thai Government agencies tend to be lenient when they see a mariage certificate. Of course, not knowing your personal situation, difficult to answer correctly. That being said, it is an Australian matter rather than a Thai one. The Australian Embassy will be informed of that death in any case. I guess the difficult part for your boyfriend will be to reach out to the Australian court or attorney and/or to go there to claim what you will have left him, nothing to do really with him holding the death certificate but it would make things smoother
  3. But...But....he is not a physician as far as I know
  4. When trapped, for any reason, the rescue is always too slow, too long. It is always very easy to point fingers especially when no details is provided.
  5. They are looking at the money you are making abroad.What yiu could make here is peanuts in comparison...they have it both ways, you see From the orignal picture. they are not looking for white collars either : )
  6. I'll tell you next year ... So far I am still up to it ????
  7. And...17 years ago there were only 2000 of us ....and for 17 years I have been hearing the same critics...the same attacks on the members...and listening to the same doomed predictions
  8. with five-year extensions, each at a mere 10 per cent of the Reserve card’s current value Maybe your eyes missed that one And "for yearly extension" is not written anywhere It means that these members will have to pay 500k to get a 5 year extension. An average of 100K per year if you prefer
  9. Holders of the Reserve Card can keep the good times rolling with five-year extensions, each at a mere 10 per cent of the Reserve card’s current value when they decide to extend.
  10. Ok...that is theft but what is it called when MEA Thailand send a letter to my home stating that my metre is not working properly therefore they charge me an estimate for the last three months..... whereas nobody has been home since may and the main was shut. When contacted, proof in hand, they replied that they will not refund but will put the difference on the next bill: waiting for it ( no apology though) What bothers me is that I pay through direct debit and I had left the necessary amounts on my account for a period of six months. Hadn't I checked by chance all payments would have been declines for insufficient funds Quite an arbitrary decision that I have never heard of
  11. Thank you for this sound advice. I will try to go along these lines if it comes to that I appreciate
  12. Hey I am completely dumb when it comes to this, and not only but can anyone help me with creating NFTs. My spouse is an artist and was approached by some people interested in his work. Unfortunately they are looking for NFTs. I have looked over the net and found articles about how to do the process but I really do not understand anything Can anyone assist me, guide me (not leaving comments and advice) with its creation Thanks
      • 1
      • Haha
  13. Agreed but Regarding the other religions none of them had allowed to let us have the use of their cemetery ???? The protestants are the only ones open to other non protestants. From a legal point of view, I would hope that it will be conducted by the booking and not according to the mood and beliefs of some judges as there is clearly a breach of contract. I am pretty sure that a Committee does not have the right to change the terms of a long standing situation ( 5 years after I had "bought" my plots) .... otherwise we are in for a long fight ....and it can be very long between the first hearing and the Supreme court. Hopefully it will turn all right
  14. yep...but foreigners cannot buy land ???? ????
  15. Wow...not a political thread at all
  16. Well I visit my spouse's grave and it took me despair and luck to buy this plot...and I did to avoid what is about to take place if I do not act
  17. Thanks ...but we do not want to be cremated and...I paid for it ...I just have to wait weigh the odds and see
  18. She believed a trusted insider ? ????
  19. True....if the. norm was to transport only one passenger at a time 555
  20. I understand but right now I am dealing with the living
  21. Agreed It is going to be a long process anyway but I did intend to ask for the minutes of the Committees as well (Mind you they can always backdate new ones ) Thanks for the support
  22. yes The problem is that I paid a few times.... but no contract was issued and definitely not signed if existing Incidentally what I understood is that it is a two step decision a) instalments b) a couple of years later decision to remove the "bad payers" Thanks
  23. I saw number 4 but I guess it will depend on the lawyer's consideration This is why I did not mention it Also I think it is a civil case, not a criminal one, at least at this stage
  24. Thanks I do think I have ground (pun intended) for number 3 Thanks for the advice ...let's see where that takes me in a country where bodies go up in smoke
  25. Thanks I am just dealing with the secretary of the Committee I guess. I kind of do find illegal what they are doing and that after a century in use they come up with new regulations without warning anyone (actually it is by chance that I met the secretary who asked me my details to send me the bills: plenty of tombs visited on a yearly basis whose owners are not in touch) Regarding the payment, I do not expect anyone to support it as the family could not care less.
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