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Everything posted by alyx

  1. OMG just when I thought this had been forgotten
  2. OMG I haven't even adjusted to hybrid yet ...and now we have got interactive kinky cars What a blast
  3. We are talking about Thailand here !!! ( don't get upset, it is a joke, not a lot of of opportunties to smile lately ) ????
  4. Hum....Have they changed their mind regarding welcoming only the rich and super rich tourists ??? I thought that they were not welcoming backpackers and poor folks Sorry to break it to you , but the people you are targeting are far from being among the well to do community as they already are unable to cope with their electricity bills
  5. Nice to hear that they are on our side but it is kind of weird that this is a human right matter, not that I disapprove of, I just don't get it
  6. Hey everyone and thanks for your help One kind member of this community took the time to get on site and sent me the update I needed As a matter of fact the place does exist but obviously not a "working" factory. Next step is to involve the local police I will keep you posted (even if the chances to get the money back are slim, I will try to put a stop at this scheme) And, Martin, thank you so very much
  7. Hey Thanks again for your proposal. I would like to let you know that someone went on site and gave me the details I wanted Hence no need for you to get there to see the place and I really appreciate your involvement have a great day
  8. Maybe the post you are answering to, was referring to the last election : )
  9. Well, he will certainly be more welcome than in...France He is quite upset by the fact he cannot pas his bills as he used to during his first mandate being forced to listen to the opposition who has the majority (not that are right 24/7) Anyway he is a small pawn in the game and is running around every country to befriend them Not sure that will pay but .... He'd better look after his citizens
  10. Update regarding the location of this factory One of the posters, to whom I provided the address of the shop, mentioned that it is not located in Khon Kaen but in the Phon district of Khon Kaen, at the very south of the province, on 'Mittraphap Road', leading from Saraburi to Nong Khai. So, if anyone lives around there ...
  11. 1) Would the bank care at all? 2) Under the Thai law....defamation springs to mind a) Bank would cue for 4 million baht, which they would get. b) On top of it, t o make an example surely they would be granted the right. to seize the property 3( What is it you do not understand: It was not intentional ????????
  12. Surely these have been found during an extensive search at one police station of a given district ( excluding Bangkok area obviously)
  13. well, they might reply that the preferred wanted high-end tourists would not be caught dead in a public transportation nor would they mingle in cinema theatre sas they go to Thailand to enjoy nature and clubbing, not restricted to these healthy activities though : )
  14. And definitely not asking anyone anything of the sort. on this thread.
  15. Thanks. Checking whether the business exists or not is no threats to anyone. The next step is another matter and police officers would be my fist choice as they would have all the mentioned required qualities : ) I have already started the process involving police and lawyers but did not lead to anything as I have to do the legwork. Pretty sure the story would take a different path if I was complaining to the police from the concerned district
  16. That would be great. It that is not a bother I would highly appreciate. Pretty sure no progress will have been made by then I will provide you with the details if you do not mind
  17. That is a good idea actually. Mind you the office address and the factory's might differ but worth a try . Thanks
  18. Well, kind of done that already, sent him a registered letter and the Police called him twice, But I guess he is good at that game and relies on the fact that people get tired or cannot be bothered putting money down to sue him or... find him. Keep in mind that suing is, often a waste of time because one as to prove that the seller does not intend to deliver which, smartly, he confirms periodically.
  19. Agreed but I live in Bangkok (currently not in Thailand but will be back in a couple of months) and that is the reason I was trying to find someone in the area who could confirm/refute its existence. ( In the latter case then it is getting through the court If it exists, then a visit is in order
  20. That is what people usually do but ....there are scammers everywhere and i was not careful enough
  21. Thanks But I was asked a deposit ( as a matter of fact more than not) But this cash on delivery is only if the merchant agrees to it That cannot be done by mentioning it to the bank right? Also, payment online would mean that I use their site ( you might disagree on the term though) and Paypal or my bank directly ? which I did not To me, going to my bank, use an ATM or transfer from my app does not equal to paying online, although the latter might As for checking the net, I reckon that I was slow. I usually do that and that was not the case and in that respect I am to blame. However being gullible is not a crime, embezzling is ????
  22. Thanks What is COD ? Also I did not pay online, I did transfer the amount
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