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Everything posted by alyx

  1. In Thailand one buys the plot and I bought two plots side by side Mind you, buying is a big word as we are not allowed to buy land Let's say I have bought the rights to use these lots under an in perpetuity oral agreement and five years later the Committee voted a new regulation.
  2. Why do you assume we are Christians ? works the same for Israelites and Muslims
  3. Well, I think that my concern is logical...depending on one's belief. Some of us do not want to be dug up after we are buried (maybe difficult for some of us to fathom that)> Personally I could not care less but regarding my spouse it is a definite no no. Not withstanding the fact that I want to lay by my spouse's side As for paying upfront, when someone dies, we, the living. have to find them a place and trust me when that happened I had nowhere to turn And the Thai are not in charge of that particular cemetery, or at least not only them.
  4. it does seem so
  5. Not really because there are some urns "buried" there as well
  6. Not a scam. It seems to be a Committee decision but surely there is a problem
  7. Hey A decade ago I bought two "burial spots" for my spouse who is buried there and myself. Upon purchase I was given a basic receipt and was told it was an in perpetuity burial plot. but was not put in writing 5 years later I was asked to pay an annual fee, which, although surprised, I gladly did for a couple of years upon reception of their reminder. Then for. two years no news, then I did not pay A few minutes ago I checked my spams and found a mail notifying me that, according to a new policy., in case of failure to pay three years in a roll "graves would be demolished" telling me to pay "otherwise you have to move out." On top of the fact that I am kind of upset that suddenly I have to pay a maintenance fee, I am now flabbergasted to learn that my spouse and I will be thrown in a pauper's grave three years after I am dead as nobody will pay for the maintenance, Do they have the right to do that ? (Kindly do not ask me any details about names and location)
  8. What ???? "to the diety" I thought it was related to a diet, hence my disbelief A typo I guess, if not a lapsus Surely "to the deity" they meant ????
  9. Hopefully the driver responsible for the collision is insured. If not, the woman should be lenient, although she is in her rights to claim...after all what is 1,3 millions: She should turn that situation to her advantage and use the publicity to promote her restaurants (although I doubt that the income generated by these paid for the car)
  10. To be honest, never was
  11. and two 10 year visa would cost 2 million less than a straight 20 year...
  12. Well, it is the duty of the embassies to issue such warnings,,,you should have a look at their stand on other countries to realise that they take no risk at all and it definitely does not reflect the real and current situation
  13. 50 K and 200 K are hardly high-value transaction imo
  14. They suppressed the arrival card....maybe the 90 day report is the next step ????
  15. Hence the risk should not have been taken
  16. plus ça change plus c'est la même chose
  17. Not for nor against but the guy should have gotten rid of these shares How low they are is irrelevant even though it is my understanding that under a certain amount of shares there is no accountability As for...trying to sell them...as it is a dormant company , the best would have been to give them away by whichever means, unless that cannot be done legally
  18. I am really skeptical regarding his story as. from a long standing experience. customers are treated equally ( and well) on Thai Airways Biz/first ( actually maybe a bit more deference to Thai Nationals but it is in their culture ) but what bothers me is that this person claims to have a French passport but does not mention he can speak French whereas it is mandatory to hold a minimum B1 level in French (which is rather fluent) on top of being able to answer tough questions about history, government organisational char and so forth...( to which I cannot even reply although I am French) Has he been favoured over other foreigners, especially the foreign spouses of French citizen who do have to take these very tests
  19. 2 down...360,000 to go I guess the followers are going to be looked into
  20. OMG that still makes it to the news ?
  21. Kindly do the math again...77/2= 8 years and half I think 1/3 would be more accurate
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