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Everything posted by alyx

  1. Thanks for the support. I have no hatred at all. I just think that at some point these guys need to be stopped even though one is down and 10 take over.. I know about the lengthy court time but it is fine.
  2. No, that is the deposit .....Quire a few items though
  3. Nothing in writing as in a contract. Only on Messenger and Line but that can be used I guess If this guy is a fraud he is good at using the justice's loopholes I already asked him to refund but failed to reply Also at some point I asked him to send ne the furniture he had made rather than waiting one month for the last chair ....not to avail
  4. Thanks Bruno
  5. Well, sorry but when you order stuff it is quite common to be asked to pay for a deposit
  6. Thanks I have pictures (provided by this shop ) and the location pf the business on the invoice Nut I need to check whether this is true
  7. Hey Everyone On April 25, 2022 I bought some rattan furniture online from a "company" supposedly located in Khon Kaen with a delivery scheduled in Bangkok on June 5 End of May I called to confirm my location but the guy I had over the phone said it would take more time than planned Needles to say that he has been delaying ever since every time I called ( when he answered). He called me once to say he had Covid, then a few weeks later when i kept calling him. someone of his staff sent me a picture of a guy laying in the emergency room of some hospital, not related to Covid ( at that point I already knew there was a serious problem and later on, too late , I checked on Internet and this "shop" is reputed for its scams) Constantly ignoring my messages on Messenger until I went to the Police who called him. He told the Police he would deliver on September 20. A couple of days ago I went back to the Police to whom he told October 10 The Police cannot do anything else as long as this guy shows that he is willing to comply which is "stupidly clever" as it cannot be filed as a criminal case but a financial case. Therefore the Police will not let me file against the guy I guess he plans to drag this aver the years until people get tired and give up because the amounts are not that high and not worth. the chase Due to the current regulations, you will understand that I cannot divulge the name and supposed location but I wonder whether anyone has an idea or knows someone I would hire on site ( that I would pay after getting the evidence this time ???? ) to prove that this business (which I think) is not legitimate. I will take it from there. Any other suggestion is welcome as I am not going to let it go (not currently in Thailand otherwise I guess I would have visited this beautiful province already) Thanks in advance ( before anyone asks the amount is 22K and I am not prepared to sit on it )
  8. Frozen Carbon Dioxide ? ????
  9. In any hands for that matter
  10. So this is quite generous of them In the European countries I know, they do not vaccine non residents. Even paying for the shots ( one country in particular)
  11. If true, quite a generous move for those interested in being vaccinated but I am really wary of the term "all nationalities" Does that mean access to everyone or access to official residents ? Not that I need nor want it but I would not be eligible although spending most of the year in Thailand
  12. Misleading title: Unless I am mistaken, the guy proposed three venues. for a potential meeting but never said that the situation can be resolved
  13. Totally agree
  14. Not quite sure as, from their website (if autorised to link) https://www.womenonwaves.org/en/page/4879/abortion-law-laos Abortion is illegal in Laos except to save a woman's life. Anyone caught performing an abortion can be imprisoned from 2-5 years. Any woman caught performing her own abortion or having commissioned another to can be imprisoned from 3 months to 3 years.
  15. At long last As for medical tourism, quite doubtful as abortion is not permitted in "only" three Asian countries: Iraq, Laos and the Philippines. Plenty of other countries to go to I guess
  16. Hello France to go to Italy ( actually there was no border screening)to Croatia this year planning a trip to Algeria (not the usual leisure trip I reckon) Of course there was the alternative to get a covid test but the organisation was challenging
  17. I only got vaccinated because it has allowed me to travel. Last year, in Europe I have had Janssen and, six months later, Pfizer before being vaccinated with Moderna in Thailand earlier this year. I thought that was it but, planning to go to a country where an under 9 month proof of vaccination is required, I had a 4th vaccine a couple of weeks ago, Novavax, in Europe again. It also seems that i will go for the latter again in a couple of weeks. Hopefully they will stop this nonsense and this Covid will be forgotten as it should be
  18. Does that mean that people are being admitted in psychiatric wards because they are using marijuana ??? ???? Kind of far farfetched, isn't ? Surely that would have made the headlines in the rest of the world....years ago, if marijuana was that dangerous Or maybe, maybe, nowadays, these patients declare they are using marijuana whereas a few months ago they would have ended in a court, if they had done so at the time Statistics, statistics... Flabbergasted
  19. Not specific to Thai teenagers, wouldn't you agree
  20. Unusual but not unheard of
  21. it reminds me of a quote from Jurassic Parc....Life finds its way I am pretty sure that those species have already been released in the wild by error or purposely
  22. it wouldn't hurt having direct flights, it is such a hassle to reach that country under the current situation, I have never understood why they suspended those flights but I guess we will not see a Bkk Athens next year
  23. 5th ? Well, how about red flag the offender with the Transport Department issuing the licence and take them to court eventually as I strongly oppose to any Police officer getting hold of documents as driving licence or ID ...for obvious reasons
  24. CANNOT ??? Panel of 32 ??? MAY NOT !!! applies here And maybe "not guarantee a LIFETIME protection" would be more accurate
  25. You are right, it usually happens way before the foreigner is deceased ????
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