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  1. In theory you are right but dream on. I have another solution in mind.
  2. Never heard of a rich muslim oil country doing anything to help their fellow muslims like taking them into their own country and give them the necessities of life. Aljazeera has never said this for an obvious reason.
  3. If what I wrote comes true and I believe the odds are high, if you don't convert your religion, you may likely die as written in the Koran. Then being a criminal is irrelevant.
  4. Well said Mike. And while you are at it, ban all muslims from flying so the rest of the non Islamic world isn't inconvenienced, wasting hours waiting in line, and spending billions annually on security for this group. I am sick of it and will only fly if absolutely necessary.
  5. Eventually Britain will be ruled by a muslim political party and solely under sharia law. All planned well in advance.
  6. If prior governments would never have let this entire group in, in the first place, they wouldn't constant terror threats and costing a fortune. Like Canada, prior immigration ministers have zero experience in immigration and never take the blame for their careless blunders. The process of appointments need to be altered entirely, not just be a friend of the PM.
  7. Another result of letting in throngs of this certain group and it will likely get much worse. Prior and current immigration minister have no idea what they are doing and have no experience in immigration, just a friend of the PM. Entire political process is at fault. I wouldn't hire a high school drama teacher to build my house...
  8. Is Dr. Baker a muslim? She should be fired along with the President. This university is supporting an acknowledged terrorist organization who one day will target all non believers in Islam. This university disgusts me.
  9. There are facts that members of UNRWA were in fact terrorists. And why does the west keep getting suckered into giving money to muslims while the wealthy oil countries do nothing?
  10. She can use her ill gotten stock market profits to pay for the surgery. Why she and her husband aren't in jail just shows the corrupt system and the crooked casino called the stock market. Just ask Al Capone if he was still around. Nothing has changed.
  11. I praise GB News. At least they are giving Aljazeera a run for their money. England, along with Canada, face a problem of epic proportions letting so many of these people in. And yes, who has the most babies? On purpose too.
  12. Israel also benefits the world's infidels with its dramatic fight against Hamas and Hezbollah as infidels will be an eventual target. The ungratefulness shown is sickening and shows the mentality of masses. The muslims want Aljazeera to show the destruction by refusing to release the hostages to get your pity. They don't care about their own people as there are almost 2 billion of them.
  13. The west lets in this certain group and this is a planned result. In time, they will form their own political party and you know the rest. All planned. By the way, hostages still are not released and not a word said about the atrocities committed by Hamas on Oct. 7 anymore; girls raped and paraded nude around Gaza, babies killed, etc.
  14. Nonsense. As an example, several times Israel has given back the Golan mountains as before the muslims would sit at the top and shoot Israeli farmers below. Every time Israel gave the mountains back, the muslims started shooting again. Israel wants a buffer zone for security not territorial expansion. Have you been to Israel? I have, twice and seen it for myself.
  15. Israel has every right to inform people what really goes on in this organization, after all, the same people are inundated with muslim propaganda from Aljazeera. Besides, why is UNRWA even necessary when you have wealthy muslim oil states who do nothing, just milk the west.

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