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Everything posted by koolkarl

  1. Fire all of these guys for starters and replace them with people of action. Perhaps if they get a chest x ray, they may actually do something. Serious financial penalties and 1 year in jail if caught, no questions asked. Then these morons who do the burning may actually stop.
  2. And how much has been spent and actually done to stop the insane burning and cancer causing air that affects everyone, including your pet dog???
  3. Air Canada gets my vote. Just go to Trip advisor and read the reviews. And they are in the business of losing luggage, cancelling flights with no refunds and blessed by the Canadian government. And you can't even sue them as the government has changed the laws to protect the airlines. You can see the other Canadian airlines on the list. You have been warned.
  4. Lots of international news coverage is required to warn tourists of this toxic air, a few politicians need to get lung cancer and the Thai people need to be extremely vocal or otherwise to change this stupidity. It is disgusting.
  5. It is incredible that the Thai people do not seriously complain about this deadly problem that occurs year after year. The politicians do nothing and maybe they will if a few get lung cancer soon. If it was a covid outbreak, they would lock the country down yet this air pollution is far more serious. There must be an incredible amount of burning to create such smog for ages already. Then throw in the southerly winds from China.
  6. During covid, Thailand imposed harsh restrictions left, right and center. Yet with this annual problem of burning and car (diesel) pollution, these politicians do absolutely nothing. The horrific air quality everywhere is a far worse problem than covid.
  7. If these naive tourists bothered to check the toxic, cancer causing air quality everywhere, they certainly wouldn't go to Thailand.
  8. Hope these tourists are aware of the deadly air quality in most places especially Bangkok and Chiang Mai.
  9. Has Kyle filed and paid all his income taxes? And what is the source of his wealth at such a young age? Seems like who is zooming who?
  10. If they did this in Canada, his private part would crack and fall off.
  11. Can imagine that soon all arriving passengers will be fitted with an electronic ankle bracelet. I have traveled to many countries but never seen one that is so obsessed with knowing where you are. It is a huge invasion of privacy.
  12. Just read pages and pages of reviews on Trip Advisor about Air Canada. I would rather take a boat.
  13. What do you expect from a high school drama teacher? He freaked out over a few truckers peacefully demonstrating. Rioting is the only thing politicians are afraid of except in this case the truckers were not rioting. Another paranoid dictator like his father who started Canada on the road to perdition.
  14. 45 days, big deal. If they really wanted tourist money, give all tourists a 6 month visa. Seems to me, immigration is more interested in generating visa revenue than helping the Thai economy.
  15. Obviously the Queen didn't approve of Meghan and didn't want anything to do with her let alone see her when she was dying and I don't blame her.
  16. Now she is likely lying on a beach outside Thailand, beside that wimpy Thai who mowed down a policeman 10 years ago, with his Porsche, trying to scam him !
  17. Dual pricing also exists in hospitals, big time. Now companies like Shopee and Paypal (Thailand), make it extremely difficult to get a refund into a foreigners bank account without a Thai ID number, even for 100 baht !! The last time I looked at my trees in the backyard, money wasn't growing on them.
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