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Everything posted by koolkarl

  1. I would rather go on vacation to New Delhi. Anyone thinking of coming here is not of sound mind. This potential cancer causing problem will never go away, just get worse.
  2. More talk down the road like the recent lawsuit. Does nothing for right now. NASA fire map shows that almost all of Thailand is on fire for a very long time. What is the matter with these politicians? Are they brain dead? And the Thai people have only 1 option that will work to stop this toxic tragedy now and forever. What are you waiting for? The world is quickly learning what a horrible environment exists in Thailand and I sincerely hope tourists never come here for many years to teach these useless politicians a lesson they will never forget. They disgust me.
  3. This lawsuit is nice in theory but I doubt it will do anything. No monetary amounts mentioned. And I don't believe this PM has ever been elected so can he be called PM? He can't be this dense to allow almost the entire country to be set ablaze. I just watched Al Jazeera live news and a professor at CMU was interviewed about this lawsuit. More talk. At least potential tourists are being warned. Only serious action will accomplish anything. I have zero intention to stay here and no family or foreign friends will come here either. My 2 friends and myself used to golf twice a week. We haven't golfed in more than 2 months. I am sure others are similar. Who wants to breathe toxic air for 4 hours?
  4. Well the fires are still raging so what has social media done? And it doesn't matter if Thais don't watch Al Jazeera, etc., it matters that the foreigners do so they won't come here.
  5. Governments, banks and insurance companies all have the same brain. To get you to part with your money. Insurance companies are not running a charity and have some pointed out, they cover themselves quite well. Then you have the solvency issue of the insurance company itself. If you can self insure, do it.
  6. Social media accomplishes nothing. Serious demonstrations will. It is hard to believe how docile people can be when this cancer causing air is killing them, their kids and pets, 24/7. Wake up! Already the news that Chiang Mai is the most polluted city in the world has been on Al Jazeera, BBC and a German tv station so far to my knowledge. I hope that tourists don't come here for years to teach these politicians a lesson.
  7. The pollution is everywhere, even in your bedroom closet. Working from home does nothing. Most of Thailand is on fire. One can easily find out whose land is burning. Arrest the owner and throw him in jail for a long time. As for these useless politicians, I leave that to your imagination. Tourists should stop coming here altogether until this cancer causing issue is fixed permanently.
  8. All governments say inflation is falling and under control. Airfares and most foods have doubled in price. Gov. uses the price of used furniture to calculate CPI. So this gov. pays you 1% per year on deposits with annual inflation 10% plus. Everyone is losing money. And the baht should fall off a cliff if it wasn't being manipulated. Airlines are trying to make back money lost from covid. They should send their bills to china.
  9. Airfares have doubled to/from North America. Airlines are trying to make up for their covid losses. As far as I am concerned, they should send their bills to China and not fleece the customers who make their airlines exist in the first place.
  10. We were in the Shangri La hotel the other evening and a large group of chinese were near us. It was a buffet dinner. There was more food on the ground than on their table and even more in their women's very large handbags. They were so loud and obnoxious. we had to change tables. The Thais would be far better off without them.
  11. There are several ways this annual burning and cancer causing problem can end. The Thai people take matters into their own hands. Serious rioting. And/or the politicians get cancer or a heart attack from this incredible air pollution and no more tourists.
  12. Serious Thai rioting against the politicians who allow this year after year is the only way. It is the only language they understand in any country. If there was a covid outbreak in Chiang Mai, the city would be locked up, out and down within the hour.
  13. I sincerely hope this becomes headline news around the world, for a very long time, so that not a single tourist would come here ever again and that these useless politicians get serious cancer from this incessant burning and smog. The Thai people are simply too docile. As for me, plans are being made to relocate as soon as my contract is fulfilled.
  14. Sickening. A pharmacist told me that Thais are complaining a lot on social media. This does nothing. Protests have to be elevated dramatically to stop this insanity. As for the politicians, lets hope some of them get a form of cancer for doing nothing for years.
  15. With 10% annual inflation, the baht should collapse with such a low interest rate. Baht is a controlled currency. Obviously the Thai central bank has a USD swap line with the federal reserve, which means that dollars can be sold at will to buy the baht to artificially prop up the baht. Isn't it amazing what a printing press can do? And when will the Ponzi scheme of all time end?
  16. Can only hope this guy gets some form of cancer from this toxic air or Thai people stop being so complacent. A pharmacist told me this morning that the Thais are angry on social media but this does nothing. Big business must be depositing large sums in Swiss accounts to continue this horrific burning year after year.
  17. Thailand isn't safe for anyone breathing this cancer causing toxic air year after year. Aqi is around 400 at Chiang Rai now and around 200 at Chiang Mai. Besides politicians getting cancer there is only 1 other thing they will listen to......
  18. Bungee jumping incident is a fluke, but educating the world on the cancer causing toxic air is not a fluke.
  19. They didn't mention that a gas mask is mandatory for Isan.
  20. Maybe his Thai gf cleaned out his bank account and condo.
  21. What about arresting most politicians and the idiots who set all these fires?
  22. I only wish the police would display such zeal to find the jerks who are setting all these fires and killing everyone slowly including my pet dog.
  23. Maybe if you don't get lung cancer from the incredible toxic air that almost covers the entire country for many months. The world needs to be constantly educated as to how deadly the air is here virtually all the time.
  24. You can imagine the number of people who are suffering and haven't gone for medical help. I wonder how many government officials are affected? A chest x ray would help. For many years, nothing has been done to permanently stop this cancer causing problem. There is only one thing any government will listen to and I leave that to your imagination.
  25. Long haul airfares are up 70 to 100% to most places too. Incredible inflation. Now the international media has to widely educate people that the air in Thailand, everywhere, is highly toxic and nothing ever gets done about it.
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