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Posts posted by dunroaming

  1. 20 hours ago, Blumpie said:

    Oh really?  Were they on a plane?

    In the UK they are not allowing people to travel now.  Ha ha ha!  

    Thailand, what on earth are you doing?  

    Actually it is a bit of a grey area.  The government guideline is that you can travel abroad if you have a legitimate reason for doing so.  A holiday is not one of them but if you have a home or residency overseas you can.  I have an office in Europe so I am allowed to go there.  There could be restrictions coming back to the UK though, now we are no longer in the EU.

  2. I think we all need to see how this pans out.  Some things will take months to get into place and some (like Fishing ) will take five years plus.  For weeks I have been trying to get customs forms to export some of my goods into the UK from mainland Europe though Calais.  I have now been told that going into the UK all goods will be waved through as they haven't got a procedure in place for proper customs checks.


    Also, although principles have been agreed,  there is still a lot of negotiating to be done on actual procedures.  It is probably fortuitous that 75% of Britain is in virtual lockdown so there is very little import/export going on.

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  3. 32 minutes ago, kingdong said:

    When the british were under eu regulations re fishing,fish and chips was a delicacy due to its high price,not a staple diet item ad it had been before.

    Yes good old fish and chips! First introduced to the British by a Jewish immigrant, Joseph Malin,  in 1860.  The concept then picked up in the north of the country three years later by John Lees!  The rest is history!

  4. 3 minutes ago, kingdong said:

    You can,t make an omelette without breaking eggs,and regarding vitrriol,the only vitriol i see is the vitriol by some remainers on tvf,essentially you could say you had two sides in the referendum,those copping from the uks membership,and those suffering from the uk being members and democracy prevailed.

    You can dress it up any way you wish but it turned out to be what it is, a total screw up by all those involved.

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  5. 5 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

    Not in my experience - and remember, it only takes a few to spread the virus all over the place.


    Yesterday -


    More reports of illegal Christmas parties and raves etc, on TV.




    Nobody following the 2m rule. Lots of people crowded in to some sections.  I would say about 50% used the hand gel and cleaning solution on offer. People walking in all directions, ignoring the one way rule.


    Car Parts Shop:


    2 people at a time allowed in. I'm in there and 2 teenagers walk in.  One is clearly just following his mate - they are both wearing masks but one is acting as a chin hammock, not covering anything. The other has the mask covering his mouth only.




    Told about a Hiso, black tie Christmas party at a country house where 200 guests attended.


    Literally hundreds of tourists arriving here to 'look at the snow' - pretty sure that many of them will be from Tier 3 & 4 areas.


    Most people have no idea how they should use their mask.  They use the same mask over and over again, remove it when they leave the shops so any potential virus is now on their hands which they then open doors etc with.


    And people complain about lockdown...............................................................

    Where we live the vast majority of people are taking it seriously.  There are extra police patrols who stop and query any groups standing together.  My son has been stopped twice in the last week.  You are stopped from entering shops or supermarkets if not wearing a mask that covers the mouth and nose.  At our local Pizza place, you are given a number when you order and have to wait outside until you are called in to collect your order.  A lot of it is down to the local community who have taken it on themselves to not tolerate the rule breakers.  It has been a long time coming, but now we have been pushed into Tier 4 people around here are angry enough to police the idiots breaking the rules.  


    The arrogance of youth is much in evidence along with a sprinkling of "do you know who I am" dickheads, but both are being berated with considerable vigour!

    • Like 1
  6. 17 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    A very reasonable answer. Thank you. 

    As an American only know what I read and I am sure , in the UK as it is in the US ,all publications have their own bias.

    Given all the problems we have in the US, I follow the Brexit saga, in a so far unsuccessfully attempt to  console myself that there are other just as bad off as we are, LOL


    Ditto, I follow the current state of chaos you have been suffering under a not dissimilar leader. and for similar reasons.  Who would have predicted we would both end up with such inadequates in charge. At least now you can see a light at the end of the tunnel.

  7. 3 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    I read some place that now EU workers  working in the UK have more rights than British workers because they are covered by both UK labor laws and EU labor laws. and that EU  workers are more employable in the UK, in jobs that require travel because of their easier access to the EU.

    Is that true?  

    We have to wait and see.  At the moment there is all the usual bull manure being tossed around on social media and like always, the vast majority of it is absolute rubbish.  So called "leaks" that are just some keyboard junkie making up stories to wind up Joe  Public.


  8. 1 minute ago, Hi from France said:

    It would seem that the EU held their ground on most points but as I said I reserve judgement until we get the facts.  Gove warned today that there would be disruption and that "some" smaller businesses are not yet prepared for the changes.

    • Like 2
  9. So all 27 EU countries passed the deal unanimously, even France seemed happy with the outcome.  I am reserving judgement until we get the proper details rather than the government spin.  Then I can decide if it is better to bring back my business base to the UK or keep it in mainland Europe.

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  10. 3 hours ago, evadgib said:

    Full Umbilical Severance does it for me. Anything less leaves us open to being drawn back in by the very people that tried their best to thwart our historic & democratic decision to leave.

    There are no winners.  There were never going to be.  But you can be sure some will claim it is another "great victory"!

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  11. 5 minutes ago, david555 said:

    Not sure about it .... but i think they vote in HOC a law who does not allow it ..... lol ...


    And i sincere hope he does not and end it for us E.U.,

    So this farce is all yours U.K...., enjoy it i would say ! As it was your vote your vote , wish , and "democratic wish " from population so called 

    No point in dragging up the rights or wrongs of the Brexit result.  We in Britain will live with the consequences and deal with them accordingly.  It is the EU who have said that they will not have time (after yesterdays deadline) to ratify any agreement before the end of the year.  If Johnson had agreed the deal he inevitably will do weeks ago we wouldn't have this situation now.  And nobody is more irritated or embarrassed by it than the British public.

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