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Posts posted by dunroaming

  1. 22 minutes ago, crazykopite said:

    I wish it were true I could sell my beachfront property and get the hell out of this country sadly it’s only a pipe dream and if you want to sell to a Chinese buyer you have to increase the asking price by a good 15% in order to achieve what you are hoping to get as they love to think they got a bargain .

    Certainly the normal practice when buying in Thailand.  Nobody I know pays the full asking price.   In the UK the top properties are usually bought by Russian or Chinese and have been for some years now.  They represent a good investment.  But for Thailand I think you could add Indians to the list as there are an increasing amount of young wealthy ones around these days.


    Thailand can still be attractive for some western ex-pats of course????

    • Like 1
  2. 6 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    They will mull it to death .....and the outcome will be the same...no way.

    regards Worgeodie

    I asked my Thai lawyer to look into this and see if I could benefit from it (mainly to do with land purchase) and he said that it is very unlikely that the plans will go anywhere.  The obvious flaw is the 10 year visa when they are looking for people to invest $250,000.  It's all pie in the sky as usual!

    • Like 1
  3. 6 hours ago, chmeatloaf said:

    you are lucky enough to be staying legally in Thailand. Police we have come in contact have been extremely helpful and dedicated in their jobs and responsibility. Perhaps, the police in your home country have sowed doubts into you long before you came here.

    As it happens my wife comes from a police family in Thailand so I have a fair insight into the corruption, or at least the proceeds of it.  I won't go into details but suffice to say they all live a lifestyle that most would envy.   They range in rank from Sargent to Colonel (Pan).  The corruption is deep rooted and unbreakable.  It certainly helped us when we lived there, although of course I couldn't possibly comment on what that meant! 

  4. 3 hours ago, edwinchester said:

    Truck driver needs to be jailed for ignoring a red light like that. Pickup driver needs to be told a simple look across the junction would have showed her the truck bearing down on her.

    If you jail every Thai driver who jumps a red light then there would be virtually no one left on the roads.  That would certainly help the accident level but make the prisons a little overcrowded. 

    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, trainman34014 said:

    In Britain we are taught never to swerve fo any reason; just brake application in a straight line, as swerving can cause death and destruction on a much greater scale.

    It is a natural instinct to swerve to avoid hitting anything or anyone. Many years ago I took my advanced driving test in the UK and for that you are taught how to swerve.  Swerving in wet weather is a totally different thing, but again it is about understanding what happens to the car in that situation and reacting accordingly.

    • Like 1
  6. 11 hours ago, ezzra said:

     I can envision that this silly idea is a giant slippery slops for more problems policing and enforcing and regulating of this permit, this is a wacky idea that only in Thailand is is possible, as there are other less problematic idea to 'supplement incomes'.... 

    Interesting experiment by Thailand and similar things have been suggested elsewhere as well.  Smoking weed/cannabis is common place in Britain and pretty much everywhere else in Europe and beyond.  It is only a nudge away from being decriminalised in many countries with the only hold-ups appearing to be by squabbling politicians.

    • Like 2
  7. 2 minutes ago, Captain Monday said:

    It is a specific term of criminal science and psychiatry. Pedophiles are almost 100 percent male and it is incurable. They need to be permanently separated from society. There are many cases of even female high school teachers in US  cultivating sexual relationships with teen students , also a grave crime sex crime attracting a jail sentence but it is not pedophilia. 

    That is the point I was making!  But there are female pedophiles and quite often couples work together for their mutual sexual satisfaction.  

    • Sad 1
  8. 7 minutes ago, Captain Monday said:

    Worgeordie is a normal person. If you saw a 6 year old child lost in a mall you would immediately call a policeman, security guard  to try to help him or her find her guardian A pedophile would abduct the child take somewhere to sexually assault it with wanton disregard for its welfare. If a 15 year old girl with curves and  breasts threw herself at a pedophile he would not interested in the least because a pedophile is attracted to pre-pubesecent children only. 

    Yes but the pedophile label is hung on many people that abuse youngsters up to 18 years old.  I think it is aimed more at the people who are abusing the vulnerable rather than for their physical appearance.  But I do think that the word pedophile is wrongly used in many cases and just bandied around for shock value.

    • Like 2
  9. 4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Though it is likely this kind of thing has been going on since the first school opened thousands of years ago, it is a horrific plague, and it is incumbent on any official, law enforcement or judicial person with the tiniest bit of moral fiber, to come down hard on the perpetrators, and lock them up for a very long time, in a place where they are assured of making some "very good friends". Friends who cannot be bullied into silence or submission. 

    Yes it has been going on for many years and happened to one of my wife's cousins over twenty years ago.  The "professor" involved was given a slap on the wrist and moved on to another school in Ching Mai!  Hopefully this time, some justice will be done. 

  10. 8 hours ago, Pique Dard said:

    many western countries should do the same: italy, belgium france, uk to name a few have stolen countless african sacred antiquities and cultural objects and exhibit them in the museums

    This old chestnut has been debated for years, think Elgin Marbles and the Egyptian Mummies, to name but two.  The antiquities in Cambodia have been pillaged for many years and usually have ben channeled through unscrupulous dealers in Thailand. 


    There is a timeline imposed on such antiquities that are in foreign hands and provenance needs to be proved to allow "legal" ownership.

  11. On 1/29/2021 at 12:21 PM, Surelynot said:

    I have "lent" them some money once or twice....not expecting to get it back.

    My brother in law is a Thai cop and there are a few in the family.  I know they all have two lines of income with one being declarable.  Some years ago when my brother in law was buying a very expensive house, I queried why he was taking out a huge mortgage.  My wife explained to me that the police were  never turned down for bank loans as they were backed by government guarantees.  His Mercedes was also bought on finance too.  Clearly his police wages wouldn't cover such debts so I wonder where the extra money comes from ????  

    • Like 1
  12. 8 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    Boris Johnson has back himself into a corner after making the BNO pledge in July. He will have to give the people a sound explanation as to how the government will fund the new policy especially healthcare and education when the UK economy is dire. These are the 2 “carrots” that are dangled to entice Hong Kong citizens to leave while waiting 6 years to get their UK citizenship.

    I think many Hong Kongnites will choose to remain rather than start a new life. Many will not want to leave behind their elderly parents which is frowned upon in Chinese society or to learn a new language or worse endure British weather. 

    It all depends on which Hong Kong residents they are trying to attract.  I lived there for a little over two years and was a frequent traveler there for over twenty.  The Chinese living in Hong Kong  come in all shapes and sizes and levels of education.  Certainly  the younger ones would adapt well and they all speak English pretty well.  Especially the university educated ones.  I would think they would be a good addition to the UK.


    However, many of the older Chinese would be reluctant to leave for the UK.  More likely they would try to integrate back onto the mainland.

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