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Posts posted by dunroaming

  1. 5 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Many foreigners are using nominees for the property ownership and transactions but but it's a long way between that and swindling abd cheating buyers, as far as this guy concern he's done and his goose is cooked in this country...

    Any of us who have "owned" property in Thailand know that you have to use a Thai Nominee as foreigners are not allowed to own land.  It is usually the wife or a good solicitor.  It's been the same for many years and accepted as the normal procedure. I built a few properties and sold them over the years, usually to foreigners.  As long as you tick the boxes and do the paperwork properly there is no problem.  Beware the corrupt officials who try to extort money out of you in trumped up "fees".


    However there will always be the crooks and charlatans, Thailand attracts it's fair share of them as there  are plenty of scamming opportunities and plenty of naïve dummies to take advantage of.  

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  2. 1 hour ago, 5633572526 said:

    There is not a man alive who hasn’t paid for sex. Dinner out, movies, drinks, flowers, holidays, that new car, the house, wedding rings and or dowries depending on where you are. 2 divorces cost me more for bad sex than I will pay the rest of my life for good sex here ????

    Depends on what you consider good sex.  Girlfriends and wives want to have sex with you as part of a loving relationship. They are doing it because they want you.  Paying a prostitute to have sex with you is just a business transaction which she doesn't actually want to do but has to as it's her job.


    That is fine as long as you are not kidding yourself that it is anything different.

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  3. 1 hour ago, sweatalot said:

    Well about time.


    Prostitution is there anyway. 

    It helps fulfilling a natural need.

    It helps people make honest money

    Why can't sex be a comodity among others?

    Making it legal gives rights to the prostitutes and can make them independant from pims.

    Pims are not necessary anyway. 

    Well if we are talking about bar girls then the bar owner is the pimp and without them they would pretty much be street walkers.  Same can be said for massage parlour owners.


    To legalise prostitution you open up a real can of worms.  Gone will be the monthly brown envelopes for the cops. The bars/massage parlours commission will need to be shown and tax paid.  Medical insurance will be demanded and someone needs to be held responsible for that.  Many of the younger girls use their "friends" or relatives ID, they are often not who they say they are.


    To sanitise the business would have it's upside but you are likely to lose that edge that makes the game far more of a social event.  Well for newbies anyway.  There is a lot of difference between visiting a hooker sitting in a window with a red light and going into a bar and having half a dozen girls all over you for a drink or two.  For many single ex-pats in Thailand this is their social life and their relationship with the girls is much more than just paying for a short time (deleted).  Sad but true...

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  4. Paedophilia is abhorrent and the abuse of children ruins many lives.  But Paedophilia comes in many shades of grey from the uncle who rapes his vulnerable 11 year old niece to the people abusing three or four year olds, girls and boys.  Then there are those who groom 15 year old girls and get them to post naked pictures of themselves on snapchat.  And those who then view those images on line.  It's still paedophilia looking at those pictures but a long way from the uncle raping his niece. Often over and over again.


    I don't know the severity of the images this low life was downloading, could have been just naked kids or kids actually being abused.  Again all paedophilia, but severity wise quite a difference.  As far as I am concerned all of those involved in the paedophile world should be hunted and prosecuted.  It is all illegal.  The uncle, (IMO) should be castrated with a blunt knife, have his eyes burnt out with a poker and then boiled in oil.  Viewing images of naked children on line should then have it's own appropriate punishment.


    So to be absolutely clear, I am in no way excusing any form of paedophilia but there are a vast range of offences and the punishment should be appropriate for the crime.  Just the same as any other crime.

  5. 20 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

    For once, I must agree with a member of the government. You don't need to show tokenism to have conviction. Over the past few months I never stood on my doorstep and clapped for the NHS as my neighbours did. That doesn't mean that I care any less, or have less appreciation for key workers, but that I have never understood or felt comfortable with group gestures. This is a non-story. 

    Fair comment and as a  member of the public we all have that right.  Trouble with this is that Raab didn't say this privately, he said it as a government spokesman.  It was said mockingly in a statement to the press.  Another example of this arrogant prat opening his mouth and putting his foot in it.  Maybe I should say that he is my MP so I do have some personal experience of him. 

    • Haha 1
  6. 6 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

    In laymans terms, a man that does not want to surrender British culture and history to a revisionist leftist mob. Nice of the police to finally spring into action, although I did not see scenes of mass looting like when the BLM were "protesting". Wonder why the patriotic pro-statue crowd deserved a beat down?

    There are real demonstrators and there are the thugs out for a ruck.  They come from both camps and can be compared to the football hooligans of old.


    It's a choose your side thing.  In my fathers day you had teddy boys and bikers.  In my day it was mod's and rockers going down to Brighton in the summer for a weekend brawl.  The football hooligan thing was probably the biggest example of the brain dead morons tooling up and going out specifically to fight.  Nothing to do with football as such, just tribal thuggery that appeals to the young (and not so young) easily manipulated dickheads.


    And yes I was there in Brighton along with the rest of them.  I wasn't interested in fighting, far too worried about getting razored by a rocker.  But there was a buzz and it was quite addictive at the time.  Then it was off to uni and time to grow up.  I seem to remember replacing those little blue pills with a bag of cannabis was part of the process.

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  7. 11 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

    When this farcical exhibition of government crisis mismanagement is finally over, those responsible must be called to account for what amounts to criminal neglect.

    I agree with the sentiment but in reality they won't.  Don't expect a breakout of truth and honesty any time in the future.  We will continue to be treated with the same distain that we always are.

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