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Pink Mist

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Everything posted by Pink Mist

  1. Was just in at Gourmet Market in Bluport Mall Hua Hin. Very little stocks of milk. Did find a few 2 liter bottles of full fat Meji on the shelf along with this sign which explains why we are seeing low amounts.
  2. An unsupported and unsubstantiated claim the US invaded Syria and a reply has been removed. Another off-topic unsubstaniated claim and reply have also been removed
  3. An unsubstantiated unsupported post and reply have been removed
  4. A post advocating harm and a reported overly negative baiting troll post has been removed
  5. A posted comment regarding the OP Title has been removed. 17. The ASEAN NOW news team gathers and disseminates news bulletins from Thai and international sources, and republishes them in the news forums for our members' information and enjoyment. Our news team works hard to bring quality content to the news forums and should be respected for their efforts. Comments such as "slow news day" or "clickbait headline" are disrespectful and unwelcome. Such comments will be sanctioned. Original articles, especially in the Thai or foreign language press can sometimes have grammatical mistakes or misspellings. ASEAN NOW is not responsible for these nor does ASEAN NOW have the right to alter content it is reprinting from another source. Similarly, ASEAN NOW is not responsible for any opinions reflected or quoted in reprinted news stories.
  6. Looks like the last few weeks of non deliveries were met today with a full stock. Thank you.
  7. A troll post and replies have been removed
  8. A post discussing another poster has been removed 31. You will not publicly discuss other members or post any member's personal information including but not limited to emails, social media messages, private messages, photos or website details. Contact information is permitted in the Jobs Offers and Jobs Wanted sections, but for the privacy and security of our members we strongly urge the use of the private message function rather the posting of personal contact information.
  9. An overly negative comment regarding Thailand and Thais has been removed
  10. Troll post removed
  11. A bickering post has been removed. Stay on-topic and civil
  12. Unsubstantiated claim post removed
  13. A post with only written laughing has been removed.
  14. Off-topic post reported and removed as well as several more off-topic posts and replies.
  15. Off-topic posts and replies removed. This OP is not about the UK, the house of lords or Brexit
  16. Please tell me where? We have been from the south of Pranburi to the north of Hua Hin (Makro) and the full fat Meji has been absent from the shelfs, small coontainers of the low fat available. Chok Chai Farms is also missing as well as Dutch Mill, we just popped into both Villa's this morning as we were up that way and the shelves are still empty. I asked the stock people and they stated that they have no idea why there deliveries have been absent,
  17. Troll post removed
  18. A personal attack post, which then turned into more bickering posts have been removed. Stay civil and on-topic. The OP is not about western universities or why one came to Thailand. The OP is : Pita ordered to suspend doing his duties as an MP
  19. Reported Troll post has been removed.
  20. A post with unsubstantiated and unsupported claims has been removed
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