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Pink Mist

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Everything posted by Pink Mist

  1. That could very well be a good reason. Not sure what the situation is around the country. I had to jump hoops just to change the registration on my car when we moved from BKK to PKK. I didn't want to have anything that could cause me problems going to where it should not. Most do not care it seems. Changing the registration but keeping my Bangkok plate was a real fun experience, even worse than having all 4 wisdom teeth pulled at once. The same experience with changing the address on my driving licenses. It would have been easier just to change the plates and do my licenses here in Pranburi
  2. A baiting troll post and replies have been removed. A reported personal attack and accusation has been removed. Stay Civil folks or face a posting time out.
  3. Just renewed my Road Tax for the car at Pranburi. I had just paid a ticket which had finally made it to my house after being sent to Bangkok in February. Took the proof of payment with me to the DLT. The lady at the desk for my Road Tax told me my payment would be 1k Thb more as I had a unpaid ticket in the system. I showed her the ticket and the payment receipt for paying it through scanning the barcode on the ticket. She then entered the information in the computer, and off I went after paying just the regular road tax payment of 1,635 Thb, and nothing extra. So some DLT's are linked up, but then maybe it was because my ticket was from a camera in Nakhon Si Thamarat.
  4. A reported troll post has been removed
  5. Reported Troll post has been removed
  6. A flame post on moderation has been removed
  7. Off topic Trolling misinformation posts removed
  8. A post with unsubstantiated unsupported claims has been removed as well as a reply.
  9. Off topic posts as well as a personal attack have been removed. The topic of the OP is not about the language needing to be used to describe oneself. Additional posts discussing what names should be used have also been removed. The OP is not about anything other than: American transwoman marries Thai woman, fueling hopes for future of same sex marriage (video)
  10. Something else to consider https://www.realclearmarkets.com/articles/2023/06/09/recession_in_china_first_followed_by_the_world_939645.html As the global economy hits recession, that recession hits China before boomeranging back around the world. Real estate woes there and everywhere become damaged systemic avenues walling themselves off from every possible angle of further trouble. Calling it de-risking makes it sound almost benign when it is anything but.
  11. Troll posts baiting another poster have been removed. The discussion is not about other posters but rather: Trump says he's been indicted in classified docs probe
  12. Are you having a hard time seeing it In an interview with Indian news television channel NDTV on Thursday, Mr Trump said: “That (the documents) they (the FBI) put there. It’s a set-up. It’s weaponisation. And it’s inappropriate to do. It’s a bad thing for our country.
  13. The OP was locked for post cleanup of Off-topic posts. The OP is about nothing other than Trump says he's been indicted in classified docs probe
  14. Troll posts have been removed. Please remain civil to each other.
  15. Off topic troll posts trying to derail the OP have been removed. Stop now, The OP is about none other than Trump: Donald Trump has been charged with 37 counts related to retaining classified information and obstructing justice,
  16. An off topic post discussing Russia has been removed. Once again try to hijack the OP and you will receive a posting suspension.
  17. An off topic post has been removed
  18. A Baiting troll post and personal attack have been removed. 9. You will not post disruptive or inflammatory messages. You will respect other members and post in a civil manner. Personal attacks, insults or hate speech posted on the forum or sent by private message are not allowed.
  19. A reported post has been removed. 15. You will not discriminate or post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments on the basis of race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, nationality, disability, medical history, marriage, civil partnership, pregnancy, maternity, paternity, gender identity, sexual orientation or any other irrelevant factor.
  20. A post using another posters avatar and quote has been removed. 11. You will not troll or stalk other members by misusing forum posts, private messages, reactions, emojis or by any other means.
  21. Two non English post have been removed. English is the only allowed forum language except on the Thai language forum. Please use English
  22. A reported off-topic post, and more off-topic replies moving the OP off topic have been removed. Please discuss the OP as it is written. Any more off-topic posts abut other countries etc... will be removed without a moderation comment.
  23. A reported Off-topic troll post has been removed as well as a reply
  24. The reason for the build, I have been old by friends in Phang Nga, is they are building a Airport extension for HKT there and it's needed for the tourists and travelers, as well as tour buses picking up guests to take back to the Island. Seems he sold some property, or rather his wife did, and made enough money from it to remodel their home and add a pool. Will see if the new airport extension ever comes to fruition, if not it was a waste of money to build the road, its not heavily traveled. We are down that way once every two months, driving from PKK.
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