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Posts posted by penelope

  1. One thing not mentioned by the posters is that it is sooooo much easier getting a visa for your wife to travel abroad than it is for a g/f.

    if your wife comes from nana , then maybe.otherwise, <deleted>....i know countless thai women who get visas easily and quickly, purely by their own merits satisfying immigration regulations.

  2. I'm due to fly out to Thailand on 17 August, hopefully for good.

    My watch packed in a week or so back and I'm the kind who can't do without one. I've got a cheap thing on at the moment but would like to buy a better one.

    Question is, do I buy here in the UK or wait 'til I get to Thailand?

    Can anyone advise me on whether they are substantially cheaper out there?


    I bought a Brietling in London....I saw the same one at Don Muang and it was more expensive.

  3. Hi,

    I would like to know where about in koh Samui is the best place to stay?

    I have been advised Chaweng beach is the liveliest resort.  I would lik to be as close to the nightlife as possible and right on the beach.

    Can anyone recommend decent accom?  I am looking for aircon and hot water!!


    Where is "best" is in the eye of the beholder..different people will look for/want different things.

    We stayed at the Evason Sila recently and were 100% impressed. The Anantara is also reportedly quite nice. Both places a quick commute to Chaweng and very handy to the airport and best golf course.

  4. I have a top of the line Pioneer High Definition theatre in my condo and I want to get some High Definition content in 720p/1080i ..WMV HD or Divx HD formats would be good. I have downloaded several gig of WMVHD and DivxHD trailors and samples, but I would like some full length movies.Anyone seen any HD stuff around Pantip or similar establishments ?

    ps: if you dont know about HD then check out these links :



  5. Hi

    I am currently in Wellington, New Zealand and would like to learn some Thai language. If there are any thai speakers in Wellington out there who can teach me - please give a shout.


    There's a few HERE

    The ambassador is a nice, friendly chap..with superb English too.

    There is also a temple in Karori.

    Also ,the governments transalation services department is based in Wellington

    Translation Services

    You might be able to get some lead from their thai translators (although I think they actually outsource to the thai embassy)

  6. What shortcomings??

    2 shortcomings mentioned in OP.

    I know there are some econoomic advantages for visa (less money required) and the ability to jointly own land with the wife

    1) Economic w/ regards to visa

    2) Land ownership

    How to solve these issues without being marrried

    1) there are other Non-Imm visa categories, that can also lead to PR

    2) you can get back to back 30 year leases, get BOI investment privleges, own through a company

  7. Can a 17year old get a business visa of some kind?  I dunno.  You're probably right though . . stupid idea.

    What do the farangs do re immigration status when they buy businesses?

    Asumming no age restricitons....He could incorporate a food distribution business ,pay up the necessary capital, be employed as a "hospitality consultant",get a Non-Imm B,get a single work permit for himself,exnted his non-imm b permits, employ some cheap thai labor to prepare and sell the goods under the guise of his expert consultancy in "boulangerie arrangement science", etc..., etc...

  8. I am currently resising in Thailand and would like to know the opinions of the members regarding the advisability of a legal marriage (to a Thai woman). I plan to stay in Thailand and do not intend to take the wife back to my country. I know there are some econoomic advantages for visa (less money required) and the ability to jointly own land with the wife. But, I do not see any other advantages. Any comments? Thanks.

    Call me old fashioned, but AFAIC the only reason to marry should be love.If you find yourself considering marriage for other reasons, you should probably focus on overcoming those shortcomings that you think marriage would solve,ease or provide leverage for. Just my opinion.

    Regarding "and the ability to jointly own land with the wife"...non-thai individuals can't own land (individual or joint ownership).

  9. One of its biggest downfalls and the main complaint is the feeling of claustrophobia, it gives a whole new meaning of being stranded on a rock ! There really is nothing in Samui, you have Chaweng and Lamai and that’s really it….. oh and Tesco Lotus !

    A good post Taxin. A great place for a break, like most islands in LoS. :o

    We flew down and spent a week at the Evason Sila recently in a Pool Suite (I get a 35% discount on my Visa card). Loved it, indulged to the max, seriously wicked place!!

    Checked out the rest of the island by motorsai...thought it was pretty crappy actually, went to a nice waterfall, lots of Khao San types hooning around, and the obligatery Hua Ngu/BG couples, beaches around Chaweng and Lamai were ok, nothing spectacular, agree that the general infrastructure seems to be lagging, the upper scale resorts ae mostly self contained. Next time will explore the surrounding waters and islands.

  10. Facing delays, Thai PM threatens to blacklist Bangkok airport contractors

    BANGKOK: -- Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra threatened to blacklist contractors from future government projects if Bangkok's long-delayed new international airport is not finished within two months.

    A similar threat was made last August, but this time Thaksin said he fears significant work delays may postpone the scheduled September 29 completion of construction of the scandal-plagued, 3.7-billion-dollar Suvarnabhumi airport.

    "I will hold a meeting (Thursday) at the site because after I visited last Sunday I witnessed significant delays, especially the road around the airport," Thaksin told reporters.

    "I will tell contractors that if the work at the airport is not finished in time they will not work on other government projects," he warned.

    "They should give very first priority to work at Suvarnabhumi airport."

    The airport, planned more than 40 years ago, was first intended to open in 1990, then in 2000. It is now expected to open to regular air traffic in March 2006, missing this year's scheduled September opening.

    Thaksin said the contractors facing blacklisting included medium-size and large companies. They could afford to delay work because the fines they faced were cheap, he said.

    The premier rejected media suggestions that corruption allegations and a failed no-confidence motion against Transport Minister Suriya Jungrungreangkit over the purchase of bomb detector scanners may have delayed construction work.

    "It is unlikely that has caused the delay," he said.

    Last September Thaksin spent the night in a worker's hut at the airport in a bid to encourage contractors to complete the project on time.

    Suvarnabhumi is designed to handle 45 million passengers a year, 50 percent more than the existing airport, and could eventually expand to 100 million.

    Thailand is battling regional rivals Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong to become Asia's predominant air hub.

    -- AFP 2005-07-28

    Thats like saying you are banned from international athletics if you dont break 5 secs for the 100 metres. Absurd.

  11. Got a couple of days off work so my wife and I are going to fly from BKK to the All blacks vs Aussie match on 13th Aug for the Bledisloe Cup rugby in Sydney.

    Anyone know where to get fake All black jerseys in BKK ? I dont want to pay for the real retail Adidas ones, they're a ripoff.

  12. It was the dude above the thread! Why do all the males on here get like lots and lots of replys? Bah.

    Oh and I have education! And experience I have. I've worked in quite a few places.


    Let me clarify :

    education : tertiary qualifications (bachelors, masters , phD etc...),industry certifications

    work experience : post graduate roles, 10 years would be a good start, with leadership/management and "expertise" in your industry.

    Otherwise, you'll have to fallback on the default farang jobs. With your age you may even have trouble getting these jobs. I dont know how much of thai culture and social understanding you have yet absorbed, but thai social dynamics place a certain emphasis on age....you know the whole "pee" "nong" thing !!

  13. Don't you think there are also sub-categories of expats though penelope?  

    1) You've got your supercharged expats on the full expat package . . salary, drivers, maids, paid accommodation etc, family living over here with them.   While these are becoming increasingly rare these days, they do exist, particularly in the embassy / diplomatic communities

    2) Then there's another group.  Western salaries working in Thailand. Many will work regionally, for example, but choose to be based here.  Some will own med businesses .. factories, consulting companies.  They earn good salaries, but are deemed to be living here, as opposed to being 'posted here' .. a subtle difference.  In my experience, most of these are single guys 25-50.

    3) Westerners (90% guys) who used to be teachers but have managed to move into other roles.  These guys are maybe working for local or international companies in regular jobs, but might be earning 2-3 times local salaries. Perhaps they are translators for example.  I know some guys here . .they lived here for 10 years plus and they're earning 80-90k working in these types of jobs.   They are in an interesting group all by themselves.  Most of them are in their 30s.

    4) Teachers.  A different group of expat entirely. 

    Sorry, this isnt meant to be judgemental, but it seems to me there are a lot of grades.

    In fact, even teachers can be split up.  Career teachers working in international schools, retiree teachers doing it to stop getting bored, and sexpats who won't go home     :o

    Of course there are sub types :

    mammal -> person -> emigrant -> expat -> teacher ->science teacher -> male -> 1 legged male etc ...

    you can drill down forever. I just gave some quick supertypes. Feel free to add as many subtypes as you guys deem.

  14. Xchange/Dubliner :D

    Did they say expats or tourists? :D

    I have a tourist visa but I have been here for a year and a half. Am I a tourist or an expat?

    You are more of an ork, ala Lord of the Rings, neither living nor dead..sorta in between...technically a tourist, practically expatriated,legally <insert your personal situation with regards to the letter of the law here>.

    These are my categories :

    Tourist - backpackers, bob and jane on honeymoon etc...

    Expat - correct visa/permit, work permit, tax resident, fixed abode etc...

    Retirees - Non Imm O/A etc.. non working

    Overstayers - needs no explanation

    Visa Runners/Working without permit - those who aspire to be expats or retirees :o

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