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Posts posted by penelope

  1. 'Ello

    I'm 17 years old and I have AS English and psychology. I decided A levels wasn't for me so I moved to Thailand with my brother and father (my Dad has a Thai wife).

    I currently live in Pattaya. What are the chances of me getting a job? I'm thinking very slim  :o  But I can speak quite alot of Thai if that helps....

    17, no experience, no education.

    Do some travelling around the region while you are based here discover what you love to do and pursue that !! The last thing you want to become is yet another desperate english teacher struggling to "stay" in Thailand. You are lucky, you are young, have family support here....use that as a platform to discover and pursue your passion.

  2. I understand that working on a tourist visa is not a good idea.  Ideally, the best situation would be to have a Non-b with a work permit.  Let's assume that one has a non-b but no work permit and is working in Thailand.  Is this better than working with just a tourist visa?  If so, why?  What are the possible consequences if one were to get caught?

    It is a black and white issue..you are either acting legally or illegaly.

    Is this better than working with just a tourist visa? It is the same.Illegal.

  3. It's a great program and I think in the future the resolution will be even better.

    Good ideas start out rough around the edges sometimes but soon take on a life of their own.

    Take the internet, for example. Orginally designed by the US Govt and now look at the monster it has grown into.

    The program has been around for a while..it was called KeyHole, Google bought them out. The images at high res have probably all been captured, however what exists and what is made available by the various agencies for distibution with Google Earth is the moot point. I'd say it has a bright future, with the captial Google has combined with the smarts they employ(some of the brightest cmoputer scientists around). They truly are the NEW Xerox Parc :o

  4. Hi

    I am coming to Bangkok shortly, as I am from the UK I was planning on getting a 30 day visa weavier.  However my return ticket is for after xmas when I return.  I plan to travel in Asia.  Do I have to show I have a ticket to leave within 30 days ?  I am not planning on buying my asia tickets until I worked out where I wanted to go and when ...

    Also as a side note - I may have one of two meetings in Bangkok with some of my companies customers.  Does this count as a B visa ? I am not working, just having a meeting.


    You can't work in the textile industry. :o

    note : waiver

  5. Legal, meaning all with valid visas or foreigners with PR  :o only?

    At any rate my understanding is that, in theory, legal foreigners are afforded the same exact rights under criminal and civil law as Thais.

    with valid non-immigrant and/or immigrant permits(aka PR) and abiding by the conditions specific to the type of permit ie:work permit regulations associated with non-imm b etc.....

  6. most fully legit expat employees pay tax,by legit i mean proper visas, permits, reporting requirements met, company employer requirements met etc....

    some western countries have dual tax treaties with thailand, and different western countries have different rules about what constitutes tax residency etc..

    as far as your local tax obligations are concerned, your company accounts clerk,hr person etc... should know about this.failing that, contact the revenue department. as far as other tax obligations outside of the thai jurisdiction, each individual could approach their embassy for advice (yes diplomats pay tax too), or failing that any accountant back in their home country should know the deal.

  7. The NZ$7000 (THB200,000) cash requirement will deter many people, I think, as will the requirement that they can't work for any employer for more than 3 months.

    So who will take it up?

    A handful of young Hi-So kids supported by dad's money and who want to take a year out before picking New Zealand grapes or working in a ski resort before joining the family business.

    As for reciprocity?   What would it look like?  A similar requirement for the equivalent of a year's average salary for the Kiwi to be able to come to Thailand? 

    It's all window-dressing.  I can't believe intelligent governments spend so much time negotiating something which is so .... frankly ..... meaningless.

    Well the requirements would tend to suggest that those with slightly more means than your average thai would be the target demographic.

    There is no reciprocity yet, as I understand.

    As with all working holiday schemes with foriegn countrys, you will always get those that simply holiday and lounge around, but you will also get those who seize the opportunity of the foreign experince.Dont tar all thais with the same brush, even better off ones.I know a few young thais in NZL who have the benefit of a good education and means to travel to NZL, but they are also very hard workers and very career oriented. It is also not as straight forward to legally work in NZL.As a "skilled migrant", you need to get your work permit sponsored by a company who would have to take you on full time and then you would have conditions imposed on you permit to work for that sponsor (until you got residency).

    This work/hol scheme provides flexibility for a young, qualified thai to maybe do an internship without the constraints of work permit conditions and the overhead a sponsoring company would have to absorb.

  8. The question is: what to do when you encounter mentally ill people who cannot take care of themselves?  They may not be able to feed themselves, even if you give them food. 

    Is there an institution or number you can call so someone can care for them?

    You could contact one of the Christian Churches or Missions in BKK. Sorry I dont have contact details.Maybe dontate them some baht too.

  9. Hi all.

    I just forget is it 30 days you can stay in LOS or has this been changed?


    What passport are you travelling on ? You may have the option of coming "visa waiver" and getting a tourist permit on arrival, or alternatively you may want to apply for a tourist visa from a thai consulate abroad and get a longer permit when you arrive.

  10. I am 37yrs old and living with my thai girlfriend who is 26. I am teaching in Bangkok, I plan to travel back to Australia with her at the end of the school year March 2006. I have a month off from school and start back in May. I figure it is a lengthy process so I want to start getting things organized now. Can anyone advise me on my first steps????

    what is the background of the applicant ? she might be able to obtain a visa on her own merits if she meets the criteria.

  11. lets see you go up there and do what they do? I dare say you can't .....

    cant, dont want to, dont need to...irrelevant point.Disc Jockeys serve their purpose in their industry, but they'll never be at the top, a few might might ok incomes, but they are still being used by the big boys at the top of the ladder exploiting them. so....original question reposed....who are these big boys in the LOS scene ??

  12. Hey i just looked at my passport and turns out my 60 day tourist visa expires tomorrow!  I thought it expired next week (which was when i was going to go to immigration to renew it.

    Next time look at your entry stamp when you get it, then look at your diary, and look at the weekends/public holidays, and then plan exactly when to renew it.

    No excuse really.

    Like he needed someone to tell him that ! :o

    the sad truth is that lots of people DO need to be told that !

  13. If it was easy to get a tourist visa I would just do that. And she can go there as a "tourist" first then see if she likes and if not she can come back. But they don't give you any real choice.........

    Pretty sad world we live in............

    I know countless thais who go to america as tourists and get a visa purely on their own merits. I think your greatest obstacle is your negative,winging moaning,generalising attitude. Be objective, deal with the facts.How much closer are you today than when you first started winging ? Any progress made yet ?

  14. Stick seems to be a little jaded.Not a rosy picture he paints.

    I don't normally like Stickman's articles, but I thought the one on Korat was not that far out. He obviously knows Korat and is entitled to his opinion. In this case I think that his opinion was fair. I do not agree but I see his point. The teacher alcoholic bit I'm still trying to get my head around. I'm not a teacher so I must be pissed.

    I did live in BKK for only 6 months. I liked it, but only for two or three days. I like Korat, it is a large city yet it is not impersonal like Bangkok and not a tourist venue like Pattaya.

    If you want to buy something you can normally find it, or you can find away round it.

    I wish I had found Korat sooner.

    If you are an english teacher,sex tourist,30 day stamp on arrival pan continental buffolo sponsor or indluger in the lower shelf variety of commercial sex available in Bangkok, Stickman's writings are probably a pinnacle of knowledge for you.

    His site is very Jerry Springerish, I can see why it sells. There is a massive amount of content relevant to wider demographic of foreigner in LOS that he never touches on, but maybe this content doesn't make for such electric writing.

    I wonder if he'll ever repatriate back to NZL.Must be tough though after years in LOS on a teachers income/saving ability coupled with the stronger NZL dollar.

  15. DJ(s) are starts in their own right - least the sort that create their own mixes and sound.

    No, they are manufactured ,hyped and promoted to look like stars..so as to serve the agendas of the owners and promoters who use them and the punters who follow them and the "cool scene". They may possess some artist/creative talents in their own right as music creators and mixers..but as far as the food chain goes...bottom feeders (well maybe 1 rung above the average club punters).

  16. It's not cool to be a DJ anymore, didn't you all see the blog that DJ ex-Pat plagarized?

    I used to be a DJ, but then I moved on.  Now I'm an English teacher!  I haven't heard of any of those guys on the list, except Number 49 is a jaded postwhore.

    DJs are just the bottom feeders. Who are the top 20 club owners,promoters etc.. , you know...the guys who exploit the punters and DJs and anyone else in the "scene" with misguided senses of self importance ? This list would be very interesting :o

  17. I have just completed my home theatre building project for my apartment in Bkk.

    Suffice to say it is kickass and I am very happy, no need to go to the cinema anymore, thankgod. We had a spare room in our condo, so I dedicated it to being an entertainment room.This is the rig :

    Entire system is pure digital, no analogue paths or conversions

    Pioneer 43" high definition plasma (HDMI input)

    Pioneer DV-S969AVI DVD player (HDMI output, i-Link digital audio output)

    Pioneer VSX-AX5i Amp receiver (i-Link digital audio input)

    Wharfdale speakers and sub for 7.1 Dolby Digital Surround

    Windows media centre PC in Entertainment Case(wifi connection to broadband internet, bluetooth wireless keyboard/mouse,high spec video/sound/cpu/mboard,dvd RW, 2 gb RAM,200 GB HDD,room mic,web cam,digital video and audio output, etc...)

    Sofa, table,Media storage(DVD etc...)


    Note: I dont pump UBC into the system because UBC is crap broadcast quality.We watch UBC on a rear projection tv screen in the living room.

    Anyone else here got the home theatre bug ?

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