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Posts posted by Chayaphum

  1. Chayapum is Herbert, without a doubt..
    :D ...so sorry "MSingh" you are completely wrong! Chayaphum is not "HERBERT" or "HERBERT" is not Chayaphum. Just read some of my 164 postings here.....and you will notice it yourself that this may not be possible. Chayaphum :o
    Ok, thought I'd take you up on that and read a couple of your posts. You have an odd spelling of the word 'sure'. You spell it 'shure', so thought I'd search the forum for anyone else who spells it the same. One poster does, his nic is 'khun lung'. Here is one of his posts Bad, 90percent of the farang-party can this not use..... WY... look at the morning in the badroom-mirror.... You now this guy,you trust this guy..... Okay,fill out your form as bevor and wait Herbert Self explanatory?

    100% OFF TOPIC but anyway.....

    many thanks 4 your research, SHURE! i have an odd spelling 4 shure,

    but u dont make this research properly.....sorry.

    every of these TV members also used the word "shure"

    - Bagsida

    - jochen212

    - tatom

    - Rinrada

    - Khun Lung

    - Ilya

    - rem

    - Cameraman

    - davethailand

    - DisainaM

    - idahospud

    - jozef

    - josefbl

    - prinzregent

    - fester

    - geoffphuket

    - alexjxaver

    - p1p

    - george

    one of his posting:

    What email provider do you guys use? Hotmail? Gmail? Yahoo?

    Just to make shure, Have you guys looked in the spam filter/spam folder?

    and maybe many many more....but i dont have the time for researching many hours about that.

    Maybe thats a general spelling problem from some "Falangs", do you know a good teacher in english?


  2. why, do you scare the truth? Chayaphum
    So tell the truth. Is the driver always staying at or under the legal speed limit during these runs? Yes or no will suffice.
    ...to "Mark Wolfe" 1. The truth can be found in the reality....do you ever make before such a Border- or Visarun during your stay in LOS? (or maybe you have a special-visa with 3years validity who dont need any Borderruns) if yes, then you have your own experience on that. 2. tell me, how many percent from the cars/trucks/bikes here in Thailand (Samui) driving at the legal speed and do not break the law? (i for me believe about 80-90% are mostly over the legal speed) ...each year, more then 13'000 people dying in road traffic accidents. that's about 36 people every day! (only in Thailand) Need i say more? maybe these..... "Herbert" or some of his drivers never killed somebody since he offers these Borderruns! (about 7years) don't forget: just have a look how many people dying every year who had used a airplane/train or a bus, also many buses from the government of thailand are involved in accidents. Chayaphum
    You are Herbert! Busted! Why else would you know all facts and details...?

    ohhh my god! how much brain do you have...and how much from that do you use?

    i am so sorry for you.....but you are not the only one here....there are a lot of it :o

    PS: everybody takes what he prefers.....EasyWay / Julie's / Herbert....how the Thais say

    UP TO YOU!

    *** to will nothing understand is also a way of life ***


  3. why, do you scare the truth? Chayaphum
    So tell the truth. Is the driver always staying at or under the legal speed limit during these runs? Yes or no will suffice.

    ...to "Mark Wolfe"

    1. The truth can be found in the reality....do you ever make before such a Border- or Visarun

    during your stay in LOS? (or maybe you have a special-visa with 3years validity who dont need any Borderruns)

    if yes, then you have your own experience on that.

    2. tell me, how many percent from the cars/trucks/bikes here in Thailand (Samui) driving at the legal speed

    and do not break the law? (i for me believe about 80-90% are mostly over the legal speed)

    ...each year, more then 13'000 people dying in road traffic accidents.

    that's about 36 people every day! (only in Thailand)

    Need i say more?

    maybe these.....

    "Herbert" or some of his drivers never killed somebody since he offers these Borderruns! (about 7years)

    don't forget: just have a look how many people dying every year who had used a airplane/train or a bus,

    also many buses from the government of thailand are involved in accidents.


  4. At the same time, there were some other Farangs in Donsak who had rented a Minivan (14 seater) and had made a Border-Trip by self. (very good IDEA really!)
    How do you know this was their intention?
    The funny thing in this story is that "HERBERT" came back to Donsak to take the 16:00 Ferry! The other Minibus from the "Private organised Farang Border-Trip" came back to Donsak to take the Ferry at 15:00 !!!! ???? :o So, now let me know please.......post-51795-1207674485.gif who was more crazy with driving to the Border and back?
    Was someone hanging out in Donsak clocking both vans? How do you know both even went to the same place?

    ....yes, a friend of me is working at Donsak (Seatran) and he hanging out there every day :D

    why, do you scare the truth?


  5. The following story is based on reality & truth....not based on rumours/presumptions or speculations!

    An incredible and unbelievable story has occurred on the last Sunday (i talk about april the 6.)

    Same as every sunday...."HERBERT" makes his Border-Trips to Khuandon with a lot of customers.

    He took the Ferry in Nathon at 05:00, same as every time.

    So he start the Trip to the Border about 06:45 from Donsak Ferry Pier, same as every time.

    At the same time, there were some other Farangs in Donsak who had rented a Minivan (14 seater)

    and had made a Border-Trip by self. (very good IDEA really!)

    but what is the end of this story..........i will tell you everybody:

    No, "HERBERT" had no accident (sorry to all his haters who wish he would have another accident soon)

    The funny thing in this story is that "HERBERT" came back to Donsak to take the 16:00 Ferry!

    The other Minibus from the "Private organised Farang Border-Trip" came back to Donsak to

    take the Ferry at 15:00 !!!! ???? :D

    So, now let me know please.......post-51795-1207674485.gif

    who was more crazy with driving to the Border and back?

    thanks to all for any constructiv/intelligent opinions about

    Border-Trips, Visaruns, HERBERT's drivers, or how to drive safety in L.O.S.

    Chayaphum :o


  6. Back home we always used vinegar! boil the kettle add the vinegar, on completion empty, rinse, fill reboil and discard, kettle is then good as new.
    Thanks JohnC will give it a try, presumably you use white vinegar or will any kind do?
    White vinegar is better.
    Yeap, no need tp use Aceto Balsamico de Modena...... :o

    Very intellectual post indeed..... :D

  7. You are all to slow! Office is at the Airport, 077-601331 FYI: Royal Orchid Member pays 15.000 miles return ticket + 1.810 THB on tax (return)

    congratulations "Claude" ! :o

    in just 29minutes you get the answer byself.

    Next time....just ask "Google" he know everything, if he don't know...call the THAI Contact Center at +66-2-3561111

    Chok dee khrap


  8. I took Julie's in Dec and it was fine. I'm 187cm and was comfortable enough for what it was (a day trip to the border and back). There was enough room so that we weren't sitting shoulder to shoulder. However, if I need to do a border run again I think I'll just combine it with a short trip somewhere rather than spend the day watching the Thai countryside fly by. The cost is higher but in the long run I'll enjoy it more.

    ...i am so happy with you that you had a comfortable Borderrun with Julie's Minibus :D

    Skidding off the road due to a tyre burst doesn't sound very VIP, or sabai dee, to me. Nor does being one of the passengers in the 1st 3 rows. Chayapum, you say that this would happen any time a minibus crashed, the question here is the cause not the results. It was not so long ago we had a set of posts on this forum regarding the unsafe driving of Herberts drivers ( not posted by freinds of freinds, but people straight off his bus) saying it was only a matter of time before an accident occurred, and it was. Whats expected of the driver is that he understands the added responsibility of having 9 other passengers and drives appropriately.

    please read first carefully what i wrote before you answer....

    "Herbert's Minivans are really VIP, 9 +1 Seat in front only, sabai dee maak maak :D "

    i never talking about that this accident was very VIP ! i just talk about the Minivans that he use for travel.

    Unsave driving in Thailand is a normal thing....don't be astonished or appalled about the style here.

    Responsibility? you mean in Thailand? :o who have this, let me know some companys that you know.

    Just make a Island-Safari with Mr.Ung around Samui....after that let us know, how safe you felt with him.

    i think that's an endless story here in ThaiVisa about security/safety and driving in LOS.

    My recommendation:

    Don't leave your room/house, because it's very dangerous outside, especially on the roads....

    but there is no guarantee that you don't dying inside your room/house...maybe get a heart attack :D

    It is too stupid for me here to talk more about this story...people believe what they want, not what is real.

    For more informations please contact the Touroperator (Herbert) directly or make him a visit in Nathon.


  9. Dear Chayaphum, Why don't you enlighten us with true and verifiable details of Herbert's accident, you seem to know exactly what happened. But then, you also 'knew' that Julie's run is going to Sadao, which was obviously wrong. Now to the buses Julie is using, they are leased from Seatran, Toyota Commuter 12 or 13 seater, pretty new, kept in tip top shape I would say. For more info please call Julie (0860666151) as I'm not her sales agent (wouldn't mind a comission though). Cheers Longtom

    I just dislike it when untruths published/disseminated.

    This accident didn't have a "tragic end", it was just a normal incident that everybody uf us can have.

    The most injured customers from that minivan had take place on the first of the tree rows inside the bus.

    (these places are the most dangerous seats, but also the most comfortable because you can stretch your legs fully)

    If somebody will do that and the minibus get involved into a crash, for shure these first 3 people would be affected

    between heavy and very heavy with injuries to their body, the same concerns to the person next to the driver.


    PS: Julie's cross the same border as Herbert, right? Khuan Don (before it was Padang Besar)

    ...Toyota Commuter 12 or 13 seater :o , sorry but that's not a VIP bus for me

    (if you are more then 180cm high you understand why)

    Herbert's Minivans are really VIP, 9 +1 Seat in front only, sabai dee maak maak :D

  10. any news?
    better question would be: any fakts ? as it was a "normal" car accident that can happen to anybody antime, anywhere. (bad enough it happened at all) I find it amazing to read stories about Mini Vans on 2 wheels and all that ... would better fit into a "I also want to write something" topic :o I usually drive about 130 km/h on the highways here in Thailand (and the Highway to the South is quite a good one) and i very rarely experience a Mini Van trying to pass me. Maybe people start to overestimate speed when they get used to the "slow" speeds on the Islands where a Truck with 60 km/h is considered "enormously speeding"

    totally agree with you!

    if somebody of you TV users understand the german language then please read that "Bullshit"


    here is the original german-version:

    Hat Yai. Ein tragisches Ende nahm die Visatour eines österreichischen Reiseveranstalters aus Koh Samui bei Rattapoom im Bezirk Sonkhla. Der Minibus mit mehreren europäischen Insassen überschlug sich am Freitag, 7. März, morgens bei einem Unfall mehrfach. Laut ersten Angaben des ebenfalls verletzten Veranstalters war während der Fahrt ein Reifen geplatzt. Mindestens eine Engländerin und drei Deutsche erlitten Knochenbrüche im Becken- und Beinbereich und wurden in umliegende Krankenhäuser in Hat Yai gebracht. Ein Schwerverletzter war zunächst nicht transportfähig und wurde im Krankenhaus Rattapoom notversorgt. Über weitere Umstände des Unfalles wurde zunächst nichts bekannt. Die Polizei nahm vor Ort Ermittlungen auf.

    translation with Google:

    A tragic end, the visa tour of an Austrian tour operator from Koh Samui with Rattapoom district Sonkhla. The minibus with several European occupants rolled over on Friday, 7 March, the morning in an accident several times. According to preliminary data of the operator was also injured while driving a tyre burst. At least one British and three Germans suffered fractures in the pelvis and leg were in the area and surrounding hospitals in Hat Yai. A heavy injured occupant was not transportable and was emergency-cared in hospital Rattapoom. There are also circumstances of the accident was not initially known. The police began investigations on the spot.

    it's very sad what they wrote there because it's not true !!!

    It's just another wrong accident story/description from a unqualified Journalist :D

    This Toyota VIP Minivan never rolled over after one tyre on the back was bursted!

    That's the reality.....don't believe everything what some newspapers writing.


  11. I had a visa run with Julie today, she let us sign a paper that we understand hospital costs are covered by insurance up to 50'000 Bath per person. Maybe enough for a broken leg but more? :oThe run itself was smooth, the bus was fine, the driver not speeding, seemed pretty safe to me.Not sure if I can believe all they said about H's accident so I will not spread unverified stories/rumours.

    ... :D great! I will love "Julie's" driver......they are the best in Thailand.

    what dou you mean with "the bus was fine" ?

    tell us more about Julie's buses, what Brand/Type she use?

    How many seats are in her buses (in how many rows) ?

    thank's alot


  12. My laptop is in for repairs and just in case it doesn't survive I'd like to know where to buy a new one. I tried Tesco but the selection was poor. What other places should I check?

    ...go to Rawadee in Lamai (ITC) http://www.rawadee.com/ :o

    the best and friendliest Computer-shop on island.

    She don't have Notebooks there, but you can order from her

    everything, She will order for you directly in Bangkok and a

    few days later you pick up your order from her shop.....

    Personally highly recommended (She works very serious)

    (i don't get commission for recommend her, also i am not married with her)


  13. You can take it here :oTidetables2008
    Hi Steve I'm trying to access the Tidetable site but having no success. Do you know if it has been withdrawn? I can't seem to find any other sites as good as the one you posted. (My own fault, I should have printed them off while i had the chance!) Thanks

    if the site don't open try this: put your mousepoint over

    ko samui and make a right mouseclick, take the option "save target as"

    and download it directly to your computer.....

    ...here is the excel file sm08.xls


  14. Crude Oil price / Thai Gasoline 95 comparison:

    every rates from January

    2003, 29,44$ a barrel / Thai Gasoline 95 17bt per liter

    2004, 30,87$ a barrel / Thai Gasoline 95 17bt per liter

    2005, 42,21$ a barrel / Thai Gasoline 95 20bt per liter

    2006, 58,30$ a barrel / Thai Gasoline 95 27bt per liter

    2007, 46,53$ a barrel / Thai Gasoline 95 26bt per liter

    2008, 84,70$ a barrel / Thai Gasoline 95 33bt per liter

    what this will show us..... the Gasoline 95 price increasing only 100%

    but the Crude oil price increasing in the same time about 190% :o

    Source: http://www.pttplc.com/en/ptt_core.asp


  15. :D many thing go up with the price......

    example: "Salted Butter"

    costs before about 48bt (227g) now 77bt !

    that's a increase of 60% :o:D i am very surprised about that.

    What's the reason? increasing Gasoline/Oil prices....or just fantasy.

    Now the imported Butter from Australia is cheaper as that one

    from Orchid who is made in East-Ayutthaya near Bangkok. :D


  16. & by Parcel i mean the minimum weight, my Parcel was T-Shirt, one T-Shirt to London, England.. Anyway, last week i received the below from the Post Office advised to one of my Thai Staff who translated fro me.. For international post we can do it 2 way 1.Normal Register take 7 days to arrive ( europe ) weight under 500g = 415thb/weight more than 500g but under 1000g = 765 thb 2.Ems Express mail service take 3 days to arrive in europe with this system we also have the tracking number so we can keep our track weight under 500g=1100 thb/more than 500g but under 1000g=1340 Today i send my 1 T-Shirt only to be told " 1160 BHT we have to send EMS " Surely this can't be right ?? $35 USD or 16 GBP to send 1 T-Shirt to London ?? Help please....

    take the Service "Int.Letter Air" (&Registered 55bt)

    that Service can be a Box (White) where you can buy in every Postoffice.

    Just the Service is named "Letter" up to 2000g.....possible


    duration to Europe about 5-10 days (sometimes up to 4-6weeks) :o


    // i don't reccommend the Registered-Service, they are not responsible if your sending is go away....

    just send usually...and it works fine! :D

  17. ...Herbert don't offer Visaruns on Friday, maybe we talking about Borderruns?

    and Borderruns are just for Farangs who need a 30day Stamp (VOA).

    Nobody get a Visa in Pedang Besar because there is no Thai Embassy or Consulate.

    Let us compare these two companies:

    "H" takes the first Ferry from Nathon in the morning (05:00AM)

    he cross the Border at "Pedang Besar" Malaysia,

    in the evening "H" takes the Ferry about 04:00PM or 05:00PM.

    How about the Borderruns from "J" ?

    Is anybody going with her before for a Borderrun?

    I know that she's drive to "Sadao"


    ...yeah, why not fly? Since when Pedang Besar has a Airport? :o

    any News are welcome, thank's.

  18. I had a visa run with Julie today, she let us sign a paper that we understand hospital costs are covered by insurance up to 50'000 Bath per person. Maybe enough for a broken leg but more? :o The run itself was smooth, the bus was fine, the driver not speeding, seemed pretty safe to me.Not sure if I can believe all they said about H's accident so I will not spread unverified stories/rumours.

    that's great to know!

    how much time "Julie" need for a Visarun ?

    (When she start in the morning from Nathon / when she is back Nathon in the evening)

    more Infos would be very helpfull....


  19. And by the way -to set up port forwarding with TOT you do this - Go to the command prompt and find out your personal IP keying ipconfig . The IP address is yours and the default gateway is whatever sub of TOT you're connected to (ie Nathon - The login is USER admin / PASS TOT (I had it the wrong way in my last message) TOT also might be lowercase - I forget. On the left menu click on 'advanced'. Then configuration and then advanced security.You'll get a page titled 'virtual server configuration' and hit the 'port forwarding' option. You should then see that there is already one port set up - at port 80 for e-mail - so click the 'add' button at the bottom. On the new page that opens, check the box that reads 'user configuration' and give it a name - 'P2P'or something. In the box that reads ''forward to internal host IP address' you put *your* IP address that you previously discovered. And in the 2 columns of both 'external packet' 'and fwd to internal host'you add the range of ports you want to be open for forwarding. And that's it. There's no way to actually 'save' it - simply exiting the site is OK as it has stored your settings. If you want to double check by looking again later, it'll still be there. Until somebody comes along and removes those ports, that is! Cheers Rob

    1/.... :o ...what Hardware do you use ????

    Dlink - Surecom - Zyxel - Netgear - MicroLink

    2/ what Model?

    3/ do you use WiFi?


    please don't tell me that you use a TOT-modem, the biggest s**t i've ever seen.

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