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Everything posted by mokwit

  1. ....or if someone is so unworldly, naive, and gullible they can't see them for the fakes they are.
  2. Political campaigning should not be funded by the state.
  3. Lots of people hate Donald Trump, probably many who voted for him, but they regarded the alternative as worse. Hillary, Biden and OMFG Harris are even more appalling human beings.
  4. I think looking at BBC websites counts - have seen footage of the third party enforcers the BBC hires going through someone's browsing history.
  5. This is the real reason, the reasons given as to why someone creating demand for child rape wasn't imprisoned are just a smokescreen. I must have missed the televised sentencing*, so I am relying on reporting. *or is that just for opponents of the regime?
  6. Thai thinking: Tourists will stand for anything, after all, Thailand is the only country worth visiting.
  7. They also have the old biddies in the village managing your relationship by remote.
  8. Accept that the relationship is never going to work.
  9. Shouldn't be too hard to deport them to their country of origin. If not, then you have to ask why?
  10. Obviously you haven't seen one yet.
  11. Would it have happened if his illegal entry had been prevented? I don't get you apologists.
  12. New here? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghosts_in_Thai_culture
  13. It is unlikely they would assess in any way, just demand to see evidence of filing/tax paid i.e. just that you were in the tax system. How long does it take to check if you have aTM30 filed before they issue an extension, you either have it or you don't, and it likely would be the same with tax.
  14. People think of Churchill and his inspiration but he chewed butt to get things done. He'd ask how long something would take and then tell them people would be dying for every day they delayed and gave them less time.
  15. Quite simply the Russians had a greater capacity to absorb the attrition of war and weaponised that. The Germans were bled dry in manpower.
  16. Or if HiSo the family coming 'round to make it quite clear that if you sampled the goods in advance you have to marry her.
  17. This is Thailand. You are expected to just "know".
  18. It played a major role by location, being a jumping off point for the industrial might of the US. The Germans referred to the "new" form of warfare they experienced after the Normandy landings as the "material war", they had never been up against so much armaments being fielded, not even in Russia. Prior to the imminent invasion France had been garrisoned by mostly second rate troops, the Germans withdrew Waffen SS and paratroops from the Russian front and shortly after that Army Group Center was annihilated by Operation Bagration.
  19. It seems to be attracting Chinese criminals.
  20. You are right, poor wording by me, I meant he just has to do the TM30 for HIS address and not the hotel addresses, which it seems he thought he had to enter also.
  21. Don't you just have to enter your address? BTW don't forget to do a search by your last name to print out the TM30 so you have hard copy (just in case) within 7 days.
  22. From the same person who posted: 'I have extensive experience of meeting Russian and Ukranian women in the wild.'
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