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Everything posted by harleyclarkey

  1. Looks like yet another fine example of Thai medical expertise, as Preston Hospital removed it (within days??) Maybe just as bad as Turkish plastic surgery/butchery these days.
  2. What a surprise... not. The Chinese are a fickle lot at the best of times. Delighted to think that TAT must be shaking in their flip flops. But no doubt they are working overtime to fiddle the figures.
  3. What possesses a nut case to wander off to the ocean on a pile of palm leaves and wood? Nut case are the main words.
  4. Maths guys....maths. 6 foreigners?? But 17 detailed in the article. Anyway I hope they nabbed any pensionets playing bridge like those " criminals" in Pattaya!
  5. What we see here is mostly scooter/motorcycle accidents. A recent go fund me for £200,000 - really??? ???? Stupid to rent a bike anywhere in the world without at least a helmet. Stupid of any country to allow bikes to be rented without providing a helmet. Stupid of any police force not to fine idiots with no helmet.
  6. Start your insurance journey with; The purpose of any insurance company is to decline your claim and maximise their profits. You have a chance to succeed if you really persist. I did....twice. Stupid, stupid declines over obviously genuine claims. I made a formal complaint to the UK Head Office and lo and behold....an immediate settlement, an apology plus €200 extra.
  7. Doing their job? Two fine diligent organisations who are the epitome of good behaviour and high standards. The OP did say to target ovetstays and illegal activities? So, as I said, start within.
  8. They really have little to do. An organisation rotten to the core and they spend their days chasing some lonely foreign tourists who stay on a little more than they should. Do your job....root out the real criminals within your own ranks.
  9. Well I guess that's got TATS knickers all in a twist.! They have wooed the Chinese for years now and especially after Covid. Stupid. Never put all your eggs in one basket.
  10. No......I referred to the original charge of an illegal e cigarette.
  11. What a stupid charge in the first place. What flea brain dreamt up this law?
  12. That number pales in comparison to the number of crimes committed by those upstanding and trustworthy BIB. Don't forget to add in the Immigration guys. No convictions....of course.
  13. What the heck? Is this for real? little/no chance of then being fired or suspended. "An ambulance was parked nearby, but the staff said the vehicle was “not ready” to help the injured" Stupid me - I thought ambulances were there to help those injured or medical emergency.......
  14. You know I'm not surprised that there are not more forklift accidents/fatalities. Many drivers screech around with these 3-10 ton machines like a F1 car. Stupid is as stupid does.
  15. Nothing like a good laugh to relieve the stress... Issan, maybe, for a bit of Thai life. But Chinese/Russian Phuket? Get a grip Time Mag.
  16. I still remember the large group of Chinese in a fish restaurant in Pattaya. Some were falling about drunk, others swilling beer from large bottles, others were singing loudly- more like shouting- a man ( in his string vest) decided to gob and spit this on the floor, a woman became unruly and obnoxious, a lot of bones, tissue, debris was all around their table. Yes indeed, class quality tourists. Bring over the hordes.
  17. Sex workers not be "stigmatised by society " ? Heck I thought it was readily accepted by Thai society...even encouraged?? BTW, I am all in to legalise sex workers wherever they are. And, I can't stand any woman controlled and abused by scum pimps. Legalisation would give them some hope and safety.
  18. Why do the PC brigade (think western feminists) get their knickers all in a twist over prostitution ......the oldest profession?. Why interfere in a consensual arrangement between 2 consenting adults? It, of course, should be legal and regulated.
  19. "Ten great reasons to retire in Phulet" And 100 reasons not to?
  20. Can you really believe this? Living abroad, not turning up for work and clearly having assets way, way beyond their salaries. Now which group of tourists just love to gamble- and have no issue with a bribe??? These guys make the Keystone cops look good.
  21. One crowd of Rooskies are having fun in the sun. Meanwhile their compatriots are committing atrocious war crimes in Ukraine while being used as cannon fodder by that deranged dictator. Something wrong here.
  22. Love it.....confidence and trust in Thailand damaged!! You do mean....even further damaged, if at all possible? The country is ground zero for corruption with all the BIB gorging at the trough.
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