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Everything posted by harleyclarkey

  1. Why would any country give citizenship to any Thai....when Thailand does not grant citizenship to others? Grow up Thailand.
  2. Why would any country give citizenship to any Thai....when Thailand does not grant citizenship to others? Grow up Thailand.
  3. Why would any country give citizenship to any Thai....when Thailand does not grant citizenship to others?
  4. Ata boy....bringing the brits to the fore ... again! What a plonker.. brain must be frazzled!
  5. These workers are not doing themselves any favours by stopping rescue/recovery from Thai rescue teams. Beating up a rescue vehicle? Not the cleverest move but possibly understandable.
  6. Hang on now, hardly a "rampage". But 2 thick idiots who have no respect for the country that hosts them. But then Thailand this , plus the Chinese, are what you wanted. Wow ....how draconian....đŸ˜‰, that Russian woman with her reds got a 500 Baht fine plus a "massive" 15 day suspended sentence. Now that will really teach her not to start any sh* t in Thailand
  7. Great to teach him a lesson. For Europe to crack down on Thais working illegally. They are everywhere. In the UK I see on documentaries that they arrest Thais, and others, every day.
  8. Two idiots with one of them on a powerful bike that clearly he couldn't control. They crashed into each other....at high speed. Body parts all over the road greeted the first responders. Whatever they do to themselves I pity the 2 women...it must have been horrific to be on the pillion with these guys out of control. Sorry, I just can't say RIP - except to the This woman.
  9. Was there really any other choice? Thrash like these two deserve to be kicked up the plane steps. Two nut cases that, for whatever unknown reason, turned a simple traffic stop into mayhem
  10. They mean; NOT giving or promising to give any assets to government officials?
  11. Well, well. The smiling face of the Thai police. The poster boy for solving crime. The whole bloody lot of them are rotten.
  12. Low life punks who deserve everything the cops throw at them. A minor traffic stop turns into mayhem and serious violent assaults. Oh, and discharging a police weapon!! Really?? Dumb asses.
  13. Tell me....how do you think you could enlarge your dick with 11 tight rings around it? Was he trying to extend it - then less circumference.? Stupid idiot.
  14. What a freak...crazy as a rabid dog. The patience of the cops has to be commended. Now, if I or she, acted like that in China.....
  15. Wow, geez I am really surprised. I fully expected more from the ever so righteous Swedes and Finns. Answer? Refuse to supply any further workers as others have done.
  16. About darn time - long overdue. A bit unbalanced. If a Thai gets injured in, say, Europe they have free medical. Thailand survives on tourism so mending a few stupid idiots who arrive with no insurance is a drop in the bucket as to costs v spending.
  17. Geez ....more Brits ( yes, you stupidly rejected independence) causing chaos in the land of scams.
  18. That's a given BB...... The post stated ... no drugs and no mental issues. So, stupid inaccurate reporting ...again?
  19. Eh, excuse me...đŸ¤”..unless you saw the "gang" on the plane, then they must be on the ground? If they're on the ground and you're about to fly at 10,000 metres.......??? Watching too many Marvel movies??
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