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Everything posted by harleyclarkey

  1. You can't be serious. You take pride in the fact you drive/ride drunk?? Idiot thing to do. Stay away from driving when drunk.
  2. Idiots in charge. A frantic push for Chinese and Russians (also Indians) to come to Thailand like a Tsunami. And heck what happens? They bring their vile culture of bribery with them. Its normal business where they come from and so to bribe in Thailand is second nature. Thailand....you reap what you sow. Som nom na.
  3. Seriously....it's easy to see how Thais here look down on a certain breed of foreigner. Absolutely disgusting behaviour by low life scumbags.
  4. Poor sod. Looks like some rat ratted him out. Cops/Immigration should have better things to occupy themselves with. Minor things like murder, rape, extortion (sorry, can't really investigate yourselves), etc.
  5. If you Thais detest foreigners buying property in Thailand.....then darn well STOP buying properties in the EU, USA. Australia, etc. The people who can afford these properties abroad are the ones on the graft and scams. The same ones who stop foreigners having proper legally tight title. Hypocrites
  6. Ah Pattaya, yiu jewel of Thailand..... Kuwaiti lunatics on motorcycles, Kuwatis taking on the locals, Indians having a right bash up, an Irishman who "fell" (thrown?) from 31 floors up. Yesiree this is just the place to bring my wife and kids for a quiet and safe family holiday.
  7. You reap what you sow. Som non na
  8. Geez...50 to 1. The Kuwaitis must be pretty crap at street fighting. Or is the sight of 1 Thai terrifying to them? Lads we need a bit of back up here....we're only 30 to 1 at the mo.
  9. Hypocrites .... how many (hundreds of?) thousands of Thais are working abroad. No issue there when they take local jobs in other countries. No issue with the euros/dollars/etc flowing into the pockets of the family in Thailand.
  10. Utterly disgusting, depraved behaviour that offends the sensibilities of the righteous Thais. Must go to observe this outrageous behaviour. Now wher was that again? Where are my skimpy speedos??
  11. Let's give all Thais a 30-year lease for any property they buy abroad? See how you Thais like it. Especially those who washbdirty money abroad...maybe even those in positions of power? Property title on the 30-year lease scam in Thailand is designed to take properties off foreigners and hand back to the Thai land owner. Scam.
  12. Geez...what an utter pric* and total embarrassment for foreigners. This piece of ignorant white thrash is just what gives us a bad name. Apologies calm Thai lady.
  13. Its not the number of posts per se......its your 9 consecutive posts on 1 topic....bit of a record here. Why did you not multiple quote? I guess tou like to shout out loud.
  14. Geez LL...you taking over the forum??? All the posts?
  15. Ah good! I was wondering what happened to reports of Brits and their criminal activities. Thank you Brian and Katie - you've restored our faith in Brit crimmos!! Anyway...enjoy your extended time in Thailand in the lap of luxury. Luxury did I say that? 😂😂😂
  16. Ata boy ..... go get them filthy nasty foreigners. You know, those foreigners that keep Thailand afloat. And of course make enough money for those elite who collect fancy watches
  17. Out of over 300k westerners alone living in Thailand - the total foreigner figure is far, far higher- they generously grant about 100 citizenship a year. How many thais get EU citizenship every year? Thousands.
  18. Wow....a whole 100? This mall island, Ireland, grants about 12-15,000 a year to various foreigners. Including hundreds of Thais.
  19. Why would any country give citizenship to any Thai....when Thailand does not grant citizenship to others? Grow up Thailand.
  20. Why would any country give citizenship to any Thai....when Thailand does not grant citizenship to others? Grow up Thailand.
  21. Why would any country give citizenship to any Thai....when Thailand does not grant citizenship to others?
  22. Ata boy....bringing the brits to the fore ... again! What a plonker.. brain must be frazzled!
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