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Everything posted by harleyclarkey

  1. Far better if this "lawyer" queried the rotten state of the judicial system in Thailand. His fellow lawyers are an utter disgrace. What a prat just looking for attention.
  2. Just as well - reducing the price of those bottles stewing in the rabid heat in many shop windows!
  3. Just sayin'-clearly a great dislike between the bash up boys. And it's fact........I get pi**ed at the sanctimonious Brits thinking they were/are gods gift to mankind. Hardly anyone likes them.
  4. I guess the South Africans are still sore at you Brits inventing the concentration camps and letting/murdering 18-20,000 of the Boets, mainly children die and as many S Africans. Nice legacy, just one of their many worldwide atrocities, for the Brts.
  5. I guess rct that by Thailand driving standards we ate brilliant pilots! We are not the problem. Its the untrained, unlicensed, drunk drugged drivers all over Thailand. The freedom yiu enjoy driving/riding is cool because yiu will be careful. BTY I rode across Canada 3 times...magic. BC to New/Lab
  6. And so this carnage continues with not a care from the cops or Ministers- who are cocooned in their cars with motorbike outriders. Take a mini bus Minister and see the real way millions have to endure with freaked out drivers. Is it really that difficult for the BIB to actually patrol the roads and issue tickets? O, sorry TIT and it is.
  7. I wish the friggin' zombies in charge of the EC would take a leaf out of Thailands book. We are overrun.....probably millions of undocumented illegals and we have no idea of their criminality background. Misfits, radicals, psychotics, religious fanatics and radicals. Yep, the liberals and lefties have Europe fu**ed. You can't even deport the rubbish.....I'm all in for immigration for sure, but cherry picked and vetted.
  8. Good news for a change from the illustrious BIB. Can we mark her out as the first radical, raving feminist from China that we know of? What a pathetic creature....she had to embellish her stupid video with " I was approached by a foreign man" Hope he didn't ask.."how much love". Now that would be a cracker!!
  9. Good man Lou. Font of knowledge. 40 million " tourists," (more like Thais and transists) arrived in 2019....TAT says 25 million for 2023. Now my maths may not be the greatest but that looks like a huge drop to me. If you believe these figures then you believe pigs can fly
  10. On my few wanders around Nana I saw lots of women exposed.
  11. Unprovoked attack, woman raped on Koh Chang, utter carnage on the roads, gun violence, etc etc .....and TAT wonders why the Chinese (and others?) are not coming.
  12. Dangerous guy....lots of us here ride, enjoy and love bikes. But the HA's are a different breed. I got stuck in a snow storm on my HD in North Platte, Nebraska a few years back...I unknowingly arrived into the Friend's of the Bandidos club house/motel. They took me under their wing as I did a 600 mile ride that day and they liked that. I have to say I had a ball with these guys but I sure wouldn't cross them The bulk on this guy, he must spend his day pumping iron.
  13. Love the stupidity of that cop placing himself when bonzo is taking a selfie! Isn't social media great for getting yiu into trouble....
  14. I've been coming here for over 30 years and also lived here. Is that good for you? I don't know where you were hanging out but this was a great country to visit and travel. I've been to every corner of Thailand. What I experience today is nothing like over 30 years ago.
  15. I just love it - concerned about the damage to Thailands image around the world. I don't think he really needs to worry all that much ... the past image of a pure Thailand, a welcoming and super friendly Thailand went down the toilet years ago. I remember Thailand then - now there are just too many issues and bad tourists (and many bad locals in the heavily touristed spots).
  16. Odd. Seems to be a regular occurance of Indians being robbed of their valuable gold - which they just happen to carry around with them in, shall we say, less salubrious areas.
  17. Aha....just came in on a Loyalty Lobby email.....
  18. https://loyaltylobby.com/2023/11/15/bangkok-taxi-driver-gets-1000-euro-speed-reward-from-passenger-dropped-off-at-wrong-airport/ Did he mean to give the taxi driver 2 x 500 BAHT notes?... Or very possibly fake? As said, who travels with €500 notes as if they are confetti...well, not me for sure!
  19. Whay on earth? Seems to be a not unusual occurrence in Thailand. Is it that easy to get a weapon?. Three bullets to the belly? Real bad. That's his intestines knackered for life. What a thug and utter scum to open fire at a whole family.
  20. 150k a month for his apartment.....that is a serious pad/crib. Along with his massive collection of toys this guy was making serious money and no doubt whatsoever came to the BIB notice long before this. Maybe they just thought he was a hard working 9 to 5 guy....😉😊 ... and wished him well.....
  21. 45 luxury watches? Now we know someone in high places who might be interested?
  22. There are those, generally speaking, of certain Nationalities that you just do not want in your society. They contribute nothing. Russians, Nigerians, Albanians,, Romas, radicals to name a few. Yet, they get in everywhere. Its bad enough to have your own native thugs and scum without importing further problems.
  23. Not quite correct. It was not travellers per se but travel professionals that awarded this silly award. There is a difference. It never ceases to amaze me that with all the great destination countries in the world. Thailand somehow does well with "awards". I'm scratching my head!
  24. Dem Injins are getting feisty. Is this the same lot who had a go the other day-or another bunch? What a lot of plonkers-mollusc brains. Attacking any Thai official especially a foreigner is not what any sane person would contemplate.
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