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Everything posted by harleyclarkey

  1. Good for you, Rooster. Nice one to see the pot stirred and some silly comments. Relax lads, it's all in a days fun and I for sure enjoyed the read. Yes....not only the UK, but why in earth are the ozzies still clinging to the commonwealth in 2022?? And the queen's head on their currency ( Canada too). For goodness sake have some backbone....have you no home grown hero's for your notes??
  2. A unique woman the like of whom we will never see again. Daily devotion to her peoples over an incredible 70 years. A truly lovely person. As an Irishman I, and the Irish, were wholeheartedly delighted with her visit to Ireland in 2011. A trip she specifically referred to as a trip she had very fond memories of. She was welcomed with genuine warm feelings and her constant smiles said it all. RIP ER....
  3. When I was 6 and attending a German school on Dublin back in '57, a teacher scraped something on my forehead with chalk. It hurt. When my mother came home and saw me... she freaked. My dad was called from work and the Garda/police called. He had burned a swastika on my forehead. He was deported.
  4. Weed is not the problem....the THC content is. My time the THC was a mere 3% ....now they growers have pumped this up to 25% and more. Weed is now psychotic. Alcohol content is controlled ... would/could you drink spirits with, say, 80 % alcohol? Hardly.
  5. Delighted to see your reference to Churchill... a vile genocidal lunatic who was responsible for the deaths of many millions of starving Bengals, a racist, an advocate for poison gas, anti Semetic just some of the man's contributions. For me, an Irishman, his role in deploying the vicious, murdering thugs called the Black and Tans in Ireland is equally unforgivable. Roving murder squads, random beating, house burnings were some of their tools of their vile trade. Yes, good old Churchill a shining example of Britishness. Regretf,continued to this day by certain members of the English establishment.
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