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Everything posted by rwilem

  1. Why don't you try just using the phone? Has worked like a charm doing in on the phone. The website is optimized for mobile, presents itself similar to an app. From that captcha it even appears you are using the old(er) 'extranet' web address? (If that one is still viable or not, I don't know.) You are using this link? https://tm47.immigration.go.th/tm47/#/login Try doing it using your phone with that link.
  2. No replies after a few weeks? OK, generally it should be fine to use a phone acquired here in the U.S. But you need to check your device's frequency bands for compatibility with the U.S., and even the frequencies used by the various U.S. service providers. Go here and input your phone make and model in the search bar. https://www.kimovil.com/en/ For example, I put in Realme 9i, a fairly new model. https://www.kimovil.com/en/where-to-buy-realme-9i And it says, in the case of this phone, there are six versions. You check and select the version which matches the phone for which one wants to get info about, whether your phone or one you might want to buy. Then scroll way down till you see Kimovil Frequency Checker. If you've opened the page here, Thailand is probably the default country showing in the drop down menu. Change it to United States and you will see which bands the phone has which are compatible with frequencies used in the U.S. Furthermore, you can even check for compatibility with the various main service providers a little further down the page. 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, they're all listed there. (Although I've heard some providers are now phasing out 3G? I don't know for sure about that.) This will let you know if a phone from here is going to get the job done there. And if the phone is compatible with the service provider, swapping SIM cards will do the trick. LINE, no problem using it for making calls on LINE while in the U.S.
  3. rwilem

    tooth implants

    oh, that's just around the corner from me and I'm in desperate need of a dental check-up. I'll check them out, thanks for the tip. Do report back, it would be good to learn of your experience. Thanks.
  4. The date of your last entry into the country has always been the one I've used, and have never had any issue with. Which would also be the date connected with the TM-6 entry card. (The card has been done away with, though, but we have to assume your last entry date is recorded in the system.) Only way to find out what's gone wrong is to do the report in person and find out why you received the 'arrival date invalid' notation in their rejection.
  5. Yes, indeed. Once anyone's got an MO that works for them, no need to deviate much from it. And while what works for one may not be the way for others, it's good for all to pick up tips for successful outcomes when dealing with the bureaucracy.
  6. I well know that.... ???? But that doesn't change the fact that Immigration had asked me for copies of those two years ago when I didn't have them in my submitted paperwork, and then accepted and didn't return the same from me last year ???? Just not today. And I was fine with that! Case-by-case fellas. Out at CW I've always been asked for them. Last year I held back both the 90-day and TM-30 copies from the stack of papers given to the IO, just to find out what would happen. Yep, they were. asked for. "Oh...here they are," as I fished them from my stack and slid them over. Everyone's experience varies.
  7. How long does it take to get a passport? "As of July 2022, the processing times given by the U.S. Department of State were eight to 11 weeks. The processing time of a passport starts as soon as it’s received by a center or agency, not the day it’s sent in or applied on." That's from a USA Today article, dated July 15, 2022. https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/advice/2022/07/15/how-long-to-get-passport/7779296001/
  8. Is that early next month, middle or late? From monitoring reports here in the forum the mail-in/mail-back process of doing a passport renewal with the embassy has been taking two-three weeks. That's just from recall, you can search for detailed accounts. That said, from news reports in the past year it is taking quite some time for passport renewals in the U.S., in most cases months. I believe the State department has even announced that passport renewals are jammed up and advising people to expect lengthy delays in getting their renewed passport. When your passport is renewed by the embassy here, a letter will be included with your new passport to be used at Thai immigration. That letter will allow the transfer of all relevant info from the old passport to the new one. Take both passports and the letter to the Immigration office and they will transfer the stamps. Pretty easy and not time-consuming. When I received my renewed passport (you get both the new and old passports returned in the mail) I went to Immigration the next day, got it done and over quick.
  9. Well, I guess 'all's well that ends well' can apply here, as you're done and good to go until the next time. And by seeing the PENDING status on the submission that tells you it was not accidentally cancelled. So you could have taken one more day, today (Thursday), to see if you'd get an APPROVED on it before making the trek. (But maybe today was going to be better for you than doing it tomorrow (Friday), you're the boss for that!) Now on the 7-day window past the due date. Yes, I understand that the due date is/may be/could be counted as Day 1 of the grace period. Don't know if that is a hard-and-fast rule in every office. Don't know about that. Wonder what are the experiences of having gone in to do it on the 7th day AFTER the due date. And for some (many? all?) of the things that need to done st Immigration, if one's due date or deadline to do something falls on a holiday, or a day when Immigration is closed, the due date/deadline moves to the next day the Immigration office is open. Meaning, in theory, even if day 1 of the 7-day grace period was counted as having begun on the due date, day 7 would be on a Sunday. And since the office is closed on Sunday, Monday would be acceptable to submit a 90-day report in person, and would (should?) be considered as being done so within the grace period. BUT, who knows how it would be 'interpreted' at your immigration office. And for sure, I understand your desire to not mess around and just get it done and behind you.
  10. When looking at the 'checking status' page the column to the right, last one, will give you the status of your submission(s). For your latest one, do you see PENDING in that column? If you have submitted a report, received the email letting you know that submission was received, then you should see some status of that submission. Either PENDING, REJECTED or APPROVED. Seeing as you have not mentioned that, I wonder if you did indeed, unfortunately, cancel the submission when you hit that 'X' mark. If you couldn't see anything with PENDING, my guess is your submission is not there. It's Thursday now, why don't you attempt another 'fresh' submission, and see what happens today? If nothing happens you could go to the office tomorrow to do it in person. Actually, you could go in on Monday the 19th and be within the 7-day grace period. So submit a fresh report today, now, and hold tight for today, if you'd rather go to the office tomorrow. Or hold on through the weekend and go in on Monday if you don't get approved by over the weekend. Submit a fresh one today, and who knows, maybe you could get approved by the evening.
  11. Every immigration office handles things in its own manner, especially regarding 90-day reporting. Which is why it's good to identify the office one is dealing with when raising an issue or asking a question.
  12. No problem. If approved your receipt/next due date page will still have those two fields blank, but all is good, it's not an issue.
  13. There you go, you're in! On your earlier questions about 'contact info', etc. that is at the bottom of the page, I've never filled it out, never put anything in there. They've got my address and phone number above, that's my contact info. That's all 90-day reports need. Just left all that other stuff blank, it's worked for me.
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