When looking at the 'checking status' page the column to the right, last one, will give you the status of your submission(s).
For your latest one, do you see PENDING in that column? If you have submitted a report, received the email letting you know that submission was received, then you should see some status of that submission. Either PENDING, REJECTED or APPROVED.
Seeing as you have not mentioned that, I wonder if you did indeed, unfortunately, cancel the submission when you hit that 'X' mark. If you couldn't see anything with PENDING, my guess is your submission is not there.
It's Thursday now, why don't you attempt another 'fresh' submission, and see what happens today? If nothing happens you could go to the office tomorrow to do it in person.
Actually, you could go in on Monday the 19th and be within the 7-day grace period. So submit a fresh report today, now, and hold tight for today, if you'd rather go to the office tomorrow. Or hold on through the weekend and go in on Monday if you don't get approved by over the weekend.
Submit a fresh one today, and who knows, maybe you could get approved by the evening.