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Everything posted by rwilem

  1. It can be done at the time of your next extension. You can also go in and have it done before then, either are OK.
  2. Looks like you're in luck, the info is above, you can apply at the embassy. In person. That old passport is gonna come in handy!
  3. I think what you are asking will the new passport and date of issue be closed to the old expiration date?. Not quite....I understand that the new 'issued on' date will not have any connection to the current one's expiration date. Just investigating the time frame of a renewal application and the new 'issued on' date that goes in the passport, and how best to proceed to possibly affect that. I'll be applying for a new one well in advance, just the timing of my annual extension's 'stay until date' and passport's expiration are coming into play next time around.
  4. Good info. I wasn't looking all that closely about the several exceptions to renewal-by-mail, those categories not allowed to. I did see a sentence, highlighted I believe, that in some case the passport could only be acquired in the U.S. But good that the fella above will be able to get it here.
  5. Yep, that seems to the pattern. The 'issued on' date correlates more with the time the package is received by the embassy than the time it's returned to sender. Next Gen style passport, you say. What's next gen about it? Just wonder about that.
  6. Extension date, 'permitted to stay' date, is always Jan. 25. Current passport expires Nov. 13, 2025. Next year's extension, if done on current passport, would change the 'permitted to stay date' to match that passport's expiry date. If I want to just keep the same Jan. 25 'permitted to stay' date, then I will need a new passport, and most likely would apply for the renewal sometime in mid- October, give it a buffer so that I've got the new one by December. Even if I do the renewal later, (November, early December) that's still about a year ahead of the current one's expiration. The issue becomes what's the priority, sticking with a tried-and-true extension time frame, which I'm comfortable with, or getting max use of the current passport? The idea of targeting the new passport's 'issued on' date, a ballpark estimate for that, just doing a challenge, I guess See if I can affect that so that it's close to what I've got now. Since I'm gonna get one anyways. Just keep things close to the same, if possible
  7. Look, on the website you're asked a few questions to determine whether one is eligible to renew by mail. If you're 15 years or more outside of a renewal, as is in your case, you are not able to continue with a renewal by mail. What happens? I don't know, didn't pursue it much but it seemed to suggest that in such a case one would be limited to getting a new passport only in the U.S. BUT, take a look, and ask them about it, there is a contact form at that juncture.
  8. Right, they're all new, get an 'issued on' date, it expires ten years from that date. New numbers, new dates, you get a brand new you.
  9. Yes, people get both passports back, the old passport usually has a hole punched through it, denoting it's no longer valid. In your case, your U.S. passport has now been expired for 20 years, if you last got one 30 years ago. I think you're going to have to start from scratch. BUT, check with the embassy, there is a contact form for passport-related issues.
  10. Well, if I don't renew about a year ahead, for my next extension with immigration the permission to stay date will be shortened to the time the passport expires. And that date will become the new 'permitted to stay until' for subsequent extensions. So do I want to stay on the same long-held extension/OK stay until date? If yes, gotta get the new passport a year before it would expire.
  11. Wow...one month after you sent it in, 'issued on'. Yeah, like those box of chocolates, I guess. Never know what you're gonna get.
  12. Just a little over three weeks, and at the holidays no less, that's a good result! And a little over a week from when the embassy received it to an 'issued on' date. Thanks for the info.
  13. Thanks for the info. Seems like the passport issue date would be not that long from the time the renewal app gets received by the embassy. And yep, it's no race, the thing is staying on top of all the steps. One thing to consider about passport renewal timing is how you can affect the annual extension 'drop dead' date. Getting an extension on a 'lame duck' passport is going to change your long-held permission to stay date, shortened to the time the passport expires. (Day of, or day before, I'm not sure but close enough.) And then on a new passport you'd be dealing with immigration for your annual extension in a new time frame. Kind of playing with both scenarios now, even though just keeping it the same is easy enough.
  14. Actually, with the variation in how long the process takes for the passport to be returned it's more or less a crap shoot, I suppose. Just gonna have to accept new 'issued on' and 'expires' dates. Hopeful they're not too far off from my 'target', haha.
  15. For those U.S. folks doing the renewal-by-mail of their passports, just wondering about the 'issued on' date in the new passport, relative to when they actually have the new passport in hand The idea being Is there any pattern one can figure out, in relation to the new 'issued on' date (which also correlates to the expiry date), and the date/time frame the new passport has been received? Being as I'll do the renewal a year before the current one expires, I'd like for the new one's 'issued on' date (day/month) to be near the current one's. Just for convenience sake, really, and keep all these 'official date patterns' (PP, extension, licenses, etc.) the same, or near same, if possible. The passport renewal, all the changes from the embassy, etc., have been discussed ad nauseam. And with the varying time frames from submitting the renewal to getting the passports back (anywhere from 3-6 weeks it seems from recent reports) maybe there's no way to target an 'issued on' date. In the past, renewing passports at the embassy was rather simple, compared to the process in place now. Did it twice, and I'd pickup up the new passport which had an 'issued on' date just a few days prior to my pickup. Just wonder if those getting their new passports have picked up any 'lag time' from the 'issued on' date to getting the new puppy back.
  16. I have not done the renewal, but need to in the near term so I've been following the topic. Monitoring the reports here the embassy has made changes in the process in the last 4-6 months or so, a key one regarding the requirements for the return envelope. Anyway, If from the embassy's website one sees a requirement is listed, best to go ahead and meet it. The renewal process has gotten a bit more drawn out. And the time to get the passports back has increased, maybe close to doubled. Folks in the earlier part of last year were reporting getting them back in under three weeks. That seems over now.
  17. It's running, can confirm from a visit out there in early December. But I assume it's mostly for the benefit of employees, so its frequency might reflect that? Meaning more trips in the AM and later afternoon, when people are arriving to/leaving work, as opposed to mid-day. Just a guess. Did not get out there using the Pink Line in combo with the Green Line. But I returned that way, and even if it may be convenient the time it would take to get there, what with transferring and waiting for trains, is going to be longer than just taking road transpo from your favorite BTS or other station. Just an initial reaction. Nice to take it back, though, when time is not of the essence. Also, as of that time the Gov't Complex station could only be accessed from the opposite side of the street, after coming out from Soi 7, although the exit/entrance on the same side looked to be nearing completion.
  18. Did my extension based on retirement a few weeks back, and a few weeks before that had made an appointment. The L1-35 desk is where the appointment notice directed me to appear. After the IO finished with the applicant who was at the desk, I was asked to go to that front L1 desk (27, is it?) for a 'document check'. OK, did that and returned to L1-35 and waited again while another applicant was being served. Tip: May as well get the 'documents check' done first before you appear/hang out at the front of the L1-35 desk.
  19. OK, the site is back online in time to report the following. Submitted the 90-day report online to CW on Nov. 20. It was approved Nov. 22, a two-day turnaround. A pleasant surprise given the recent issues. Then I cancelled a 'just-in-case' online appointment for it I'd made, in the event it remained in 'pending limbo' into the grace period past the due date.
  20. The system's broken. Maybe not that it's inoperable, but they way it's handled at CW, whatever the protocol the office uses to review submissions, ii's not working. Shortage of staff, who knows? But fixing it at CW doesn't seem to be much of a priortiy. Same thing as reported by others, when I mentioned the (still) pending status of my online submission when I finally went to do it in person, the IO was non-plussed. Just a wave of the hand, an a tired "It's not working,"
  21. Yes, and if you want to do it online with the CW office, right now it's best to submit on the the first day you are allowed to, 15 days ahead of the due date. Things seem to have fallen by the wayside at CW for online 90 day reporting about a month, six weeks ago, after a couple of extended holidays. Anyway, submit 15 days ahead of the due date. That gives you about 20 days, which seems to be needed currently, to wait for approval before crunch time when you would have to get out there to do it in person. Wonder when, or even if, the system will get itself righted at some point. Stay tuned.
  22. Just a thought, here. The last two extensions I've updated the bankbook at a bank branch next to the BTS station in town from where I start the journey out to CW. It's a good working MO for me. At the complex I just make a beeline to the copy shops and get my final copies made, then head over to Immigration. Skip having to do anything with the bank branch out there. (I get the the account balance letter the day before at a brach in town.)
  23. Absolutely, let sleeping TM-6s lie, right where they are. I'll keep it stapled in the passport, just fine and dandy, and handy for who knows whatever. Thanks for your report, and the in-one-place links to the four extra documents!
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