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  1. JayLeno, FYI, You can expect that to transfer to a Non-O is an immigration issue and not BOI. So asking any query is likely to be an immigration question. I had a work permit through Thai company and the visa extension through one stop center. One stop advised that changing to a Non-O was nothing to do with them. Go to immigration. If you go to Chaeng Wattana you need to ask to see the approppriate officers for query on what can be done. They should give you a queue ticket and say one specific booth. I did not have to wait very long even though there were long queues for everything else.
  2. There are a number of posts that I could possibly reply to, however i think its best to just reply. At Chaeng Wattana late january i have been clearly told by the appropriate immigration staff that I cannot go to a Non-o based on marriage from a work permit. I have to go out and come back in visa exempt or with a Non-O already obtained outside. One of my friends wife knows chaeng wattana immigration well and has also checked. They say no also. Hua Hin immigration also definitely will not allow non-o marriage from a work permit. However, i do understand that in bangkok the switch can be done by an agent. A price stated earlier was 25,000 Baht. Therefore your decision may be whether you pay for an agent, or go outside country and return visa exempt. (And i think that should be cheaper than 25,000). From, visa exempt you apply for a non-O based on marriage that gives 90 days,wait for approval, and then within the last 30 days of the 90 you apply for a one year extension based on marriage. Be aware that for non-o marriage, you must ensure that you have all the necessary paperwork requirements for it as well as the 400,000, and have the marriage registered in Thailand, or if overseas marriage you must get the local registration Khor Ror 22. See attached list from Chaeng Wattana>
  3. Read the post fully. Its not just about hua hin.
  4. There is no probably. I quote fact. If your transfers are below the alliowances then there should be no need to file a tax return.
  5. There seems to be a lot of opinion that nothing will happen. But the banks are now starting to ask for tax ID to satisfy CRS. ITs taken two years. Slow, yes. In uk it took about one year. One step at a time. For those who think the TRD will not get their act together, then things may prove to be a but quicker than some expect. There was a seminar in hua hin recently to discuss the tax issues with the TRD. See attached FYI. some points to note , but still questions yet to be answered. From the reports we see, its clear that many jurisdictions do not Understand what is started, however it may slowly become more consistent. Many people will hope it does not happen too quickly. Added comment. Sorry if the text is not very clear. I wil look at improving if i can later on my notebook.
  6. No, Read the first part above. Uk DTA has no provision against state or personal pension (unless government service). So there can be double tax on pensions. The UK seem to have deliberately left out the clause in most DTA's. The people responsible must have loved trying to screw pensioners. Just like no yearly inflation increases in state pension.
  7. As OJAS has commented, If you are resident in Thailand there should be no increases for you in UK state pension. From what you say, are you non resident. Then you have no reason for any Thai tax consideration. If you are resident in Thailand then you are subject to tax on what is remitted here since 2024 changes. The UK DTA has no provisions to avoid double taxation, unless it is a government service pension, not the state pension. The UK has no consideration of UK expats resident in Thailand. If you are retired and resident here, there is no increase in state pension, and no DTA coverage for pensions, although it is very different with other south east asian countries. Screw you old age UK citizens if you go to live somewhere else. Rachel reeves must love it.
  8. What , where, when? and how? Where are the links to give any info.? May be the just the new bus service to Hua Hin as well as Pattaya. Just 4 buses a day to Pattaya, related Info attached.
  9. I had a first effort at TM30 in Hua hin immigration. Experience below may help others to be prepared for requirements. I already had been told that they require the owner present, so I had to find out. From experience that is not necessary in bangkok and jomtien if you have the appropriate paperwork. However TIT, and we have to find out the differing requirements as necessary. The officer would not accept my TM30 , despite being the resident according to Usufruct and chanote, which must satisfy the legal requirement. So, being prepared, I gave all the necessary documents for the owner of the house. But, not enough, the requirement is the owner has to be with you. So again, being prepared for all that I knew, I gave the power of attorney from the owner. I still came unstuck. I was told its not acceptable without the stamps for duty paid. There is a first time for everything. The immigration officer was very helpful stating that its stamps for 30 Baht. But I cannot get them at immigration. Have to go and get the stamps - Stationary office. Fortunately I had enough time to go out and get the stamps, but only just. It was hard to get the nearest stationary store to understand what I wanted. I got back re-queued again and got the TM 30 cleared with about 5 to 10 minutes before closing. The form was accepted with the duty paid stamps, hopefully I can save half a day next time. Lessons learnt. Be aware, and attached may help. Stamps may also be available from post offices. I attach photo of power of attorney POA form with the stamps. You need 30 baht per person. I also attach a copy of the POA form, its from about 10 years ago. Tenants in an apartment had no problem using it then. Still ok, but now I needed the stamps. However I cannot upload the POA pdf and have had to capture it in Jpg, so its cropped to suit
  10. The quality of the upload picture i posted is not good. For contact details see the attachment for enlarged detail
  11. Reverting to the original topic, FYI. The attached gives the details of the new bus service as circulated in Hua Hin. It also shows some links and a telephone number that may be useful.
  12. Nonsense. Its not the condominium act that is the problem, Its lack of enforcement of the law. Short term rentals under 30 days are illegal. Condominiums should only have to report it to the local authorities with the room numbers and they should take action. Then they could get the taxes, and fine the owners. How are they going to get the taxes if they do nothing. The condos are not going to get or pay the taxes.
  13. Will they have any zones outside 7 elevens? or are those areas only going to be allowed for locals.
  14. Many people still do not seem to be aware of the CRS. The Thai government has enacted the Royal Decree on the Common Reporting Standard, B.E. 2566 (2023) ("CRS Decree"), which came into effect on March 31, 2023 which enables Thailand to fulfill its international obligations. Thailand has joined with all the other global countries in the system to prevent tax avoidance. (The US is the most noteworthy missing, because they already have a global requirement system in place). Its a global system where its not just that Thai banks want the information. Under the CRS regulations the banks MUST get the details of Tax residence and tax ID of people with accounts here. For most Thais it is not necessary because they are considered as tax resident here. But for foreigners the banks will need to request the information. Just that they did nothing about it for nearly two years. Presumably the TRD is now kicking up a stink with them to implement what is required. TRD may benefit with potential of more taxable income information from the other countries. But only if you are resident here. When the rules started for many banks a long time ago in the west, it has since been implemented on all financial accounts in many countries including UK offshore locations, Hong Kong, Singapore , etc. The banks first requested information, then from my experience after about a year they started to threaten to freeze the accounts if you did not comply. Be warned, the issue may not simply go away.
  15. My advice is that boots are cheaper than the hospitals but still expensive compared to cheaper pharmacies. However, I also prefer to buy in person. Look for the cheaper pharmacies recommended. The cheapest i know is Siam pharmacy at Ploenchit just outside the BTS station. They have a lot of meds in stock, some that i cannot readily get elsewhere. You can telephone them to see what they have and price. The number from google is 083 792 1982
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