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  1. Thanks. Its starting to look as if a KorSor 22 may be ok, but its risky applying for non-o in uk without the legalised, etc translation. I will try to find out next week what Chaeng Wattana ask for here to change directly to Non-O 90 day. However I suspect i will have to get the legalisation of marriage certificate etc done in the UK.
  2. I have been looking at possibly using Vietnam Ho Chi Minh for a Non-O. I have friends there I can visit. The website has the attached notice for processing time, 5 working days after the visa application approved. So you could expect to be there at least a week. I have not yet researched all the problems from the evisa system and have a question if somebody can answer please. If you go to the country and make the application, is it ok to go out to another country and return. I would expect it should be ok. So I go to HCMC complete the application. Fly to Hong Kong for a few days to see friends. Fly back to HCMC, then use the Evisa to fly back to Thailand.
  3. Thanks again. will look at this.
  4. thanks, understood and i agree. I have that as my number 2 alternative and likely to be easiest. First i will go to Chaeng Wattana and see if they will change the Non-b to non-o marriage with the korsor 22. I know that it is possible, but they may still ask for all the certification requirements on our marriage certificate. I do not have them. I only have the certificate and translation. The amphur accepted them to do the korsor 22.. I need to know if the marriage certifications are going to be a problem, because i could still face the issue for the 12 month extension later. I am still currently registered as living in Bangkok (part time work for another two months), will change to hua hin as soon as i can depending what CW say.
  5. Hi Dr Jack54 and other people reading this thread. I looked at the post referred, and note that somebody said in the thread in 2024 that thai embassy document requirements had been slimmed down. I am trying to change from a non-b (based on work permit) to 90 day non-o for marriage. In theory I should be able to, but hua hin immigration say that they do not do it,and i will have to go out of country. I may need to go the UK to get the non-o for marriage and need to check any update on marriage certificate requirements. The Thai embassy website states the requirement as follows: "Proof of relationship to a family in Thailand, eg a copy of marriage certificate / birth certificate / certificate of adoption". I had a marriage to my thai wife in uk and have the marriage certificate and a translation into thai. But also, I have recently got the marriage registered in the amphur and now have the kor sor 22. Previously some time ago the thai embassy required a UK marriage certificate to be certified in the UK by FCO and certified by them. But if I already now have a korsor22 marriage registered in Thailand, then that may not be necessary. Does anybody know or have experience recently with similar at the uk thai embassy and can they confirm for the uk marriage / certification requirements in uk. I will have to send a query to the thai embassy, but would be grateful for any knowledge by others.
  6. Either what you say is true or not. And i advise that it is pasting a picture that is not correct and can confuse people. So there is no need to dismiss it as if i am wrong. if i am barking up the wrong tree and not telling the truth then there is no point in me trying to help people. i have seen enough misinformation or poor opinion in the related subjects and will post sometimes to try to correct things. I advise that you should not confuse people with remarks that may not be true. Today i have pointed out some specific misunderstandings on DTA's and i will post to help people when i see something where i can help. No point in commenting again on people who clearly have incorrect opinions.
  7. i note that health insurance cost was an allowance. that sounds appropriate. thanks. i need to check any limits.
  8. the oz DTA does not state "where it was earnt". I have seen some DTAs that specifically state that, but unfortunately the oz DTA does not state it.
  9. it is necessary to read and understand clause 19 fully. i have seen posts where people misinterpret the wording , not just for oz. It is clear. Pension is only taxable in the contracting state of residence. if you are resident here, it is only taxable here - if remitted. but you could offset any tax paid in oz. Clause 20 is specifically excluding income / pensions from government service. Please note that in Thailand pension is classed as income. Capital gains is also classed as income here. at present only if remitted to thailand.
  10. ? I thought there are a lot of brits here (and australians), and that is not true for the respective DTAs. except for government service. UK DTA does not cover pensions (except for gov service) The OZ DTA, pension is only taxable in the contracting state that you are resident. (except gov service) . if you are resident here, that means tax in thailand. The personal pensions will be taxable here, if remitted. but any tax paid in uk/oz can be offset. A standard UK state pension is just below the income tax threshold in uk, no tax paid. but the amount is above the thresholds in Thailand, so some tax would be due here , although not very large due to allowances
  11. In that case you are only referring to a US consideration. Not for anybody else. So if that is the case then it clarifies.
  12. ? Please clarify where this is stated In thailand pension is classed as income. Its something that i see on the tax, legal advice and investment sites , and they all seem to state the same.
  13. Understood. Clause 19 governmental service clause 2 applies to exempt the pension (unless you got Thai nationality). Your case may be hard to judge for the Thais if they can see that its coming from an investment scheme. It may depend on how your bank shows the amounts in their information to TRD. Maybe best that you check how the bank shows the income account / amounts in your statements or what they report. So it will only be regarded as "pension" income. There are standard forms for what the banks have to report for CRS. I did manage to find the standards but cannot readily understand them. There is a lot involved. It would take some effort that I do not need to spend yet. I do not know whether an individual can ask to see the information sent by the bank to the TRD. FYI, I have just seen my offshore bank statements for end 2024. They show transactions through the year and when I transferred my personal pension out from trustees to the bank in 2024,they show a code PEN with reference number. That may signify that the bank has classed it as from pension funds which had been stated on the inward remittance from my trustees. A "PEN" code was shown against the transfer out I just made recently directly to my thai wife as a gift. Plausible that the amount is currently being classed against pension Income.
  14. Just checking, for item 2 that would be correct if using clause 19 for services rendered in the discharge of governmental functions. For category 1 however, you still have a liability for the income on the investment. But currently only if you are remitting it to Thailand (unless they change to worldwide income). If the income is small then it should not be a problem regarding tax, however if it is large you need to work it out. But be careful. If you are remitting say 400 to 500, 000 baht under 1. and get investment income / gains of 10% then you may think that by ratio the taxable amount may be negligible. However the TRD may consider that the remittance is from only the income gained, then the picture can change markedly. Your Oz bank will exchange their information with Thailand under the CRS requirements. Investment gains is either income or capital gains. For Thailand capital gains is taxed as income. So either way the investment gains are income, regardless of how Australia treats it. I suggest that you need to get the Oz bank to work out how you can split the account into two, savings from before 2024 and put investment income/ gains into the second account before each year end for the statements by the oz bank. Then only make transmittals from the savings part and be able to prove it from the bank information for each year end. Basically, do not remit from the gains on the investment. You can use that in Oz . This is the same potential issue for me (and other people?). I do not transmit money here yet. But in the future will need to do so. I plan to do what i have stated. However, if the TRD changes to worldwide income it will not be any use.
  15. My Thai wife has just finished chemotherapy on the Thai Health system for breast cancer, in hua hin As people have commented , we pay so little that we are very luky. But It was very hard getting everything approved through the system to start. My wife did extremely well getting all the Tests and verifications from home province, home district and original surgery in Bangkok Hospital. She has a strong will, but it still caused much hardship. Its also hard because the state hospitals are so crowded and you need to get there early in the Queue, before 7am. Then you may be there most of the day. She has just started follow up laser treatment in Ratchaburi. Same issue hospital swamped with people from about 7am. We aim to get there by 7am, even though she has started the ball rolling. I commend what is provided under the Thai system, but FYI its hard going through all the bureaucracy and very long waits at the hospitals.

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