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Posts posted by stumonster

  1. yes - I have seen this a couple of times and found that a reload page sorts it out.

    maybe they are intercepting port 53 - ala maxnet

    as I cache DNS on my router maybe I am not seeing it as often as others.

  2. my modem was supplied by true many years ago - I have it bridged and use a wrt54gl running tomato to control it.

    my modem is negotiating 2048 with the DSLAM but I have not speed tested for a while

    overall I have been quite happy with my TRUE ADSL - some hiccups over the years

    and as always I suggest you replace the phone cable from the street to your outlets in the house - at 5 baht per metre it can save you all sorts of inherited trouble.

  3. I pay TOT about 117 baht a month line rental and I have 1024/512 internet from TRUE which is about 690 a month - my TRUE package is now also the sat dish/decoder , and sim card for about 400 baht more a month - not totally sure of the details as the ADSL is all I care about.

    I think all the moobarn is TOT lines as the telephone marshalling box is just across the road from my place and it has TOT spraypainted on it - all the various companies service vigos pull up at it - it is unlocked of course :) , and I have been tempted.

  4. Police say not guilty, and take their money, but

    King Power tries to save face by declaring them guilty again

    AFTER the police say they aren't.[/b][/size]

    Why so much revolving change in status,

    is it because KP is scared of the bad PR and tried to stamp out the bad talk?

    Once not guilty, are you then likely to be re-accused

    just so some one can save their bottom line, or just FACE?

    Sure looks that way.

    or maybe

    - KP accuses the couple of stealing

    - Police apprehend the couple and question them - there seems to be a suggestion that they were apprehended twice

    - KP submit their video and statements to the police

    - Police charge the couple and explain what they need to do to make bail , giving them a look at their accommodation if they do not

    - interpreter/legal advice explains to them some options - including paying for the charges to be dropped etc etc

    - newspaper article , thai expat forum wailing and gnashing of teeth causes KP to release the video footage of why they accused the couple.

    What the Prime Minister needs to do here is investigate these events and publicly fire, prosecute and imprison some of the high ranking corrupt officials and do it quickly.

    Anything less than this is not good enough.

    but the scale of this is a trifle when compared to the real corruption involving govt contracts and concessions - Japanese businessmen have been convicted in Japan of paying money to Thai Govt officials and nothing has happened to those involved in Thailand - surely the corruption at the higher levels of govt are more important for the Prime Minister to be focussed on than this pitiful effort at the Airport.

  5. That is why the Danish warning is so important. The Thai Police have quite rightly been accused of systematic corruption within an international forum by a foreign government.

    and the Thai police are probably not the most corrupt/costing the most to the people of Thailand - so if we are missing the "big picture" here , you are not pointing in the right direction.

    the issue here for most people here is not the corruption of the Thai police , that is taken as a given , but is there a risk - how high - of being innocently caught up in the corruption.

  6. What would be really interesting if some sort of pro active news agency sent a reporter to those 'dingy' hotels to find out if any of the current guests are stuck there under the same circumstances... that seems like a natural first step for media here as the police definitely won't proactively take down something that makes a select few of them money.

    I would suggest you have a read at andrew-drummond.com who has also just posted a follow up story to incident involving the Irish woman.

  7. the 1920 x 1080 res worked on other screens, including the one that I bought (40' Samsung).

    I use it exclusively as computer monitor with that res.

    is this via the VGA out port on your laptop ? if so what model is your samsung ?

  8. Where did you get the info of the wallet being found in the gents toilet from,

    if you go to kingpower.com and click on the link for shplifting explanation you can view video from 3 cases and a pdf document containing a statement from KP about each case

    remember the video has been compressed for uploading and streaming on the web so is not the same quality as the original that would have been presented as evidence , and also take note that KP in their statements say they are not responsible for what happens after they inform the police and submit their evidence/statements.

  9. there are adapters DVI to HDMI but the prices are not reasonable

    for desktops many video cards are out with HDMI output and a few motherboards have onboard HDMI.

    for laptops some have a mini HDMI output but soon many of the laptops based on the Nvidia Ion platform will have HDMI out - but I would expect that mini HDMI will be standard output on a laptop soon.

    many nettops as they are calling them will have HDMI or mini HDMI.

  10. I am with TRUE ADSL

    I upgraded a few months ago ( 5 ?) from 512/256 to 1024/512 for about 100 baht less per month :)

    I had been told that I could not get 2 meg with the modem I had - er ok salesperson , I won't argue cause I will never win , I will wait till later and just be happy when I first see 1024/512 negotiated by my modem.

    for about 6 weeks I have seen my moden negotiate 2048/512 with the DSLAM - this came after watching it negotiate some strange U/L speeds for a week , 192 , 440 , 336 :D

    now it seems I get 2048 d/l from thai servers and 1024 for international and I am not paying any more.

    so far I have been happy with the 1024/512 and have yet to get it upped to 2048 D/L as I have not the need.

  11. He barely has the strength to keep the coalition together, let alone the country.

    surely a step up from not having the money to keep a coalition together ?

    only hindsight will enable us to judge Abhisit correctly.

  12. If I buy something, it's mine. You can't change your mind later and take it back, even if you give me a refund.

    The whole thing is just unbelievable.

    are they selling you a copy of the book or just licensing it to you ? what does the "fine print say"

    same for the most used desktop operating system in the world

  13. I think the bigger picture is the ARM devices coming onto the market - the x86 boys are desperately trying to shave milliwatts off their processors and ARM chips are already there.

    combined with low power GPUs that can do 1080p playback and you can start having portable devices that will web browse , skype , email , VPN/VNC , word process , and database - but will weigh 1 kilo and last up to 24hours on a single charge.

    keeping data on remote severs is no big deal as you just encrypt it , bandwidth is the issue - but wifi , HSPA/LTS , 802.16e are providing that

    these OS's like googles and moblin and maemo are not for fullblown power setups , but highly portable devices.

  14. In terms of reporting however they have a piece of paper which says they are not guilty and can thus can sue the pants off anyone who suggests otherwise

    do you really think that statement applies to only pedophiles ? every one else who has paid has also received a letter which says they are not guilty and have no case to answer.

    it is certainly not relevant to quote the whole text if that is the point.

  15. my agenda is to determine for myself if innocent people are being shaken down and so far I have yet to be convinced of it . People making judgements between the photo and the video is their call - I have not done so - my judgements have been on the video and whether it looks to me as if they have shoplifted an item. I don't think KP has released a video of some other couple.

    as for your snide little insults ,maybe it is better for you to be a little more broadminded in your outlook

    You can't even see that you actually state that you have seen nothing to convince you of their innocence. This is where we are different - I want to see something that convinces me of their guilt before I form an opinion. You want to see something that proves their innocence. Maybe it is better for you to be a little more broadminded in your outlook

    "People making judgements between the photo and the video is their call - I have not done so "

    Yes you have

    "I don't think KP has released a video of some other couple."

    Unless you have access to something that we do not, you have judged that the couple in the video are the same couple who's photograph appears in the news article. Are you losing the plot?

    They are claiming they are innocent of theft and KP has published a video which they claim is the same couple and in it I can see the woman place something in her bag.

    The photo published by the Times has no relevance to me despite your claims to the contrary. I am not basing my belief of that being the same couple by comparing the video and the photograph , I am basing it on the statement by KP.

    what I want to know is if there is a scam in place that is having innocent people arrested and having to pay. To me from the video evidence and statement provided by KP I am not convinced that innocent people are ending up in police custody.

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