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Posts posted by stumonster

  1. an 8 gig drive with a 5gig encrypted container means you have approx 3 gig of space left on the drive

    copy the truecrypt installer to the drive and run it and choose traveler mode , and you will install the program on your stick.

    the truecrypt site will have a detailed procedure for you to follow on their website

  2. Another big difference with wired networks is that a switch can be set to full-duplex (sending and receiving data at the same time over 2 pairs of copper cable), while WiFi is always half-duplex (either sending or receiving data). A 54Mbps WiFi link will have a maximum throughput of 25Mbps to one single station while no other stations are associated. The more associated stations, the lower the throughput as the accesspoint can only send to one single station at the same time.

    this is an important point that many people do not take into account when using wifi . also you must take into account the subtle latency addition and wireless collision avoidance. this adds a lot more overhead than in a conventional LAN connection.

    that said I would expect your wif ( if it is g at both ends ) to be a bit faster than 1 Mbit/s

  3. The Aussie Feds have an office here so i doubt if it will take long to grab the punks.

    they don't seem to be willing to name the persons of interest - I wonder why

    "I think, given the recent experience with these things with other well-known identities, you would understand these things are never straightforward,'' he said.
  4. She was loud - undisputed

    conjecture until witness statements , confession statements and police notes state it as fact

    She was drunk - undisputed

    define drunk - conjecture until witness statements , confession statements and police notes state it as fact

    Stumonster, please tell me, hand on heart, if you were serving on a jury and the accused was charged with theft, and the only information that you were given was as above, would you really decide that she was guilty of theft? How many from a jury of 12 would actually want to convict her?

    You would only be given the facts as above, because everything else IS conjecture.

    I am not a jurist and I have stated my opinion from the information to hand - meager as it is

  5. The woman did run across the road - undisputed

    conjecture until witness statements , confession statements and police notes state it as fact

    The woman was arrested and charged with theft - undisputed

    in the end yes - but a time line for the events might shed more light on the situation at the time - was she arrested on the spot or asked to accompany the officers to the station ? was she arrested after running away ? and many variations of this.

    She was rude to police - disputed as the police admitted that they could not understand what she was saying

    disputed by an offhand quote , it is still conjecture until witness statements , confession statements and police notes state it as fact

    She was loud - undisputed

    conjecture until witness statements , confession statements and police notes state it as fact

  6. Anyway, I think that this will be my last post in this thread as so many cannot differentiate fact from fiction.

    The facts in this case are what?

    The mat was in the woman's bag - undisputed

    conjecture until witness statements and police notes state it as fact

    The friend put the mat in the bag - undisputed

    conjecture until witness statements , confession statements and police notes state it as fact

    The friend confessed to the crime - undisputed

    conjecture until witness statements , confession statements and police notes state it as fact

    It was raining - undisputed

    for this to actually have some bearing on the situation - it was raining is not enough information

  7. No Stumonster, I have seen no CCTV footage. It's a shame as so much could possibly be revealed if the video footage was available. Of course I'm not suggesting that someone may have an ulterior motive for not allowing the footage into public view.

    How can you say I am "doing a massive amount of conjecture based on ???" and then follow with the rest of your post?

    you are stating so many opinions as to what occurred as fact - to do that I would expect you to have witnessed or reviewed impartial evidence rather than the what is printed in the newspapers.

    many reasons why CCTV is not released to the public.

    "I think she is lying and her friends are lying" - conjecture on your part

    "we are hearing one side of a story in each case , with no corroborating evidence." - so what do you mean? that corroborating evidence is only necessary to prove someone's innocence, but not to prove their guilt?

    Everything that I have written is based on the very few facts that are known and corroborated by others.

    Other peoples posts condemning this woman DO stem from a massive amount of conjecture based on ???

    I prefixed my statement with "I think" for a reason - it is my opinion.

  8. loong and laughing man, can you also clue us in on whether all the women involved were sitting at one table , and where in the bar they were sitting ?

    because you have seen the cctv footage it seems or else you are doing a massive amount of conjecture based on ???

    I think she is lying and her friends are lying - the police should have had them all in for attempting to mislead.

    as for the other accounts that are surfacing , we are hearing one side of a story in each case , with no corroborating evidence.

  9. when you sell something at your place of business for 1500 baht - maybe the apologists can compare that to the daily wage - should you let petty thieves just walk off with the merchandise.

    those of you trying to tell us that in Australia they would just get let off are outright lying.

    this has been an Australian media beatup over a petty thief.

    another nail in the coffin of what used to be a great country. it is sad to see Australia declining like this.

  10. the openVPN client continues to attempt reconnect when the server goes down and will reconnect when it comes back up again.

    I have a remote machine ( it also sits behind a openVPN server ) and it has 5 tap interfaces installed and each of those connect to a remoteVPN server which have a network behind them - another network connects to one of the servers via a 54GL running as client and there is client to client connection between them - I have done it that way there because of the way the internet access is managed on that site. The main machine runs TheDude and monitors IPcams and wifi routers at all the remote sites and probes various configured services each minute and after 5 negatives it will email an email address with the device name and service failure - a subject filter converts some to sms.

    with some of the older versions of tomato+openVPN firmware I was having some problems with the VPNserver locking up over time, but I scheduled them to restart each day at 12 to 1 am , but it does not seem to be necessary with the latest firmwares.

    when a new IP is assigned by the ISP to the sites the connection is re established within the 5 min timeframe.

    the only problem I could see with your SSH tunnels is when it swaps to the next VPN server the tap interface will be assigned a different IP , though if you are using a DHCP server to assign addresses it should receive the same one each time.

    :) , dunno if I have answered your question with my ramble though.

  11. you can set openWRT up on 54GLs ( plus various other hardwares ) with multiple WAN ports - and running an openVPN server - just might be tricky getting the DynDns updating each WAN addy.

    but 2 54GLs each controlling an ADSL modem , tomato+VPN firmware and their LAN side both on the same subnet would be the simplest. you can set the VPN server to use a local DHCP server to hand out addresses to the VPN Clients but after trying both in various places I just give the VPN server a small pool of LAN addresses to hand to clients.

    it is a nice easy and secure way to establish tunnels across the net - real bandwidth will make them even more useful

  12. does your config for your RDP client allow 2 remote Ips ?

    openVPN config has 2 , falls back to the second - maybe your RDP client allows this

    # The hostname/IP and port of the server.

    # You can have multiple remote entries

    # to load balance between the servers.

    remote my-server-1 1194

    ;remote my-server-2 1194

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