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Posts posted by LeungKen

  1. '

    Perhaps we should rename this the "Old Farts Night", Zimmer frames to be left at the door and it's all back to Zpete's place for Cocoa and medication from Nurse Diesel....

    ..Only joking and I'm sure we can come up with some compromise to cater for us aged and infirm........ :o . :D . :D .

    Keep working on it Ping.

  2. OK my hand is up - so long as there is somewhere to crash over night rather than ride the mighty Honda Wave back to Nai Yang.

    Plus I'm not a big drinker anymore since I gave up the smokes 11 months ago after 40 odd years - but I'm up for a rant and rave with like minded - even Kiwis... :D

    Would be good to see O.C. as I spent quite some time in Sandgroper city and I hope your health is OK Crocs. Cheers & Chok Dee All


    P.S. I'll fit in which ever venue you decide on Ping - As Social Secretary of the Antipodean Adventures Assoc you get the final say......... :o

  3. '

    "The Cisco Kid"

    .............and the last lines every week were,,

    .."Ohh Pancho !'',..."Ohhhhhh Cisco !!"

    That's all very well but, much more importantly, what were the names of their HORSES??

    And what was the character name of the side-kick to The Range Rider? You've all glossed over that one, haven't you............???????????

    Come on then, don't be shy. What were the names of the horses........ :o

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