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Posts posted by LeungKen

  1. Donna thanks for your suggestion re a meeting place, I'm just checking to make sure that this establishment doesn't have half naked floozies wafting about and bursting balloons with the aid of some odd parts of their anatomy as I find it puts an old bloke off his beer.


  2. '

    I'm not sure you're allowed that aries27 as I had to alter my last post as BTDT wanted to post his 500th (a double posting ??) as it's not up to me perhaps I'll just shut-up and wait and see.,,,,, :o

    PS. I still reckon my "Countess from Hong Kong" was the valid post - but will wait on the judges decision - mind you that could make your King Kong a bit of Stopper.

    I guess it's upto the O.P. or the majority - but it's just a game after all....... :D

    Cheers & Chok Dee Khrap

  3. '

    "A Countess From Hong Kong"..............(1967)..Marlon Brando & Sophia Loren

    ............Directed by Charlie Chaplin

    Bugger you've just blown a good one for me ! Ah well see what you can do with :-

    "The Road To Guantanamo"...........(2006) Dir by ..Matt Whitecross

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