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Everything posted by amexpat

  1. Oh why not. And maybe Marjorie Trailer Green as tsarina of mental health?
  2. I've been through many, many, flu seasons. I don't recall refrigerated trucks by the morgues in previous ones.
  3. Some of my implants were done about 11 years ago. When will those Korean implants start having problems? The cost I mentioned was for TWO extractions, implants sinus lift, bone graft.
  4. Don, Thank you for the details on U.S. submarines and other info from your golden bathroom. Of course we will help with the election but you still owe us so you'd better win. Vlad
  5. https://www.chiangmaidental4you.com/promotion-implants I have had several done over the years with Osstem including two adjacent molars that required sinus lift and bone graft for about 150K total. No problems at all. If you really believe "you get what you pay for" you can spend 20-40K more for the same outcomes.
  6. Chiang Mai less than 50K. Excellent
  7. She did what VICE presidents are supposed to do. Please list all of Mike Pence's accomplishments.
  8. Except the three trump court appointees who testified under oath that they did. They were nominated for the same reason as Clarence Thomas whose only qualification was he was anti Roe v Wade and willing to lie to congress about it.
  9. For the same reason I and Mike Pence did nothing much. Niether she, nor I nor Mike Pence were President. Poor guy is still trying to run against Biden.
  10. The exact transaction is from my US bank acct directly to my Bangkok Bank Chiang Mai acct using WISE.com. I set up my WISE profile ages ago. It just required simple verification - quick and easy. If using it for income method on retirement, it is important to select "long term stay in Thailand" as the reason for xfer. That ensures is shows up as foreign xfer.
  11. Mine too because I use WISE and select "for long stay in Thailand" as the reason. SS goes into US acct then xfer to Bangkok Bank. I never needed any contact with Manila, SS, or Bangkok bank. So easy. And cheap.
  12. I would just leave it in the US account and transfer whenever and how much you want using WISE.
  13. What were they shot with? Slingshot? Bow and arrow? Pea shooter?
  14. Me too. Filed online Saturday to CM. Approval received Monday.
  15. My dentist can afford to pay the receptionist. Would you tip at a lawyer's office? At the bank?
  16. because it's true. Maybe your should get news from more sources.
  17. You are half right.
  18. No surprise that he also misspelled border.
  19. Indeed! Just 81,240 per year is quite reasonable compared to 2,000 per year for retirement option.
  20. I initiated a transfer to a U.S. account on 4 July. Completed 18 July.
  21. Any joy yet? 7 business days since they took it from my Bangkok Bank.
  22. Me too but just 4 days so far.
  23. REMINDER A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of every nut to keep and bear a weapon more powerful than the entire British army, shall not be infringed.
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