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Posts posted by wandasloan

  1. It was a "webfact" post.

    Okay. I have no idea what that means.

    Whatever was posted here, the junta hasn't issued any shoot-on-sight or shoot-to-kill or similar orders since May 22. It just hasn't.

    Edit: Please note I'm not disputing you. I'm sure you saw what you say. I'm saying that what you read was not factual.


  2. Well, the Junta did issue a statement last week saying illegal migrants may be shot on sight.

    It was reported on ThaiVisa last week, but the story has been deleted.

    I read it.

    Sounds more like a post that one of our eagle-eyed monitors spotted as a stupid rumour, which it is. The junta has issued no such statement about anything or anyone, anywhere at any time. "Shoot on sight" as a NCPO order is a totally made up tale.

    That doesn't mean no one is or will be shot on sight. It means there has been until this moment no public order to do it.


  3. I am saying it is 2014 NOT 1979

    Or are you also saying that the army are capable of massacring these Cambodian illegal workers????

    Come on man.... Even the Cambodians don't think that is their fate if they remain.

    That's the second time in this THREAD you have claimed to be a mind reader. You could be right, but supply a credible link, please.

    This is a statement just issued by the Asian Human Rights Commission. It's not even on their website as I write, but it soon will be. It does not claim to read minds. The AHRC is at:
    Excerpt: The Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC) – a coalition of 21 NGOs working on the promotion of Human Rights, Democracy, and the Rule of Law in Cambodia deplores the decision of the Thai junta to deport Cambodian migrants en masse and demands that their deportation is carried out in a manner which respects their human rights
    Since June 1st, 2014, about 40,000 Cambodian workers in Thailand have self-deported or have been forcibly removed from the country by the military junta. ADHOC investigators have received credible witness accounts up to nine Cambodian migrants have been killed, and that beatings have occurred at the hands of the Thai armed forces.. Unfortunately, in times of crisis in Thailand Cambodians are often scapegoated. Many Cambodian workers are now stranded at the border without enough money to get them home.
    ... The Thai military violated the human rights of undocumented Cambodian migrant workers when it forcefully expelled them from the country, placing them in crowded trucks. This treatment subjected these workers to cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment as prohibited by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Moreover, due to inadequate preparation and coordination between the Thai and Cambodian authorities, the migrants workers have been forced to shelter in makeshift tents at the border, and hundreds more workers continue to arrive every day. Water, food, healthcare and shelter are severely limited.

    You are both disseminating very dangerous content.

    I appreciate your concern, although not very much. There's nothing in this thread that hasn't been in the papers.

  4. The only clown on here at the moment is the clown who is alluding to the fact that Cambodians fear a massacre at the hands of the Royal Thai Army.

    Even if that did happen BACK IN 1979.... You have to understand that a hell of a lot of those 'refugees' were Khmer Rouge,and to be blown to bits by their own mines is poetic. The Thais didn't plant those mines you know.

    What source do you want on the Dongrek massacre of 1979? To your "mind", what's credible?

    It's not that you're ignorant. Everyone is, where by "everyone" I mean everyone. It's that you're completely incurious, apparently frightened you might run across a previously unknown fact or, heaven forbid, an actual new development that challenges what you do know - even though what you know is of course hugely incomplete, like everyone.

    Yes. Thailand is mass-deporting Cambodians in the most aggressive and actually inhumane way. Yes, Cambodians fear mistreatment or much worse in the present, 2014, atmosphere. That doesn't mean they WILL be massacred, it means they have been in the past, and they fear for their fate today.

    PHNOM PENH (Kyodo) - Thailand repatriates over 7,000 illegal Cambodian workers
    Thailand repatriated more than 7,507 illegal Cambodian workers in the first nine days of this month, a government official said Wednesday.
    Bangkok (AFP) - Thailand's junta threatened Wednesday to arrest and deport all illegal foreign workers, as border officials reported an exodus of Cambodian migrants following last month's military takeover.
    From now on any illegal migrant workers found in Thailand "will be arrested and deported", Thai army spokeswoman Sirichan Ngathong said.
    "We see illegal workers as a threat because there were a lot of them and no clear measures to handle them, which could lead to social problems," she said....
    "They feel scared. Some were crying," said Soum Chankea, a coordinator for Cambodian rights group ADHOC, who met with some of them.
  5. US propaganda State Department?


    Stop it pleeeeeeeease.

    I hope you're getting paid for this. Beclowning yourself for free seems pointless.

    So while you're peeling off that ridiculous red nose, here you go: What source do you want on the Dongrek massacre of 1979? To your "mind", what's credible?


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  6. Other than business owners, who exactly gains from having such a large amount of imported labour.

    The argument that they are doing jobs that Thai wont do, when the mechanism for.raising the wage through a labour shortage is spurious.

    Please read the above thread. Obviously, illegal migrants are here because it's a better life than they left. (Which says a lot.) Even more obviously, the entire network of human traffickers gains.

    All that aside.... The main issue is that it seems someone is instigating these rumours and probably have an agenda of straining tensions between Cambodia and Thailand.

    Rumour? What part do you think is a rumour? Thousands of Cambodians have been rounded up and trucked away like it's Tak Bai, dumped over the border. Cambodians are afraid. Where's the rumour?


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  7. Any chance of you posting a link to this massacre.... a link from a credible source that is.

    BTW... answerable to no-one??????

    How about answerable to HMK?

    How about answerable to the people?

    How about answerable to the International community?

    How about answerable to the Cambodian army?

    Like I said.... It's not 1979... so you can stop trying to weave history into the present day. The RTA are NOT GOING TO MASSACRE ANYONE!

    Any chance you could employ this new internet thingy to find a source YOU consider credible? But start with these and then find your own, it's really, really easy. It's in US State Department histories and everything, just like the second source says. For anyone there, it isn't soon forgotten, people by the hundreds dumped out of trucks and pushed out of buses, literally rolled down the hill into a minefield:



    And yes, answerable, to this day, to no one. That is why Cambodians are very afraid when a bunch of soldiers come around at 3am and say, "get in the truck. SHUT UP and get in the truck." And it's kind of why when someone says "let's burn down the Thai embassy," some Cambodians to this day say, "well.... okay."

    But now that you mention it, do you have a link to your credentials as a fortune teller?: From a credible source of course. Otherwise, however much we wish it, your remark about "are not going to" might not be credible.


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  8. Who is going to take the place of these workers? Thais don't want to do manual labour

    legal immigrants?

    The obvious answer. But the problem is you can't be a legal migrant (not immigrant) until after you're already an illegal immigrant. Some illegals get to apply, some don't. Some are chosen, some are rounded up at 3am and dumped back over the border.


  9. Well, the Private Benjamins need to raid the boats and navy vessels where the Burmese are being held, where trafficking is approved and where higher ups in the region are nodding with approval.

    Yes indeed. Not to mention the higher-ups in Bangkok. None of this happens in any manner without the military which is, after all the only force we have to defend the borders.

    I would just note that among all the evil that foreigners have done to Thailand this week, they have spread the vicious rumour that thousands and thousands of Cambodians have been rounded up in 3am raids, dumped in Army trucks like they were in Tak Bai, and (almost literally) dumped over the border. Completely untrue of course, those darned foreigners.

    Thailand has never recognized the significant economic benefits it gains from its migrant workers - whether they are Lao, Burmese, Cambodian, etc. In addition, Thailand has not attempted to reform the corrupt practices of brokers who demand exorbitant fees for 'proper' documentation from migrant workers. If Thailand wants to rectify this problem it would enter into government to government agreements to make sure that all migrant workers enjoy their proper benefits under Thai labor law. In the meantime, they remain the prey of the police, the military, and unscrupulous employers.

    On the contrary, "Thailand" recognises the benefits very, very well. And they recognise it so much that they set up, support and enable human trafficking rings to extort huge amounts from the victims and the system. It is exactly because of the benefits of illegal immigration that the system not only survives but prospers.


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  10. Vote buying anyone? Populist policies?

    I am looking forward to the commercial breaks.

    This is EXACTLY why I detested Thaksin - using MY money to buy personal popularity.

    If the military is so set on showing the World Cup to the nation, let them take it out of the military budget, or just ask three or four generals to chip in and pay the whole thing, instead of me.

    This is dreadful, Sarit-like bread and circuses. I just hope the public executions don't resume, but I sure wouldn't bet against it at this stage.


  11. Put it out for tenders and keep a close eye on bidding and construction. This is one of the necessary and beneficial projects.

    Excellent idea. This has always worked in the past, and is the main reason why corruption is seldom mentioned when these megaprojects go the the bidding stage, because it is so closely watched.

    I think a lot of us really want to see Thailand succeed, but have trouble seeing past what has happened in the past. Because of a certain group lied to the people and stole it seems most of the money, nothing ever really happened. Given time, the general will have a lot, if not all of those thieves, behind bars and proceed to begin to put the house in order.

    There has been more good done for Thailand in the last three weeks than the last ten years that I have been here.

    Go for it General.

    Remind me again who it was who signed off on the majority of GT200/Alpha 6 purchases.


  12. Luk kreung are regarded as "not Thai"......unless it suits them (think Tiger Woods and Vanessa Mae)..

    From what 1963 propaganda leaflet did you retain that silly idea?


    There should be a rule - anyone who can prove they have been here at least twenty years, is a permanent resident or who can read the sign in Thai out loud should be given the Thai price.

    There is a rule on who is a permanent resident. But who in your fantasy would enforce this "rule" about "Thai price".

    Perhaps some organisations could also extend this to anyone who can politely ask for the Thai price in Thai language could also gain cut price admission. This might encourage people to learn the language rather than getting het up because of their own inadequacies....otherwise known as ฝรั่งวีน

    In other words, anyone who can't read or speak Thai should pay more.

    Er. Isn't that what set off the 487th Official Thai Visa Double Pricing Thread in the first place?


  13. I have a Thai ID card but that doesn't stop many places from insisting I pay farang price because I'm also caucasian, to underscore that there is a racist element to it.

    Funny, I was just going to write about MR Narisra Chakrabong who has often said much the same. Of course in addition to a regular ID card and some choice words, she has a special card to drop on the people at the admittance booth as well, heh. But she also has said it is bothersome to say the least.


  14. National Park entry in my country is free to all as is entrance to some of the best museums in the world.

    Only making my point that every country has different laws, standards and cultures. Because not many countries have the above. On the other hand, I bet I could find a flaw or two in your country's magnificence. It's amazing how many people leave totally perfect serendipitous nations to put up with all the horrible things in Thailand. What martyrs!

    I don't share your enthusiasm or your wish that every country be exactly the same in every single detail including multiple pricing, or your faith that if this happened, if only everyone had free museum admissions, that it would be a perfect world. I most certainly do not wish that world.

    In a country where citizens are taught in school that they are special and unique amongst lesser human beings (who are incapable of understanding that they are inferior), such discrimination comes very naturally.

    A country? Sounds like a ThaiVisa thread to me. I haven't been everywhere on the internet for sure, but I find it difficult to believe there's a heavier white man's burden anywhere save the overt white-power sites.


  15. The Thais know who has the money and most of them, as well as some expats, will do all within their power to suck your wallet dry. It is a well known and widely usedm say abused Thai system, Not only thailand; while working in Korea my rent and utilities were easily 3 times that of the locals

    Right. So the Thais ARE right then, that all foreigners are rich.

    In the United States, every university has sliding fees, and the Thais are charged the highest rate possible. Happy now? No? In Australia, all SCHOOLS, every grade, has sliding fees (beginning at A$0) and Thais are always charged the highest fees. Not only that, but Thais can't have Obamacare and they can't have Australian health care. They have to pay the highest possible health fees of anyone. And that is not a tenth of how the US and Australian punish Thais.

    Of course, those old softy Americans let anyone even Thais attend primary and secondary school for free, so there is that downside to those dopey Americans. Imagine, letting any old Thai into a school for free! It's mind boggling, given that no foreigner gets into a Thai school, right?

    Want to punish Thais more? Yeah, so do lots of countries. And they do it, too. Happy now? If not suggest more punishment.


  16. Mean while Thai army officer gets free car, free chauffeur, free house boy, free hospital, free education for his kids through to university and a big fat pay off and pension.

    As said yesterday, THAI is only a scapegoat, and pretty well every incoming regime hacks at it. Yingluck hacked at its perks big time right after she took office, in September 2011. But all the board perks and assignments and all the rest go to the military AND to the boards of all the places the military sits. This idea of cutting Thai Airways International is old, yawn material. It's as significant as making the entertainment places turn off half their neon lights when there's a fuel shock. Old Bill Shakespeare got it right with his "sound and fury signifying nothing".

    The junta will cut perks in the military, in the bureaucracy and at state firms or it won't. So far it hasn't.

    I'm curious to know if the officers' salary plus all those perks mentioned amount to the monthly salary plus remuneration given to directors of Thai Airways or any other SET listed company? My guess is probably not even half.

    Why would a military dictator or an elected democratic government care about the salaries paid by SET-listed companies?

    But yes, to answer the question, almost all top military officers get more total all-in remuneration than most hired hands of a SET-listed company.


  17. It should be introduce in Australia, if your Thai pay triple, I would love to hear hows Thais would react to that. I just wont wear this in todays world.

    You mean like Disneyland in California, where having a Thai driving license or any licence except a southern California licence will cost you three times more to get in? Or at the US National Parks where only Americans can get the discounts for old people and disabled and a Thai driver's licence means you'll have to pay more?

    Get over it. Double and triple and more pricing is worldwide. Do you really think everyone on the airplane pays the same price for their ticket? If you don't want to pay the price that a merchant or a government offers, don't buy his product or service.


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