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Posts posted by wandasloan

  1. In every insurgency, revolution, or even good related movie they make for the broadcasting towers. [snip] uninteresting stuff [snip]

    That is interesting. In your view, the PDRC is an insurgency.

    Any word yet on why the TJA issued a statement blaming the mobs (plural) for loss of press freedom? I may have misunderstood that you have some very inside knowledge of that, since you seemed so very confident that I did not.

    Maybe I'm mistaken and you were trying to say you knew nothing about that?

    You do not want to know what I feel as it is against the government wrongs --That's all I post about. [snip][snip]

    Actually not. Actually you post about inciting bans on certain posters with whom you seem to disagree. And then what you do NOT post about is answering why you want to shut down any opposing voice. That is actually what you post about.

    Why do you want to ban people whose opinions are different from yours?

    I like the the police are protecting this place, as they should be regardless of who owns the place of business. What I find a bit strange is the police sheilds have the word POLICE in english and not thai.

    It's actually very common in places where the "English" alphabet isn't used or respected. The top one is China:



  2. Try Revo uninstaller.

    Perfect. Great advice and as brief as it gets. Also, two birds.

    iLivid really has no place on any machine. It's not technically dangerous, but its "features" are to slow down your computer, change your searches, "suggest" searches, sent reports back to headquarters and the like. If you must have a downloader, fine, but not iLivid.

    And Revo should have a place on all Windows machines, it's just a fabulous uninstaller.


  3. Yes we can all tell by your grammar mistakes. What level did you leave school in America, elementary perhaps.

    It is your wish to be judged by your grammar mistakes, then.

    One presumes you didn't quite make it through elementary.

    It is always silly to wave a red flag and invite ridicule. Because it is always so simple. To actually attack someone over grammar in an internet forum just has to be about as silly as it ever gets. But then someone who makes grammar errors like you, I suppose silliness is just a way of life.


  4. Just hang Suthep, and tourists will come back,

    It is no any other reason but this reincarnation of Hitler has caused the down spiral of the economy and tourism.

    Yes ,but what a cleanout of the political system he has achieved, so far , like everything old son, there's pluses and minuses, the tourism sector joined the minus.

    What has changed in the system that I missed? If he has cleaned out the system, then why is it he was out on the street in blistering heat today, poor old man? Even the same PEOPLE are in charge after all the kerfuffle at the court a couple of days ago, let alone the system. In fact, the system is exactly the same as it was in 1995 when an MP/minister from Surat Thani was named as Thailand's most corrupt parliamentarian and his corruption caused the downfall of an entire government.

    My own view is that The Kamnan is probably the worst street-revolution leader of this century and a long way back into the 20th. He is certainly the least effective, most under-achieving street leader in Thailand since 1932. And I'll toss in credit of 100% for seeing Ms Yingluck's back as a head start to any one who disagrees - even though Suthep's credit is a lot closer to zero than 100.

    With "cleanout of the political system" you're going for sarcasm and cynicism, am I right?


  5. Anybody know what AIS 'excess promotion charges" are? They have been as high as Bt1000 on 2 occasions and seem too recurring to be caused by a promotion package ending and then being put on a new one - seems every month now - this month Bt142, last month similar. yeah I know it is AIS I should be asking but would like to hear any experience of others first.

    I'm pretty sure this is it:

    You subscribe or buy a promotion. ILLUSTRATION: You buy a service that gives you 3GB download a month.

    You download 4GB.

    They charge you 1GB of "excess (to the) promotion"


  6. Sure Mr. Santichai Sarathawanpat, Deputy Director General of Department of Internal Trade (DIT), I will lower my prices by 20% once you lower my raw food and labor costs by 20%...or you lower my rent by 20%....or the govt starts giving me a 20% subsidy....or when I decide I'm going to bankrupt myself. Yes, yes, I have so many different ways to lower my prices by 20%...thank you for bringing this to my attention...you are awesome...vote PTP.

    You could go to work for the government. If you think lowering the rent by 20% equals a government subsidy of 20% equals a product discount of 20%, you are fully qualified to advise the DIT. You're just not qualified to do actual business even as a food court vendor. Or maybe especially as one, since it's very tricky to come out ahead in that business.


  7. Outside of Moody's and Credit Suisse; oh and of course Uncle Sam; the World has far more important things to be worrying about, but then few Thais would have any knowledge of those other "worries".

    Outside of Moody's and Credit Suisse; oh and of course Uncle Sam and the United Nations and Canada; the World has far more important things to be worrying about, but then few Thais would have any knowledge of those other "worries".

    More to come, for certain, but you might want to correct your post in the meantime. Just my personal opinion, but a country and any serious political movement that does NOT know about the single most important part of its economy would be even dumber to ignore it. See how an insular Thailand exists with no one buying Thai pickups and Thai frozen chicken and Thai World Cup gear for a while, Khun Dave. I'm pretty sure that MANY Thais have quite a bit of knowledge about that.


  8. 3BB can block ports, shape bandwidth and probably trace traffic (ports, IP's) on subscriber basis. I can see the effect of their throttling my connections in the bandwidthd I have running. They've likely to increase the throttling in the future, as their infra beyond the ADSL lines isn't being upgraded at the same pace as consumer lines and more and more subscribers have to share the same line. This is being done somewhere within the 3BB routers.

    The vuze table bofhman posted seems to confirm this.

    Yes, many people have already said that. Quite a few people in fact, and all of them think 3BB (and other Thai ISPs) do not block ports in cases such as the OP describes.

    So to move the conversation along: Since your post and the graphic give no indication of port-blocking, can you say, in your opinion, does 3BB block ports? And if "yes" then why do you think this? (And why not add, do you think other ISPs block ports?)


  9. Direct carrier billing, for both post- and pre-paid, is allowed and is sometimes viewed as a convenience.

    I'm guessing you are post-paid? Is this first time you've had a problem? Over what time period?

    Was AIS able to provide any more detail re: these companies, how they got your number, what is their arrangement with these companies, the types of "information services", etc.

    [snip, snip]

    This was my first thought, that if someone obtains your number and calls you - text, message, sms, voice, whatever - how is this the responsibility of AIS, or why is AIS somehow involved in how you choose to react to it? I am so happy in Thailand that you do not pay for incoming messages, for example, as in America - you pay to send AND to receive there, it's quite maddening.

    I do not accept any "callback" sort of messages here in Thailand from anyone I don't know, and from lots of people I do know, including my phone company. As soon as one comes in demanding/imploring I "click here" to answer it, I delete it, it's junk, I don't care what it says or offers, including all such messages from my phone company, which sends too many.

    If someone sends you a link and you click on the link that is your decision. I'm not sure how anyone else is involved in that decision.


  10. For what it's worth, I third the motion. Either that or the ISP is picking on the OP personally, that's about the only other possibility. Time to go back to the starting line on router setup.


    The only way the ISP can block ports is if they have access to you modem, so either you have , or they have, given them remote access rights..... check you modem settings.

    Correct. According to the OP the ISP had *physical* control of his modem on at least two occasions, plus they had physical access to his entire setup at least once. That's by his own report. Whatever remote access rights the ISP gained would be their bonus.

    Look. To be clear: I am including this possibility because it is a tiny, infinitesimal possibility. The likelihood that the nice folks at 3BB are behind this is non-zero but so close to zero as to be ignoreable.

    It is 99% likely to be router settings and 99.9999999% sure that said router settings are the OP's responsibility. But technically, it is not 100%.


  11. I guess, your router is blocking the ports, not 3BB.

    Agreed. Believe this is evidence that your "firewall" is enabled , and working, on your modem/router.

    For what it's worth, I third the motion. Either that or the ISP is picking on the OP personally, that's about the only other possibility. Time to go back to the starting line on router setup.


  12. This story regarding S&P's assessment of Thailand lends credence to the case that these ratings are rigged. What legitimate credit rating agency would have Thailand remain at its current peg?

    All of them? And all banks and finance houses? And all governments, regional and world? And the World Bank and IMF and the Asian Development Bank? And depositors? And stock exchange investors and gamblers alike? And all currency exchanges of all type? And all bond markets, worldwide? And every stakeholder in Thailand? And all businesses invested in Thailand?

    That kind? I'd love to see your argument that all of these and more are illegitimate. I think Marx and Engels between them didn't quite handle that hard job.

    S & P warns Thailand of lower standing if instability deteriorates

    Perfectly acceptable scare-headline. It is equal in weight to

    S & P confirms Thailand standing unchanged by current and threatened instability

    And that is all S&P did is CONFIRM what all markets, all countries, all regions decided. It's actually a bit stupid to "warn" that "if things get worse we might change our minds". Well, yes. What in life does that not apply to? If Manchester United gets any worse, I won't be watching their future matches. If.
    A headline that requires "if" is actually just sitting atop a scare story. Always.


    Except that it is not. Spin is when one or a small number of people/firms take a consensus and pick out one favorable angle that favours their own, contrary view. This, however, is overwhelming consensus, quite possibly unanimous in fact, from every involved market on the globe. You may hate this but there's no spin at all. It's just a compilation of all opinion from everywhere, and a case where everyone agrees, and as much as it pains all of us, many influential TV posters have simply been ignored.

    There simply isn't anyone significant or any significant business or government or agency or NGO that disagrees. There simply is no one to spin it because everyone has signed on to the one, true truth.

    And don't shoot the messenger. The story about Thailand's credit ratings doesn't depend on how smart I am and it doesn't fail because of how stupid I am. The story just *is*.


    • Like 1
  13. This is just making Thailand look more and more stupid.

    It is obvious she is no longer defense minister.

    Well.... yes. Acting caretaker Prime Minister Niwatthamrong Boonsongpaisarn is. This was immediately announced, at the same time as his becoming acting caretaker PM, shortly after the court adjourned. It was amazing, really, it was almost as if there was a PLAN in case the court threw her out, when everyone knows the court didn't even know its own decision until just before the sitting.

    Don't have a cow. No one is trying to keep Yingluck on, no one says she is still the caretaker minister. This is a bureaucrapic thing, how to do the red tape about it. Legalisms intrude, no matter how stupid or obvious that I (or you) think it may be. Paperwork WILL be completed. Legally. And the press will report it, and quite rightly. And many, many forum posters will not understand, again.


  14. Jatuporn, Weng to opt out from next election

    Not any places in the world that terrorist and criminals have the option to contest an election. Amazing Thailand indeed.

    Never heard of Nelson Mandela, Yasser Arafat, Menachen Begun, Jomo Kenyatta... Never heard of the United States, where convicted criminals don't just run, but currently serve in many legislatures? Are you absolutely positive, certain beyond doubt that no criminals run for office in Britain, the mother of all parliamentary election-democracy? You're sure, right?

    The very short list above includes ACTUAL terrorist convicts, not just alleged by the Thai Visa Bureau of Investigation. Real ones. Seems it really is a small world after all, for some. Amazing world, eh?

    Was the original post the extent of this headline? Was that the totality of the news report in the Nation? Why did TV bother posting this? No information, just an attempt at filling in space.

    TV bothered posting this because it is a significant political announcement that may have much *more* significance in either the near and/or the far future. TV posted it because it is a fact that people interested in Thai politics MUST know, and because it could actually affect your life down the road. These are quite important people in the highly convoluted maze that makes our politics of today, and it is good to know verified factlets when available.
    So. That's why. Since you found no information at all, why did you bother reading it and then continue on with the subject by responding? It seems to me, at least, that a better question for someone who is not interested in the information might be, "I don't care what they do not do, but what are these people going to do instead of running for parliament, then?" That's a pretty good question, actually.


  15. Of coarse its foul play. He was found with no ID, no wallet, no phone, nothing other than headphones. What kind of person leaves your valuables unattended even if going for a smoke break?

    The kind that is travelling with several friends from Bangkok to Trang and who says something, in his 20-year-old English accent, like: "Watch my stuff, I'm just going for a smoke." That kind. The kind like Matthew Lawlor, poor young man. Not to mention the friends who were watching his stuff and have received a terrible shock.

    how about building trains that don't allow people to fall off in the first place.

    Do you mean a model train? It seems a little excessive and extravagant to build full-scale trains with no way to board. Although it would stop them from falling off, I grant that.

    Reminds me of the old saying that, "If you see a sign that says 'This is not an exit', at least you know there is an exit."


  16. Note: How could you possibly know the Press bodies' two announcements were "quite independent? You've no idea, but slipping that premise in there, if accepted, makes your conclusion seem valid. It is not! The International image of Thailand is being managed and a cursory analysis shows this.

    I know because I work in the Thai media and I know EXACTLY who made the TJA research and statement and EXACTLY how they did it. And I know for an absolute fact you weren't there at any stage of it, let alone all. Repeat. I *know* that you were not privy to, part of or present at any of it at all. Unlike me.

    You think you can kiss off facts with an attack on the messenger. Goodness knows why but I always have my suspicions about little things like yours.

    Go ahead big man, attack me! But if you are so very certain that a worker in the Thai media for many, many years doesn't know what is happening in the Thai media compared with you, then simply tell us what really happened. Shooting the messenger doesn't big you up, that's for sure.

    Give us your version of what happened that the TJA made its statement last week about Bangkok rallies and their negative influence on the Thai media. I for one will be fascinated by your claims. Unlike you, I won't attack you personally IF you make any attempt at all to explain what happened. I'll just address your claims and dismantle them.

    Do try. Please. On the other hand, if you refuse to address the point and just continue your pointless and senseless personal attacks, well, we'll all have learned quite a lot about you. So. Up to you.


  17. Just an insight as to what we will see if suthep get control with his paid thugs going around and disposing of the garbage. Garbage of course being anyone who doesn't bow down to the great leader. As Mango Bob said, any foreigner that supports this want to be Pol Pot better hope they don't end up as eradicated by these thugs.

    Or, alternatively, what we will see if the Jatuporn-aligned mob ditto. Please don't think there is any exclusivity about this.

    Last week, Freedom House came out with its annual world press rankings, and dropped Thailand several ranks and several points. Two days later the Thai Journalists Association had a seminar. Both, quite independently, said the *remarkable* lowering of Thai press freedom in the past six months was because of mob intimidation and violence towards the media. Neither group, halfway round the world from each other, bothered ranking the various mobs according to their effectiveness, although both gave examples of mob violence.

    In the past six months, it's been almost all yellow shirt intimidation but don't think for a New York nanosecond that there is exclusivity about that. It's only about who has the opportunity. There isn't a political movement in Thailand at the moment, bar the actual political parties, that have even lip service for freedom of the press.

    If you think the government is bad, if you think a Democrat Party platform and rally is terrible, I have 8 or 10 places we can tour together that will change your mind dramatically.

    It is one of the shameful aspects of the Thai media itself that it will not even expose this except for brief police-blotter news stories like above, let alone deal with it in the forthright manner that freedom of the press should demand.


    • Like 1
  18. Simple solution to problem just make south Thailand a pork raising region and move 100,000,000 pigs there to be raised That will not only get them to leave it will keep the others over the border out. I know that sounds racist but talking with them dosen't work and a mind that is rotted can't changed. But trying to give them an inch they want a mile.

    Pig farms are a major industry in the South, and pigs both live and butchered are major export items, especially to Malaysia because it's close.


    soon they'll move up to Phuket

    Could you define "soon" a little more closely? The major groups involved in this violence are around 60 years old and they haven't moved an inch. They haven't even moved to the next-door province of Satun which is Muslim-majority. Not to mention they have no interest in anything outside the former sultanate of Patani, which Phuket is.


    Do like the Thai government. There are no bombings, shootings or killings. Don't talk with those extremists. Don't give them a face. All is under control.

    The Thai government opened official talks with them 15 months ago.


    This is not a mocking post, it's a very, very short introduction to this serious, complex problem. Most posts haven't a clue what is going on in the area. I'd like to thank simple1 for a hugely rational and informational post. If you didn't read it, go and do it now. It has actual information and facts in it. Like any such post, by definition, it did not contain a 12-word solution to the problem. Because there isn't one.
    • Like 2
  19. The caretaker Justice Minister rushes to make the case, that this is unrelated to Khun Kittipong's having talked to Suthep & PDRC, but had anyone yet made that direct allegation ?

    That's a joke, right? You are unaware that anyone made that allegation? I don't believe that.

    The caretaker Justice Minister rushes to make the case, that this is unrelated to Khun Kittipong's having talked to Suthep & PDRC, but had anyone yet made that direct allegation ?

    Does he perhaps protest too much ?

    Or is it perhaps a sign that PTP's senior politicians now feel, that there has to be a visible justification for posting someone elsewhere, and if so then that at least is progress and a good thing, no more punishment/intimidation-postings or to make way for a well-connected government-supporter of S-clan family-member.

    Or perhaps Mr Kittipong, who is the head of his own political group called Reform Now Network (RNN) asked to be transferred so he could work on it. Did you think of that one?

    Mr Kittipong is pro-PDRC without a shadow of a doubt, anti-government beyond a shadow of a doubt, but he is deeply, deeply involved in politics and no one's puppet or fool, particularly The Kamnan's.

  20. She's going to sell a lot of those books for that guy.

    She should be so lucky. With this vanity-published book already climbing in popularity all the way to 218,974 on the e-book best-sellers list, she's not going to get any money off him worthwhile. She can afford a US lawyer, though, and thus make the guy look even stupider than he is. And she and the shyster play it right, she can get a few dollars out of Amazon for pimping and profiting off this illegal book, enough to pay off the mouthpiece and come out even or a little better, anyhow.


    • Like 1
  21. Their last rally was quoted as 80,000 in the BP. That was without any real reason. If the government they elected is turfed out by the notoriously biased Constitutional Court they will really have something to rally about. Over 100,000 is certainly not an unrealistic figure.

    Just imagine how many would be storming into Bangkok if Abhisit's or Suthep's plans (basically same thing) got enacted.


    I'm quite mystified by what seems to be majority opinion here that for some reason this side of the political divide is somehow less entitled to rally. It's quite distressing to see what seem to be logical people suddenly come unravelled because People of Red are going to march, whereas they fully support the right of the People of Yellow to march.

    I support neither group, mostly because I think all of their leaders are not. But in my book, my life and my beliefs both these groups and any other group on the scene has total, complete, unfettered right to rally and within limits to march as well.

    And by the way, the red shirts have not decided to "march on Bangkok". They have decided to rally again in Thon Buri near the Buddhamonthon as they did last time. I wouldn't doubt (or oppose) a march on Bangkok depending on the fallout of the Court's decision, but as of this moment, all posts above this one saying they will "march on Bangkok" are wrong, definitely including the OP.

    Should she be removed, it will be interesting to see what sort of support could be amassed considering how much worse off this bunch has made everyone. It would also be the perfect opportunity to quickly disappear them from the world, for humanity's sake.

    For the sake of argument, if you please, just for a few minutes, you are a citizen and a voter - although you only know what you currently know. But you got Thai citizenship 1,000 days ago, the day Yingluck became PM, the way people get citizenship here. Now.

    You say your life has your life got worse. How has it done so, specifically in the way it will affect your vote? Since you are a voter, how do you currently lean the next time you have an opportunity, and why?

    Every Thai among the many dozens I know can answer those two questions in a flash (counting the ones who say their lives got better since August, 2011), and pretty well all of them are eager to answer. What's your position, Mr Voter?


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