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Posts posted by TPI

  1. Free visas for all tourists

    BANGKOK: -- The Cabinet on Tuesday waived travel visa for all nationals for over the next three months as one of four short-term recovery measures to restore tourism industry.

    The move is expected to draw more Chinese travellers, one of the main target group, to the country.

    The second strategy is to reduce entrance fee to all national parks in the Kingdom. The agreement is aimed to boost domestic tourism.

    The third is to allow private sector to claim back-meeting and conference tax at double rate from original. Last measure is cutting the landing and parking fee for aircrafts at major airports in the country.

    Speaking after chairing Cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva expressed hope that the tourism industry could be restore through theses measures.

    He earlier said number of tourist is returning closed to normal rate prior to the start of economic crisis.

    However, it is speculated that only four tourism measures, from total 13 measures submitted to the Cabinet were approved.

    Proposed measures that was rejected are includes cutting hotel room rate and airfare proposed to Thai Airways International, reducing value added tax on hotel room rates for one year, an exemption annual fee of Bt80 per room and urgent plan to promote the major destinations of Phuket, Krabi and Phang Nga for local tourism.

    -- The Nation 2009-01-20

    Visa fees disappearing?

    Big deal!

    Most tourists come in on a 30-day stamp anyway.

    And that is what Thailand does for stimulating tourism.

    In the same time the condemned Australian is shown on TV in all his "glory" everywhere in the world.

    In the same time the plight of the "boat people" is spread out in the newspapers around the world, including comments from Thai officials.

    And then there is that story of the two Burmese sailors rescued from riding the seas in a coolbox and the story how they came there.

    Any bet what will do most for Tourism to Thailand?

    The number of tourists is "back to normal"?

    Not the number of tourists departing from Europe and America.

    While also the number of Chinese visitors is dropping.

    Any comments?

    Most visitors are "one pointed" when they make their decision to visit, bad publicity notwithstanding....try not to be too bitter....it's really cold in Phrae too! :o

  2. OK, my advice (yes I use Jomtien)

    -- wait until you have 30 days left on your current 90 day permission to stay (O entry) to apply at immigration for a one year extension based on retirement. However, you don't have to wait, if your account is already seasoned for 2 months, you could go in now as Jomtien encourages early applications

    -- the same day or the day before, get the letter from the bank showing the over 800K balance (the balance stated in this letter MUST match the balance in your bank passbook), the letter normally costs 200 baht, just ask for immigration letter and they will know what you want

    -- Probably will not be asked for but good idea just in case: proof of international transfer of the funds (the Thai bank can supply). Don't give them this unless they ask.

    - 1 copy of your bank passbook, front page with name and account number and all activity pages

    - 1 copy of all pertinent info in your passport: front page, O visa, latest entry stamp, current landing card

    - 1 copy of proof of address (a reported new requirement), a phone or electric bill in your name or if you don't have that, ask for more advice here

    - visa application photos (I forget the size needed)?, bring 2, you may only need one

    - no medical form or police clearance is needed

    - be prepared to be interviewed about your previous employment and perhaps some other not too tough questions, they tend to interview first time extenders more than repeat offenders (ha ha)

    -- 1900 baht

    -- you must be at least 50 years old

    -- dress neat, no shorts, no flip flops but no need for formal wear

    -- expect them to hold your passport overnight to collect the next day, because of this you may prefer not to go on a Friday as then you would have to wait until Monday to get back your passport

    -- if I have missed anything, others please add


    I will be in the same position as op in July 2009. Could you please tell me how I can provide proof of address as I will be living with my TG at her house. Most likely no bills will be in my name.


    Hi there, you can either get your TG to have the electricity or phone in your name or you can make a sworn statement at your embassy....no matter which one you pick you'll need the embassy "chop" on the document as proof of its veracity....best of luck

  3. r330089_1487260.jpg

    The charges carry a maximum penalty of 25 years jail. (Australian Federal Police)

    Teen charged with smuggling heroin in shoes

    Customs officers in Sydney last night caught a teenager trying to smuggle heroin hidden in his shoes from Thailand. The 19-year-old man was stopped for questioning when he arrived at Sydney Airport on a flight from Bangkok last night.

    During an examination of the man's bags, officers say they became suspicious that the man may be concealing something in his shoes. The officers X-rayed the shoes and when they pierced the soles they found a white powder hidden inside.

    The Australian Federal Police (AFP) have charged the man with importing a marketable quantity of a border-controlled drug. This charge relates to quantities ranging from two to 750 grams.

    The man will face Sydney Central Local Court to face the charges, which carry a maximum penalty of 25 years jail and/or a $550,000 fine.

    The AFP say they will do further testing to confirm the substance is heroin and to find the exact weight and purity.

    - ABC News (Australia) / 1 hour ago

    They're not so tough in Thailand.....the grandson of a friend was sprung for dealing, was given 4 years, out in two!! The grandson was 18 at the time he's now back in Oz waiting until he can re-apply to return!

  4. Not so fast there... apparently the EC is investigating a suspicious amount of eggs 'thrown' away.... :o

    Seriously tho, am I pro-Abhisit/Dems? I'm simply pro-anyone whom can get Thailand moving forward at this critical time. Putting the likes of a Samak or Chalerm etc back in the stirrups isn't likely to achieve this. Nor would it be prudent at this time to call full elections which would cause at least 3 months of in-action at a time when swift-action is urgently required for the sake of the economy and the country.

    I hope the PM does call for elections to seek an 'official' mandate via the full electorate (ALL the electorate, as he's indicated) but only after the more pressing issues of the economy are necessarily addressed.

    I'm certain most reasonable people 'might' share in putting the country ahead of personal narrow political agendas at this critical time. :D:D:D

    Amen to that, but doesn't it take "thoughtful" people to work for the common good?? :D:wai:

  5. I'm 40, 5ft 10in (1.78m), 100kg - pretty stocky!

    I tend to wear cargo type trousers or shorts - maybe the pockets are what attract robbers?

    I am very observant though - its part of my job.

    Is that your fat ass in your Avartar Haddo? Some kinda CIA spy are ya? SAS perhaps?

    ....and don't tell me, if you told us your job you'd have to kill us right?

    ...probably a rent-a-cop come wanabe CIA agent :D


    "Sheese louese, now I know why your avartar is a baby....what a "dummy spit" You sound like someone who has been badly burnt in Oz? He sounds pretty fit, I wouldn't try to punch him on the nose?? Wassa matta you wouldn't be vertically challenged would you????" :o

  6. Why doesn't the goverment introduce fluoride into the drinking water,this would reduce the instance of dental caries and help with the problemthis was done in Australia over forty years ago and it seems to have helped.

    What changed Ozy tooth habits was the very vocal anti fluoride push and the education of the masses to the alternatives ...not every city or town has added this poison to the water supply. Thai parents feel that they have to spoil their children soooooo lots of sweets and soft drinks, the bread tastes as if it's 90% sugar and all of the so called "fruit drinks" have as much sugar as soft drinks!! There is no hope for change unless there is a total push by the health dept. to change the eating habits across the generations. :o

  7. Hi John, I've hunted all over your web page and cannot find any reference to either "Shop" or "Bread" could you tell me where I might find a usefull reference...Life in Phrae is dreadful without even reasonable bread!! :D

    Thank you very much, yes I did learn how to bake bread in Germany even though I'm not a baker but a cook who can bake :o

    When you are in our website, you'll find a link on the left saying "shop" click there and you'll see details - there are really no min. ordrs, but it would be kind of expensive asfar as shipping is concerned to order just 1/2 Kilo ..... I do have "sweet" bread in the program as well, but its German "sweet" Bread and not to be compared to the local stuff here

    check under "retail"

    ehem .... to the british readers .. its is Bread, not brains :D

  8. Hi all,

    a lot of US Army and Marine writers but no OZ...I was in Saigon, Ba queo, and Cholon for all of it...woke up to the choppers going around and around the US embassy...what the hel_l!! Sitting in a truck in Freeworld wondering what to do, big bang from the temple next door?..lots of schrapnel into the car park,lucky?(poor aim)....the Oz army had disarmed ALL Ozy soldiers in the capital(never brought up in later histories?), all that was left were the illegal weapons that nervous nellies (like myself) had aquired over time...Major panic by the "leaders", where are the rifles???? out at Ba Queo? Gasp!! Where are the magazines??? "we left them at the range, like you ordered!"...OK! we were all REMF's but that was only because of posting, in the Oz army you've no choice..Drove out to Ton Son Nhut with 10 others and watched (from the french cemetary) the NVA shoot up the airport troopies...added our little bit then when pressed, ran away into our compound....the resident guard, 6 in all in one firing trench, rifles and M60's pointing out in all directions had everyone in stitches...on the way in dead MP's in two places...place a shambles....no information....eventually most guys went to back up ARVN guys (illegally) in Cholon...Our main problem was how to explain to our "leaders" how the people who were wounded became "wounded"....many lies...back to Ba Queo just in time to get M79's up the gazoonga by the ARVN?? NVA??? eventually the whole place burnt down and many holes in everything that was left, no need to stay...for the last couple of days bodyguard for the Oz ambassador and family until the SAS turned up from Nui Dat....good memories...discovered what it was like to be shot at and didn't like it one bit...the satisfaction of shooting back....10 days of pure adrenalin....22 years of age...never the same again!! Thank God!!

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