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Posts posted by TPI

  1. I'm continually amazed that in 2009 there are still people that have a problem with LGBT's. Hasn't 30 years of evidence that there is nothing wrong with it and that LGBT's do not cause the decay or society/end of the world convinced people to give up the hate? I feel great sympathy for the LGBT group in iraq, i hope someday soon their countrymen will accept them for who they are and just get on with life.

    is very sad, not for gays but for human kind

    The people...the religion...the people...the religion...Just who do you blame for for their intolerance??

    The religion I think (IMVHO) :o

  2. Wife has just been reading over the (admittedly biased) manager.co.th forums. Very short summary:

    * Abhisit's popularity has skyrocketed since yesterday. People seem to be very satisfied with the approach taken today to deal with the protesters.

    * People in BKK furious with the complete lack of action by the cops against the red-shirts. Many posts along the lines of asking why they should pay their tax for this.

    * Humour of it is a bit lost on me, but the double take after a mention of 500 baht cash in one of Thaksin's video phone-in's before it all hit the fan is a subject of a few laughs. Here's a


    /edit - on second watch the video is ace! Would love somebody to confirm the translation :o

    My sweet little lotus flower agrees :D What an idiot!

  3. I wonder how many innocent people will die at the hands of the red shirts before this situation is resolved

    So sad and yet so true, right now death toll stands at 2, do not be surprised to wake up to 10 times the number by tomorrow morning.

    Perhaps not...they'll wake up tomorrow with a hangover and wonder what all the fuss is about (the red shirts that is)"I only tried a little Mekong and yaba" "So, its not my fault" and "I'm running away now!"

    Both the BBC and CNN have interviews with Taksin, backed by a Thai flag, no mention of his conviction or his being on the run! :o:D:D:D

  4. One shot dead by red-shirted protesters

    BANGKOK: -- Red-shirted protesters shot a person dead and injured two others when residents of the Nang Lerng Market came out to criticise the protesters, PM's Office Satit Wongnontaey said.

    Satit told Channel 11 that the protesters shot at three people and one was killed while the two others were injured.

    -- The Nation 2009-04-13

    Interesting to note that Red's are claiming many shot and killed by army, but currently the only Verified death is between the red's and local residents. Very sad.


    Can someone send a message to Taxin and let him know he is not the hero, he is just like a common criminal who thinking people still luv him ---- WRONG

    And to make matters worse...the BBC has just had Taksin on the 10 o'clock news backed by a Thai flag saying that the protesters a right and the army are wrong and that it's time the government was changed!

    No mention of the fact that he started the whole thing or that he is a convicted felon on the run from justice!!! Bloody BBC :o:D:D

  5. Red-shirted protesters arrest PM security official

    About 10 red-shirted protesters arrested a security official of the prime minister and dragged him to the rally stage at the Government House.

    Maj Pakorn Sompas, suffered a wound on his right eyebrow and was handcuffed.

    Pakorn asked Natthawut Saikua to free him from the handcuff but Natthawut refused and said the protesters had done the right thing to arrest Pakorn.

    Pakorn, who appeared frightened, was detained by the protesters behind the stage.

    -- The Nation 2009-04-12

    Could this be the straw :o

  6. one shoot in the head of s specific man outside thailand would solve a lot of the problem,

    i am more than happy that we have abisit now,, he give good response to the eco crisis and is good in econommy,,on the other hand, there is one man wth his own intrest,get back power and his money,who use the mob for his personal intrest.

    thairakthai or taxsin a democrat never ever...........he waS guilty form the NCC for fraud and taxevsion ,and was blocked for politics,, but he was not following in 2001, and was still elected,contrarian thai law.

    How does anybody assume that Thailand is a democracy? Most of the rural votes are bought by all parties and the rice farmers haven't yet woken up to the fact that no-one will ever know who they really voted for!

    Democracy was forced upon the people from the top down...normal people were never given the chance to decide for themselves how they would be governed. In my opinion most would agree to an absolute monachy again, at least then the agents for officialdom :o would act in the interests of the people instead of the interests of the local manderins and rustic mafia??

  7. Thaksin is immortal and will never be destroyed:

    Below is a recent photo of him taken in Chiang Mai.

    I didn't know that Khun Taksin wore glasses? And, I don't think much of his orange toga either.

    Come back, do the time, get a pardon after 24 hrs, go on as before...what's the problem?? I'll believe that he will go to jail if they ever get his ex-wife to the starting gate...not blo-dy likely :o

  8. Because his family all left for different destinations doesn't mean they can't all end up in the same place. I very much doubt that they are concerned about their safety. I have a feeling that something else is going on.

    Could be interesting. At any rate, I hope they have a nice Songkran holiday.

    The whole thing is starting to smell very fishy....I hope that common sense applies all round. Would that a 7.62mm solve the problem? Perhaps not...In any case the family are not the problem, I to wish them a safe and happy Sonkran :o

  9. So many people who post on here that dont know what they are talking about. Have you been in consistent contact with one of this breed to make a fair opinion?? probably not.

    Alot like people who post on things about Thais and their Thai culture but cant read or even speak Thai and hold a conversation.

    Do you even know how Thais treat their fuc_kin dogs??? Beleive it or not, there are lots of pitties in Thailand and this is the first case I heard of. It could even be a case of Rabies, rampid in Thailand and highly contagious.

    But an opinion is like an asshol_e,, everyone has one.

    Contact? You mean: only believe what you can touch? Come off it -- isn't there "proof" enough with newspaper articles every few weeks of someone mauled or children killed? Every country should put a ban on breeding them (those that haven't done so already), and within one generation, you could add pitbulls and Rottweilers to the list of extinct species. Allowing them is about as stupid as allowing everyone to have their own gun(s)...

    Steady on! Plllease don't get your metaphors mixed up! Dogs kill people by themselves...guns are just machines...like aeroplanes and cars :o

  10. In New Zealand people are prosecuted and even sent to jail for dog attacks. They are solely responsible for their actions.


    Here in Thailand I take people to hospital weekly with dog bites. I once tried to inform the local council and they were not interested. And obviously, as usual, the local police were not interested either. I have given up trying to get anything done by the authorities.

    There are dogs all over BKK terrorizing people but nothing is ever done. Amazingly people call my group daily to catch harmless snakes(non-poisonous) and other animals, but never dogs! They seem to have a revered place in Thai society.

    I have it from Thai friends that they believe dogs, and soi dogs in particular, are the reborn souls of monks who were bad in their last lives...and who in Thailand would hurt a monk?? :o

  11. you are so busy and determined to force your frame onto things, you miss the point - consistently.


    there is different types of suffering, financial/economic, emotional, physical, mental ... and so on.

    the reference is obviously to mental and emotional strain, NOT financial strain.



    Having an innocent father non-judicially murdered in a drug war because he had been placed on a government blacklist for having a lot of money, only to have it revealed that it came winning the the lottery... now that's mental and emotional strain.




    in your blind rage against thaksin, you will look for any little opening to take a swipe, even if it means going completely off topic (in a futile attempt to justify your earlier post).



    How can you reasonably say that he has gone off topic...the topic is about how the good Dr's children are suffering from "daddy's" absense...what about the wives and children of the innocent people that their father had murdered...just so he could say that he's doing something good??

    Mate, you're not on his christmas card list are you?? :o

    for gods sake learn to quote, son

    Soooo! You are on his christmas card list then...Oooo! Please don't get me blacklisted, I'm just a poor farang? :D

  12. you are so busy and determined to force your frame onto things, you miss the point - consistently.


    there is different types of suffering, financial/economic, emotional, physical, mental ... and so on.

    the reference is obviously to mental and emotional strain, NOT financial strain.


    Having an innocent father non-judicially murdered in a drug war because he had been placed on a government blacklist for having a lot of money, only to have it revealed that it came winning the the lottery... now that's mental and emotional strain.



    in your blind rage against thaksin, you will look for any little opening to take a swipe, even if it means going completely off topic (in a futile attempt to justify your earlier post).


    How can you reasonably say that he has gone off topic...the topic is about how the good Dr's children are suffering from "daddy's" absense...what about the wives and children of the innocent people that their father had murdered...just so he could say that he's doing something good??

    Mate, you're not on his christmas card list are you?? :o

  13. "We are not in politics, but we have always suffered from politics," he said.

    All three are billionaires individually... that's a lot of "suffering"... :o

    a very one dimensional comment.

    you are so busy and determined to force your frame onto things, you miss the point - consistently.

    there is different types of suffering, financial/economic, emotional, physical, mental ... and so on.

    the reference is obviously to mental and emotional strain, NOT financial strain.

    Having an innocent father non-judicially murdered in a drug war because he had been placed on a government blacklist for having a lot of money, only to have it revealed that it came winning the the lottery... now that's mental and emotional strain.

    You just don't understand how difficult it is to be rich in Thailand! All those poor people getting in the way of the limo...having to walk past them on your way to breakfast at the peninsula...flying off to see "daddy" every other week! The pressure of concealing, concealing...lying, lying...all of the time...it's very boring dahhhhlllling! :D

  14. Does the little girl feel that she is being used as a sexual object for the twisted pleasure of others?

    Does it mean it's ok if she doesn't feel it?

    How about raping toddlers, or people in coma?


    Dance might not be pornographic, but sexually provocative nevertheless.

    Apparently you are condemned only if you publicly admit it's titillating. If you learn to keep it to yourself, you get to protect your right to enjoy it and start a crusade against "perverts".

    Yes, it would be ok if she didn't feel it...after all she's the one doing the dance? The rest of us can look away if we find it tittilating or in some way offensive...lets not be too ethnocentric about this. :o

  15. its a big thing in the states too, dressing little 7 year old girls up in full make up and womens clothing then doing dances, imitating grown up women.

    ive always thought it in bad taste.

    I think that the whole thing is a bit of "a mountain out of a mole hill" thing (no pun intended). Does the little girl feel that she is being used as a sexual object for the twisted pleasure of others?

    Perhaps its the echo's of our own prejudices that are on show here. After all the girl is just dancing fully clothed, expecting everyone to think she is just "cute" and wishing her well!

    Look to your own inner demons and be ashamed! :o

  16. Thais read less, watch more TV

    BANGKOK: -- Thai people spent less time reading books, but used more time watching television, according to the National Statistical Office.

    66.3 per cent of people over six years old spent their time reading last year, or 2.8 per cent lower than that of 2005.

    33.7 per cent were people who decided not to read, and 54.3 per cent of those chose to watch television instead.

    The top four reasons for the non-readers were they did not have time to read, lacked interest, hated reading, or were illiterate.

    With this behaviours, Thai people may have less imagination, the National Statistical Office secretary-general Thananuch Threethipyabut pointed out.

    As for the readers, they spent about 51 minutes reading per day in 2005 and 39 minutes last year.

    71 per cent of readers read newspapers.

    Youths spent about 46 minutes reading a day in 2008.

    Mrs Thananuch urged the public and private sectors to promote reading by selling books at cheaper prices and renovating libraries to draw in more people.

    The Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)'s ICT Centre may help improving libraries in the country, she said.

    -- Bangkok Post 2009-03-31

    It must have included students that read only "manga", not a bad way to introduce young people to reading...didn't we all start by reading comics and then move to Playboy etc...? :o

  17. I'm continually suprised by the inaction of the government, either an international warrent or a "black" operation should solve the problem once and for all! Thailand is my adopted home and with this unreformed thug dirtying the name of good Thai's all over the world I'm amazed that even the people who are paid to demonstrate are prepared to put up with it?

    Khun Taksin, please stop sullying the very good of the Thai people with your rants and raving...you will never, repeat, never be allowed to return to politics in this country, if and when the working people who thought that you paid the million baht to the Tambons out of your own pocket wake up or are woken up you will not believe the anger they will direct at you and yours!

    If you truely love this country...give it up mate! Come home, do the time and catch up with your enemies at your leasure. :o

  18. What the farangs are really scared of is the thought that the poor people will be empowered and that will mean the end of cheep sex and cheep love.

    Like a mega-wealthy Chinese Thai like Thaksin is going to empower the people.

    Well, he did make his maid and gardener temporary millionaires. I often wonder what would have happened had they taken the money and ran. It was legally theirs at the time.

    Maybe we should activly encourage all maids and drivers/gardeners to run when their "owners/employers" give them large sums of money to hide?? The court cases should be a million laughs...and if they kill them then they would have to fight ALL the relatives :o:D


    Police arrest woman, husband in murder, embezzlement cases

    Man claims surprise at learning wife alive after tsunami

    BANGKOK: -- Police announced yesterday the arrest of the daughter of former Phetchaburi MP Piya Angkinant, and her husband, for faking her death in the 2004 tsunami to escape embezzlement lawsuits.

    Police said the couple are wanted in connection with 50 cases, with damages totalling Bt3 billion.

    Besides being wanted for an oil company embezzlement worth Bt15 million, Kankanit Angkinant or Panjit Chinsiri, 43, had been sought for a total of 28 cases.

    Her former Piyakit Group executive husband Chanchai Chinsiri, 47, is accused of involvement in 35 cases, including the 1993 murder of Sayamon Larpkorkiat, police said.

    Kankanit was arrested yesterday morning in Bangkok's Sathorn area after sending her children to school; and Chanchai was arrested at his home in Yannawa district. Kankanit said tearfully she didn't understand why police had arrested her as she hadn't done anything wrong.

    Police said a search at their home found Kankanit's death certificate, the couple's ID cards and namechanging certificates, Chanchai's card under the name Pongwit Sriwittayapong - an Internal Security Command official - oil business documents and two guns.

    Following the tsunami, Chanchai filed a police complaint on December 31, 2004, that Kankanit was missing after a trip to Ranong's Koh Payam. Hours later he told police a body with Kankanit's ID card, credit cards and some cash was retrieved and taken to Ranong's Kapur pier.

    Authorities, assuming Kapur police had collected fingerprints and evidence to identify the body as Kankanit, issued records for Chanchai to use in claiming the body for a funeral at a local temple and the issuing of a death certificate in Ranong's Muang district.

    Chanchai used the death certificate to claim insurance money worth more than Bt2 million from two insurance firms - but so far he has only been partially paid, police said.

    On August 1, 2005, the oil trading company, Chokchai Mahachai, filed a police complaint to investigate Kankanit's death, claiming she might conspire with her husband to stage her death to escape lawsuits. The investigation found Kankanit underwent a cosmetic operation in China to remove a mark from her face and possibly changed her nose and upper lip.

    She also changed her name three times, the last occasion when she assumed the identity of a Payao Panwang from Samut Sakhon. When Payao tried to have her name registered in Nonthaburi's Bang Kruay district,officials cancelled her request after she was found to be using another identity. Police contacted the district office for her fingerprints and found they matched Kankanit's.

    A source reported Chanchai insisted to police Kankanit went to Ranong at the time of the disaster and, after being told a body carrying his wife's ID card was found, he went to collect it for a funeral.

    He claimed he was busy and didn't fuss about her identification check. Later, when his wife showed up, he didn't know what to do - so he let bygones be bygones.

    -- The Nation 2009-03-27

    It's only 8 billion, what's the problem?? They are well born so they can be forgiven for being a little stupid?? :o

  20. Some of the accused:


    Former Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat


    Former Deputy Prime Minister Chavalit Yongchaiyudh


    National Police Commissioner Police General Patcharawat Wongsuwan


    Bangkok Metropolitan Police Chief Police Lieutenant-General Suchart Muankaew


    Deputy Bangkok Metropolitan Police Chief Police Major-General Ekkarat Meepreecha.

    Khun Chavalit is a very canny player....whats the bet that they don't make it to trail??? :o

  21. Or could it be that the word has gone around that the BIB are either bribeable or inept so the Land of Smiles is a rather handy crime magnet in the sunshine?

    Hear, hear. Well said that man!!

    Why does Thailand attract all the human dross for their nasty little perversions and crimes? IS IT because the police here are so corrupt and easily bribed? Think so. :o

    Cruel, cruel man...most of these little fat men are riding around on their motorbikes collecting "fuel money" from the red boxes...it's the "detectives" that really reap the rewards, think of the service these men give their country, if they weren't getting into us ferang they'd be stealing from their compatriots. After all, what other purpose do we have here? If not to enrich the population! :D

  22. If this idiot did drink and drive its a dam shame i hate people like that. To drink and drive is just criminal, if you were only hurting yourself ok. But usualy they kill innocent people with their stupidity.

    I hope the Thai family will get some compensation from the Brit's money if he was in fact drunk.

    Sh*t happens, it was his turn to die....either way he probably didn't even see it coming. Why all the angst about one farang going to God....if he was in any way religious he has done himself a favour :D

    If you don't buy the paper or even read it second hand what right have you to criticize..how do you know the information is wrong?? I too hope that the innocent rider will be compensated :o !

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