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Posts posted by TPI

  1. Update:

    3 Thais killed, 1 Swedish woman injured in shootings near Khao Sarn Road

    BANGKOK: -- A Thai man shot and killed his wife and two other Thais near Khao Sarn Road Monday night and accidentally shot and injured a Swedish tourist, police said.

    The shootings occurred on the Tanao Road.

    Police said the Thai man, Surapan Kritsamphan 44, went to see his ex-wife, Yupadee Laphanan, 35, while she was selling clothes at her shop to try to mend their relationship.

    But when she refused to mend the tie, the man became angry and opened fire at her, their son, Polkrit Kritsamphan, 19, and her new boyfriend, Arkom Surojwong, 33.

    Yupadee and Polkrit died at the scene. Arkom died on his way to a hospital.

    Surapan fled the scene.

    The Swedish tourist, Karin Matiweka, 21, was shot once on her back. She was rushed to the Vatchiraj Hospital and is now safe.


    -- The Nation 2009-05-05

    "Surapan fled the scene".

    He killed his ex wife and his son...jeeeze! A gun in Thailand can cost around THB 80K, where would the husband of a clothes seller get that sort of money?

    Of course he fled the scene...all pride, no shame! :)

  2. Pay attention...I'll only say this once!

    When you transfer your money from your country of official residence, transfer it in the original currency into your Thai account, where the bank will gladly change into Thai Baht. The money will arrive within 24 hours.....You only pay the initial transfer cost usually $20-$30 regardless of the amount! Then you can take the Thai Baht out of any ATM and only pay the ฿20 standard fee! On the upside, your money is changed at the T\T rate (which is the best you can get!). OK? :):D:D

  3. Protest CANNOT be banned, even if the protest is held at the airports. It is a basic right of the Thai people. Unless they change the law first.

    Please excuse....what the man actually said:-

    "I believe there will be no protest as the meeting will be held in Phuket where local people, along with those in other parts of the south... want the meeting to be a success,' PM Suthep told reporters as he toured possible venues."


  4. หงุดหงิด ngùt·ngìt (feeling frustrated)

    is the one I am familiar with.

    Speaking to wife, SIL and local uni students they agree that the expression covers a lot of ground and should be sufficient for a farang? :)

    (not intended as a put down, ok?)

  5. Slapout,

    You should have seen the 1st crews setup. About 4 years old 4 stories high & super technology. The only fault they had was the diviner didn't know dids about finding water. I purposelessly ran all the electrical poles in the back of the rais , so we would rarely have to see electrical lines in the front of the house. The owner wanted to keep the borehole close to the electric source. Had the company been able to go with the first choice water would be flowing. The dufuss picked a dry creek bed(that flows during rain only.I learned in cub scouts that does not mean that that is a true water source in dry season cause the water snakes to either sides or wherever.I guess they don't have many classes for dek deks in Thailand.

    The equipment is ancient & really beat to death. the belts are all haggard all the bearings in the caps of the U-joints are dust. The only part that is working well is the engine & tranny(surprisingly).

    They are goingto bring a monk out for a blessing today & try 1 more time. Then as agreed with the owner they will redrill(I believe most likely & would bet the farm on it!) that the will re-drill to 40 meters & install the pump. He did make good on buying the Franklin pump cord & control box. I cringed when I learned Colins wife gave him the funds to buy the pump & supplies.

    At least he is credible & didn't take the money & run. I am really glad it is my neighbors gig & not mine as I have enough on my hands with the clowns I hire to help here & wind up doing 70% of most of the work myself. I don't care about that I like workin anyway & dislike a job poorly done as most of us are on the same wavelength.

    Within 3 days if they redo the bore & start early they can complete the job.

    Keep you posted.

    Dam-n interesting, I did wildcatting in Ozy for a few years and saw the results of undercapitalising...always a disaster!

    Fill the hole with cement and move on eh! :)

  6. Iranian hotel muggers nabbed


    BANGKOK: -- Two Iranian nationals were arrested after allegedly robbing a German tourist on Friday night in Bangkok's Prince Hotel, police said yesterday.

    They reportedly belonged to a gang which robbed tourists in Bangkok and Pattaya, one member of which was gunned down by police in 2001.

    Mojthaba Modagi, 43, and Babac Sasabac, 32, were arrested along with a .45mm pistol, five bullets, a pocket knife and a motorcycle, said city police chief Pol Lt-General Worapong Chewpreecha.

    They allegedly robbed Uwe Hib, 48, while he was walking out of a lift to his hotel room. They stabbed him in his right leg before feeling for his valuables, he said, but he alerted security guards.


    -- The Nation 2009-05-03

    While I have no problems with the news I wish the writers would get it right.... (.45) or (.45 cal) is correct 45mm is nearly 2 inches and 11mm while accurate for size is inaccurate as a calibre...OK? :)

  7. Even in the most egalitarian communist society there is STILL

    elites of some flavor running things, it is part of the human condition.


    How many of the koo's and pluses and norwegan honerifics identify with Roi-Et taxi drivers or the industrious girls that come from Issan? At a guess...none!

    The human condition is to consider yourself smarter and more logical than anyone else...everyone is an "elite" in their own mind...time to close the thread, people are starting to repeat themselves :D:) Please?

  8. funny how panit tell us bi-daily in breaking news how close they are to catch thaksin. i wish them they would do, finally.

    before they said thaksin has no foreign passport, mhm, later it was thaksin has no diplomat passport.

    interpol doesn't arrest anybody. there are no interpol police man, travel from country to country and hunt the criminals. thats only on the movies.

    What is really needed is not "supercop", just a professional or a gifted amateur with an umbrella on a bridge...problem solved :)

  9. Mass media accused of middle-class anti-reds bias

    "Chiang Mai University law lecturer Somhai Preechasil-pakul wrote a commentary in Matichon newspaper on Monday denouncing much of Thailand's mainstream media. He thought they had double standards and that media professionals had an upper-class bias as many view poor lower-class protesters, who make up the bulk of the red-shirt movement, as people lacking "political maturity", whose votes can be bought by money or populist policies."


    "..the fact the mainstream mass media overwhelming reflect the middle-class (and in some cases an elitist) political worldview. This is simply because editors, journalists and photographers are mostly middle class and Thai mass media is hardly a forum for the poor, less formally educated lower class, who happen to make up some 70 per cent of the Thai population.

    Thus they're more middle class' media than "mass" media, which might supposedly include more voices from the poor majority. What they write or report on tells readers more about themselves than that of the poor.

    The middle class' daily dealings with the lower class is marked by hierarchical and patronage relationships such as one of manager-to-worker, passenger-to-taxi-driver, master-to-maid, diner-to-waiter, sex-buyer-to-sex-worker and more.

    The middle class and elite are not used to truly listening to the lower class and rather wish they remain docile as cab drivers, waiters or prostitutes instead of being active as fellow Thai citizens, capable of independent and equal political thoughts and aspirations.

    If lower-class people are in the news, many of the middle class rather wish they were on the news as a "good cabbie" who returns a forgotten wad of bank notes left behind by a forgetful middle class or rich passenger. Or, as an award-winning bartender, or perhaps a maid who was a rape victim of a cruel house master. To them, the poor reds can't possibly have an independent mind and are more likely to have been duped or bribed by Thaksin and his cohorts. So it doesn't matter much which newspapers or TV channel you subscribe to."

    Brought to us by the Nation.


    And the problem is??

    Of course the middle class are more influential than the so called lower class, and, its obvious that the print media aims at these more affluent citizens than your ordinary rice farmer, who do you think it is who buys what the newspapers sell??

    The lower class generally finish school at P6 or at best M3, they can't read, they can't calculate, they generally don't use logic in their everyday lives, what do you expect?

    They are the product of the education system that has been put in place by the very people you rail against!

    I would say that the elite has done a fantastic job in creating a perpetual motion money machine, don't knock it, you're taking advantage of it every day in every way. To whinge about the poor oppressed working class is fine...just don't expect a rush anytime soon by the elite or the middle class to improve their lot! IMVHO :)

  10. I wasnt talking about what the PAD or red sfor that matter said/did. I was talking about Abhissit offering concessions that were demands of the reds - amnesty, elections, charter rewrite. Somchai and Samak never tried that approach

    I will leave you to dream on. At least this time your repsonse was getting closer

    ahh, okay.i thought it's about how an non parliamentarian movement, a street protest movement challenged the government, as we had it with Samak/Somchai vs. PAD and Abhisit vs. The Reds. the demands of this protesters and how the government deal with it.

    we have to look at the PAD too. their demands - new politics and label everybody as a puppet if he don't agree with yellow.

    you say Abhisit offered new elections? when? he told red go home, we need no more protest, after so long time is enough.

    prosecute PAD is a demand - did it happen?

    charter rewrite was one ofthe first , Abhisit said his team want to do. that junta paper isn't perfect enough. mhm. PPP wanted to do that to. before, but the now cabinet members, blocked the then government, not with parliamentarian option, but GH squatting, airport siege, unrest.

    if abhisit is that great "nation unity" hero, he could be the man, the mediator , bring PPP and yellow at one table, during the 2008 crisis. but he did just wait.

    there have possebilties to do so. the dislike for samak understandable (but more from a liberal position, than a royalist one) at first sondhi was open for somchai, but later changed his mind.

    i wish abhisit where such a man of action. he is just a good teachers boy. do what was him told. the newin deal was done by suthep, a dirty one.

    he could have build up a network between the younger parlamentarians, the fresh enthusiastic people, before they learn the dirty tricks of politics.. in PPP they are not all thaksins puppets. only abhisit is sitting in his trench and comes with handsome face propaganda. he maybe innocent, but he isn't the one who hold the steering wheel. he is still very old politics. families with names, decorate themself with a MP label, run the country as exclusive old boys club.

    Make chalerm and his twisted kin the only "government for life"...then! You'll have something to moan about!

  11. 26333.jpg

    Commander of the Second Police Region Assawin Narongphan


    Chonburi Provincial Police Chief Bandit Khunjak

    Police pay for ASEAN fiasco

    Two senior police officers have been transferred to inactive posts for failing to prevent red shirt protesters from storming the ASEAN Summit on April 11 in Pattaya.

    National Police Chief Patcharawat Wongsuwon yesterday signed an order moving the Commander of the Second Police Region, Assawin Narongphan, and Chonburi's Provincial Police Chief, Bandit Khunjak, to the National Police office in Bangkok.

    Police Lt. Gen. Assawin will be replaced by Police Lt. Gen. Suwat Chan-Itthikul, Assistant National Police Chief, while Police Maj. Gen. Bandit will be replaced by Police Maj. Gen. Pramoj Pathumwong, Deputy Commander of the Second Police Region.

    Continued here:


    If the Army has 700 Generals surplus to requirement it boggles the mind to think of how many Generals the police have....send all the bent ones to the southern provinces with a target on their chests...after a year the survivors can retire??

    Just a thought! :o

  12. What with corruption, cronyism and total incompetency, I am starting to think that the Royal Thai Police force should be disbanded. How can they be replaced? Should they be replaced? Will the new one be as inefficient and as corrupt as the current one?

    I cannot answer these questions. Maybe no police force is better than the one we currently have! Maybe crowds will roam the streets and anarchy will ensue. Gang rule. But look at Pattaya and the riots in Bangkok last week. Nothing was done.

    This will probably cause a barrage of abuse, retorts, angry replies and insults. Call me innocent, stupid, naive or insane if you will. What do you think should be done? Should Thailand have to suffer the corruption and incompetency of the current police force?

    It would appear that every rank above Sgt is so snared in corruption that they should do what they did in Melbourne Australia after the last police strike in the early 1930's...they sacked everyone and brought in police from other states until they could re-hire enough of the ones that could be proven to be "clean"!

    While it didn't wipe out the corruption that was endemic at the time it at least drove it so far underground that it didn't appear above ground until the mid 1960's.

    Your suggestion would only work if...??? Damned if I know :o

  13. My Thai GF just got an offer to work in Australia for two months. It's somewhere on a ranch or farm during some sort of harvest season. Not sure what. I'm supposed to get more details later. The offer for her to make 65,000B a month is a big deal. They pay for flight and visa. But I see it as the same as we do in the US with migrant workers, pay little, expect to get a lot. Even in Thailand it's the same as with Burmese workers. I think the pay is too little for what is expected of her.

    Anyone with experience on this subject? What is she really getting into? Are my suspicions correct? What the minimum wage in this case if you know?

    In all likelyhood she will have to lie to get a visa and this will all be arranged.

    She will then be taken to a farm and work 7 days a week. The money if you consider the flights

    and "possible" accomodation will be paid for is ok. In all likwlyhood she will be on a s/c676

    visa and will be working illegally so will be subject to deportation if found working by Immigration.

    Not worth it IMHO.


    Suggest you before you make statements you know nothing about KEEP QUIET,

    1/ Australian govt issues 3 and 6 month working visas for seasonal workers recruited in Asia,

    2/Here on the sunshine coast in Queensland ,we have strawberry and Pineapple pickers from korea , ceylon and pakistan, who are now on their 3rd year contracts,

    3, They are paid upto 18 dollars australian an hour 5 days a week, the employer pays for their flights and they are in rental accomodation which they have to pay for themselves, many residents in our area, rent out rooms to fruitpickers,

    So everything is legal and above board!! Of course there are Slavers, but serious fruitgrowers dont use them :o

    Steady on Will! My lady and worked in Oz up until sept '08...the program as offered is backed by the government, both federal and state...if there's anything sus the lady only has to go to the nearest mobile telephone and ring the police, they act on every complaint!


    There are too many people watching for slavers to get away with anything for long...go with her and enjoy yourself :D

  14. probably too little to late. tourism here will be fuct for a while now. a coup, airport closures and the latest protests broadcast all over cnn and bbc showing buses on fire and the military clashing with the protesters. would you come here for a holiday?

    I have a friend in HCMC that arranges tours for Vietnamese to come to Bangkok for shopping, she hasn't been able to get a group together for over a month - last one went to KL for shopping, almost 400 people that have "Mahk Mahk Baht" to spend.........can't blame them can You??? Why take a chance on Bangkok when for the same prices you can go to KL............. :D

    Meanwhile, those of us who live here continue to call for "Buleah! Peel me a grape". Life is pretty good for us retirees in the land of smiles! Let the working class worry about their holidays, let them eat cake! :o

  15. Quite sure some of you out there are avid aquarists as well as owners of koi / ornamental gardens , care to show/ discuss about your passion in this thread? Would be a good guide for prospective or current pond owners! :D:D

    I'm just starting with perch and cat fish...I've a klong as a border, its about 300m x 10m x 2m deep and was full of fallen timber. After much toil with bow saw and axe its now clear. The fish were rescued from the last of the water and are now in 250 lt tubs with charcoal and mesh filters keeping the water clean.

    The water comes from ground water ie as the water table rises so does the water level in the klong! I intend to dig out another 3 metres from the bottom of the klong to ensure year round water, that with nylon mesh at either end shoud keep the larger fish in.

    My question is can Koi survive with preditors like perch??

    Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated :o:D

  16. Sorry if that is a bit blunt.

    Don't worry, I can take blunt.

    But it doesn't help with my original question: what is the smallest company in capital that a farang can make?

    It is in line with OP statement about how much shareholders have to show under the new "law". So it does matter how big.

    I know I'm in Thailand , I wasn't comparing costs with home.

    You only have to put up, from all sources, 25% of the registered capital...in your case THB250,000, not a big ask...if you're serious? Remember that includes your Thai directors as well. :o

  17. Meanwhile, a former Roi Et MP for the pro-Thaksin People Power Party, Nisit Sinthuprai, claimed the riots this week were the work of a third party and not the red shirts.

    He also claimed the military crackdown on the protesters on Monday led to deaths and that he would find evidence and relatives of people supposedly killed to present to the press.

    He said the red shirts had not lost the war; they were just taking a recess. "We will actually steal a small victory by breeding red-shirt seeds in the heart of people. Once we blow the whistle, a bigger number of red shirts will turn up."

    He said he would be a second-generation leader for the red shirts and would lead a rally to call for the resignation of three privy councillors and the PM.

    -- The Nation 2009-04-16

    Bang!...bang!.....bang! some where a dog barks in a carpark...silence and peace reigns. Only in this case does the end justify the means? :o:D

    edited by TPI for berevity

  18. Many of you have probably heard of the roughly 70,000 baht car now available in India:


    I was wondering if it was available in Thailand or something similar? It seems like a really great way to get 4 people off of motorcycles and into dry shelter... and stylish enough to where I don't think I'd get laughed at for driving one in Isaan.

    Speaking as I who had a LADA Sumara for 10 years ( apart from the buckling interior panels, from the heat in Oz) was the best car I have ever owned; 48 mpg, primer on the carby for cold weather, instruction book in russian on how to prepare the car for sub zero temp, shock absorbers that never gave up, one gallon windscreen washers (which were strong enough to was wet tar off the windscreen etc etc.

    The TATA motors are the ones that gave us the "Mahindra", you know the one, the "Jeep" knockoff using parts that are interchangeable with the older Jeep models...a top motor car...?

    On enquiry you to can have a Nano for US$5,000 landed... :o:D

  19. I am seeking some advice again from all you helpfil characters.

    About 8 years ago I bought a house using the comapny method, I have now sold the house to Thai who did not want the company,(obviously), so my question is how do I dispose of the company now in a clinical (or not so) way , my accountant is quoting me some ridiculous figures to close it down, etc, etc.

    Can I sell it, give it away (any takers) or let it die a natural death?

    Thanks in anticipation

    Think twice before closing down you company. If you really do not need a company again, try to sell it. It has thise days become very expensive and complicated to establish new Limited companies with foreign share holders. I know people who has paid some 200.000 to get a new company set up. And it took half a year.

    I would happily give it away if you know anobody interested

    With some Thai partners I set up a company some 10 years ago...It only ran as a business for 2 years...if I wanted to start it up again I would have to have audited VAT/tax returns for the last 8 years...so it's best to just let it go to sleep...Who knows when you might need it again?? :o

  20. Most court cases go on and on and on and on ................................................................................

    ............and no solution ..........................................................negotiation...........

    ..........................................etc etc ....................................................................time .................................................for ever ..................................

    C'mon blokes, everyone was complaining that nothing was being done...now you want to see heads on a pike! Surely you're not that bored are you??

    Go down the street and celebrate soncran and have a good laugh at how much this must have cost Taksin!!

  21. I think the question to ask is how many people have been killed/missing in extra judicial actions by the military or the police since Mr T has gone??

    Mr T had his fingers well into the cookie jar and was stupid enough to get caught...As soon as I saw the interviews on the BBC & CNN I (for the first time) ripped of messages to their editorial staff complaining that they didn't mention, in any significant way, that the man was an escaped felon....now the people have started to wake up.

    Where I live, in the central north, all of the local people were 100% for Taksin, now, they don't want to talk about it? The flags have been taken down and the barber who never takes off his TRT jacket is now wearing a Chang Beer jacket.

    So, the cowardly, lying, two faced thief is finally going to get his comerupance! :o:D (IMVHO)

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