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Posts posted by TPI

  1. Straight out murder..... I hope the prime minister is held accountatble

    My theory is that Thaksin is behind the hit, just to make the anarchy and chaos continue, wouldn't suprise me if I'm right...

    Disagree woth you because Thaksin is already dead. I have photo proof of Thaksin funeral (includeing an image of his ghost) taken from ThaiVisa.

    Maybe his ex-wife give the order as his last wish? Quite possible.

    i got photo of thaksin on the moon if u want look at that one ,its true i saw it.

    If you believe a half of these comments...do you want to see where the horse bit me?? :)

  2. They'd write one-line posts like 'Just cut off their pla ra supply and they'll scurry back to Issan", or "don't send in the dogs, they'll eat them", and actually think that's funny, or smart.

    That's the funniest thing I've read for weeks, kwai. I'm glad to see that you've finally lightened up...and I thought it was only Vietnamese and Koreans that liked dogs!

  3. Well Mr Lineinger I guess that you've been a little spooked!

    Phrae has a group of farang that regularly get together with the local senyai's and try to thrash out any percieved difficulties that may have arisen!

    I don't want to appear pompos, but, Phrae people have a reputation for being open and very friendly. Many times people have helped me out with no expectation of payment and have refused any offered (always with what appears a genuine smile).

    I have visited the red shirt site outside the Tambon office on a couple of occasions, of course everybody is curious to see you, they don't seem to mind a couple of farangs sitting on the gutter watching the movies and listening to the speakers!

    Time to lighten up my friend! In eleven years in this country I've never heard or seen a bad word...and if I did, I'd ignore it!

  4. You mean the army will have night vision goggles to differentiate between a women and a man tonight? Interesting, as they didn't have that on April 10th.

    On April the 10th, the grenades that landed amongst the soldiers (as per the video's) seem to come from the red side? I'm amazed that the peace loving, gentle, kind , law abiding black shirts could have obtained some very illegal weapons of war? Surely they would have handed them into the Police the moment they came into their possession? All of those rifles are unlicenced! I'm horrified that Khun Taksin would allow law breaking on his behalf! 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555

  5. It's a recipe for disaster.

    Shining Path in Peru had a lot of supporters too, mate. Some things just can't be tolerated if you want a civil society.

    And one thing that must not be tolerated is Americans using "mate". :)

    We gave the world F***, so get over it!

    No you didn't! The word is an old Anglo-Saxon word, it goes back over a thousand years...and Amerlicans using the word "mate" is an abomination! So there! :D

  6. quote name='OzMick' date='2010-05-13 13:42:46' post='3591581'

    Why can't we have a free and fair election with the red leaders in jail? [/quote


    The Reds, like all other major groupings, must perceive the next election as free and fair. That is the only way to get them, and all other groups, to regard the outcome as legitimate and thus voluntarily accept the outcome.

    Many posters here are talking about a coercive outcoming: military rule, Singapore style governance, and then of course there are the bitter loons who cant wait for (thai) blood to spill.

    What i'm arguing for is a non coercive outcome: where groups of people voluntarily set aside differences to reach an acceptable of social harmony. That cannot in my judgement by achieved if those who symbolize the hopes and aspirations of one important group are incarcerated. What is important here is not what you or i think of the Red leaders or the Reds themselves. What is important is to bring the Reds back into the political process.

    To do that, you have to consider how they think, and what they value. You wont lure the Reds back into the political process--including accepting an unfavorable election outcome as legitimate--if you insult them by incarcerating their leaders. You wont get them to accept an unfavorable result if they think that their chances were held back by goverment coercion.

    It may well be that the choice is either between an amnesty, or--sooner or later--wide spread violence. I think Abhisit and the generals are wise men and fundamentally understand this. They have to negotiate the political narrows between extremely opposed groups who both feel that their interests area being trampled upon, with potentially horifying consequence if the govnerment get it wrong. Abhisit et al are wise to understand that time, and gentle pressure are their greatest assets.

    If, in fact, this matter does end with elections widely perceived in Thailand as legitimate, Abhisit will deserve and get the Nobel Peace prize. He, and the Thai people, will have done for this country what Gorbachev, Yeltsin, and the Russian people did for theirs.

    But we arent there yet. And if the armored vehicles now being discussed move on Ratchaprasong, I fear we never will.

    Mah friend, mah friend, mah friend!

    You are such a sweet and gentle person, I'll bet that you've seen "Bambi" 20 or 30 times and cried every time?

    Time for the real world! The red shirt leaders are in no mood for a compromise either physically or politically! Their paymaster is in this to the knife...if he fails (if they fail) then he has lost "face" big time...the government will go after him with an axe, they'll take everything off him as he will be seen as a loser...he MUST be seen to WIN!

    This is not a game for "pussy's", these guys are tough, very tough and they don't care how much "other people's " blood they spill. The government is well aware of the price of failure!

    Keep reading "Gandhi" and watching the tele. Muse on the inhumanity of some people and how their eternal souls are doomed! :)

  7. The PM is showing up as a brilliant strategist and the reds as completely useless.

    After letting the reds think they were invincible he beat them twice on the 10th and 28th April.

    Unfortunately with deaths and injuries but these must all be laid at the door of the red leaders. For those who don't believe that try reading the accounts of some of the survivors who were wounded on the 10th: like the man who tells of being ordered to stand in front of the black shirts and red leaders, he was in the third row from the front facing the soldiers and was shot from behind. Either the army was using OZZIE bullets of the boomerang variety or...........up to you.

    No I won't give you a link look it up yourself it's on this forum.

    These ignominious (translates to face losing) defeats confined the reds to their own prison behind the tyres and in order to do something to keep the troops active they invaded the hospital, a PR disaster. Next the PM gave them an out (the roadmap) which he probably knew they wouldn't accept without conditions. Whether it was foreseen or not this caused a very public split in the red leadership making them look horribly disorganized.

    Some wanted to get it over with and get out but Sae Deang said he had talked to Thaksin (implementing him completely dead or alive) and that they now had new leaders and the others could go if they wanted. But they haven't gone, why? Probably because they are scared of Sae Daeng and what he might do, like shoot them for if the DSI got hold of them they would want to bargain their way out by giving evidence against the others. And then if they do leave against Thaksin's wishes they certainly won't get their money.

    They then had to come up with some excuse and the PM and deputy to surrender is it. Now their bluff has been called and it's back to the container to try to come up with something else.

    So what is the Govt to do now, other than go in with guns blazing?

    Well most of the leaders are scared now so they should be frightened farther, one of them complained that a chopper flew over them a couple of days ago (a terrible infringement of their air space and civil rights) so choppers need to be overflying them several times a day.

    Snipers with laser sights should be put in place in as many positions as possible that could target the red leaders except Sea Dean who probably won't scare so easily and now probably expects to die there, better as a martyr than up against a wall . Also as many cameras as possible should be focused on the red camp.

    The Army and Police around them need to be told that it is likely that shooting could start and on an order they are to pull back quickly to safe positions. (This will get to the reds) then the order should be given and all the security forces pull back; then watch the panic and the weapons come out. After a time the security forces can then drift back into position hopefully without being fired upon.

    This can be done again later but this time focus the laser sights on as many of the brave leaders as possible and again hear the screaming and watch the panic and the weapons come out. By this time the human shields would be wanting out big time and no doubt some of the leaders as well.

    After this has been done several times the pressure can be ramped up by letting off a few blanks when the little dots are on the leaders. Not many people left at that point and by then all the weapons will have been identified and placed so if eventually the military has to go in they will know what they are up against.

    Oh <deleted> I've just given away the plan, silly me.

    For a Kiwi, that's dam_n clever...curse you, I wish I'd had thought of it first! :)

  8. So Jerry IS saying that he is in favor of their violent illegal protest continueing.


    I think what he is saying is that the junta-assisted govt. should cease their violence against legitimate protesters and have a legal election according to the pre-junta coup-assasinated 1997 constitution.

    And elect who? The twice disbanded taksinista party? Re-elect the party that you want to bin? Some other collection of wannabe's from god knows where connected to the landed mafia, the city mafia, the army mafia or the police mafia? Take your pick!

    Time to close this entire subject of reds and yellows and multi-coloured etc. etc. :D:):D

  9. Look guys, I walk past the red barricade twice a day everyday. I often go into the Starbucks or the Mac that are under what used to be 'Robinsons'. I go in both I know the staff by sight. Today about midday I walked past that Macs, the usual staff were in there doing the usual stuff. Customers were in there pointing cameras out of the windows.

    If it had been 'bombed' it would have been closed down. Even if the windows had only been put out by an external blast, they would have been boarded up out of safety for further attacks, not replaced with nice new glass ready to be broken again. BTW, there was no new glass. For those that don't know, this Mac is fronted by four or five 2metre tall by 2metre wide panes (which I doubt you wouldbe able to replace at a few hours notice, too). It's a huge glass frontage looking straight out at the red barricade and Chula hospital. Those panes were all dirty as hel_l and not one of them had been broken. There was no damage to anything. Bear in mind I had read this report before I went out, so I gave the place a good look as I went past. Of course, had I been a reporter I would have gone in and asked any of the faces I know if they'd been bombed and got the scoop first hand; alas, I didn't - it seemed so obviously false as to be not worth the effort.

    Slap me for jumping to conclusions based on visual evidence, but 'being bombed' means some kind of structural damage to me. There was none. My guess is some reporter with nothing to write home about woke himself up with a fart and found he had something to wire to the editor. :)

    As I said b4 - don't trust me, go and LOOK! (ther's nothing to see!)

    Now what will "levelhead" et al have to complain about...spoilsport! :D

  10. How can five people looking around a hospital in the company of staff be a terrorist act? The nation headline is hysterical nonsense and the event is being used as crude propaganda against the UDD, the place was not stormed,we are not talking about the bastille, hardy a big deal. Pic of people being evacuated is the result of an over reaction from the Hospital, but it looks good in the media, evil reds force closure of Hospital, utter crap.

    Didn't the media say that after the negotiations to let a small group of "security guards" and their "godfather" (5 + 1 = 6) in to pass an eye over the patients, all of whom may be hiding machine guns under their blue jarmies?? Between 100 and 200 other intelligent clear headed "fellow travellers" barged their way in and conducted a futile search of the hospital, finally draging away 2 innocent men to be paraded on the stage...only to find that they were just ordinary workers...just like them???

    Cowards, spineless, scum...What is the difference between a red shirt security guard and a catfish??

    One is a slime sucking bottom feeder and the other one is a fish!

  11. lets see the video then .......come on, its good to share

    Its on here somewhere quite a grissly video though cause the guys head is blown to pieces maybe someone else knows there the link is

    I've seen it, he was holding a flag and facing away from security forces - cowards.

    I think you have got it wrong, he was facing a building (or turning slowly) when he was shot at close range...it couldn't have been the military as they were at least 200yards away...he fell towards the military..must have been a boomerang bullet? :)

    I thought that rubber bullets were fired from M79 grenade launchers, you know, 40mm diameter and about 300mm long, they're bounced along the road so that they hit the protesters in the legs???

  12. There must be negotiations and nothing else, any substandial force used by police/army to disperse the 'Red's' from their spot in BKK will of course be successful, but it will not solve the political problem at all, on the contrary, the same kind of street protests will then be carried right across the country, and this is bound to result into street confrontations with the 'Yellow's, and since army and police are divided on this matter, it could bring Thailand to the brink of civil war, talks are essential.

    The peasants may be poor but they're not stupid...with the rains and the kids going back to school watch the numbers of protesters melt away...the money might be good but, the kids are more important?

  13. the more recent BBC reports on the ongoing crisis seem more narrow-minded than ever.

    Narrow minded in your opinion perhaps. Not everybody shares your opinion, and the bbc is internationally respected even though its articles sing from your propaganda hymn sheet. Your opinions,conversely, are not internationally acknowledged in the same way.

    I wonder how it is that an verified quote from a Korean journal makes banner headlines in thaivisa while respectable outlets are not covered in a similar way.?

    For instance?? :)

  14. How to reduce a complex political situation to an 'us versus them' simplistic scenario - and that from the famous BBC!!!

    and the washington post, amnesty international, french dailies (hardly suprising there though) because facts are facts, the message is clear:

    don't intervene with military coups.*

    no one disputes Thaksin is not an angel, has blood on his hands, is a bit of a nutter, ok, IS a nutter... but then again, the same can be said for a lot of people in power right now. (abroad that is... phew)

    *unless the yanks are backing it.

    That was close!!!!! :)

  15. That was a very nice video and I liked the slow motion...

    The scary part was the people taking water from that grubby river... I can imagine there were lots of people came down with stomach problems...

    Mah friend! The water was coming out of the moat, the tambon fill it up just for soncran... :)

  16. ....gee thats nice to know , I'm sure, but do you know where I can get some diet 7-UP ????

    well you take a can of regular 7-Up - two mugs - and pour half a regular can into both then top up with water - Hey Presto! half the calories... neat na? do-it-your-self diet 7-Up - that must earn me 'most useful tip of the day'? :)

    You must know that god hates smart a-ses, good suggestion but! :D

  17. More like "You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time"!

    Guys, guys...if you're over the football thing you'll see the government television channels advertising Taki doing the "big deal" in Dubai, this will get him 10 million votes in Issan as the Thai people believe that anybody who can do big business must be a "demi-god"!

    The twisted little oriface has won...like it or not! :)

  18. they sure did!


    surely they could tell if it was a sniper from the trajectory of the in/exit wounds on the bodies

    You can see that the flag bearer was shot from behind as he fell forward after being hit...I didn't see any soldiers around him...he was also shot at fairly close range as the sound and the impact were almost instantanious...Two tours of SVN, Malaya etc....I know what a shot man looks like :):D

    "Agents provocare" from the "not green" side for sure, cowardly, degenerates...

    Which video were you watching? He fell backwards.

    Also, there were far too many shots heard to be able to suggest which of the sounds related to the shot that hit him.

    Have another look and comment again.

    Had another look...he was facing the building and the shot came from his right, he then folded to his left, his back is to the camera so he couldn't have been shot from the front as we would have seen the shooter? :D

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