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Posts posted by TPI

  1. Worried that the panther might attack village children, Mr Thawee called in the livestock department to hunt it down.

    I wonder why experts from the zoo aren't called in

    Because the zoos of Thailand do not have experts. TMost asian zoos are horrible places for animals. Perhaps what you meant were some of the very skilled, competent professionals found at some of the Thai wildlife refuge and rehab centers. The Thais that work these places are some of the kindest and gentlest souls around and they also know what they are doing. Unfortunately approaching them might prove to be an embarrassment for the implicated ministry.

    True story, a few years ago, we used to take children to Nong Nooch Village, Pattaya, to see the beautiful gardens of flora and funa, then on to see the animals, we would see their living conditions some so, so, and many, pure hel_l, we quit going there for that reason, we all talked about how bad some of these poor animals must have been, to be put through this kind of living hel_l, to be in such a small cage, no place to run or hide and humans yelling and poking things at them and their stuck, in a cage just big enough to turn around in.

    we had also sent this information in the local papers.

    I often have wondered if anybody else complained, I'm happy for this poor hungry beautiful animal he/she is going to be put down, fighting for his/her life, opposed to the "not life" If caught, being striped of it's natural rights, chased out of it's home by humans, then caged!

    Let it go down running and fighting for it's life and hope he/she makes it back to his/her home to die.


    Maybe Nong Nooch Village has improved, we sure hope so, maybe we will go back, maybe!

    They need to put the director's of the zoo's into the animal cages for a week or two, Phrae horticultural compoud has the most disgusting zoo in the world...let's hope we can get a leopard in there to eat a staff member or three!

  2. Reentries are becoming more inconvenient daily.

    Having just been a day at Immigration this week renewing a Non Imm B - would suggest all in Thai Visa take a good hard look at changing rules. On my 10th Non Imm year with the usual, "we need 30 days to process" - pay more money- come back again (and again) now they request I had 400,000 in my personal Bank Account and a letter from the Bank to verify that I did have it, on original letterhead! Never struck that one before - normally company documents, work permit and all VAT and Withholding Tax receipts from the company as well as (very) large paid up capital and I employ about one hundred Thai to 4 Farang - but no, this time, proof of funds.

    So - Down stairs, there are about 6 banks so if you forgot to bring you bank book with you (never needed it before!), you go there, open an account for Baht 500, get an ATM card for another 300 and then transfer from your absentee bank to the new account and then the bank offers you the letter (for 1,000 Baht) you wander back up stairs and they stamp you for 30 days for 1900 Baht and "please return" so they can extract more funds from you.

    It seems to never end. Thenwhen you get the reentry and apart from re-entry cancellation service at Swampy - they now keep you as far from the airport and maximum interference to prevent re-entry permits at the new office.

    I suppose soon they will move the offices to Ayutthaya and really make it a pleasant boat trip to obtain re-entry or a visa removal.

    On the other note, Swampy has gone from bad to worse as usual. Now there is no entry into the terminal between gate 3 to gate 7 on the arrivals hall level from the outter road. And then joy of joys, you get in through gate three and cannot go to gate six on the inner road, or even once inside the terminal. You have to go up the ridiculous maze of moving walkways or elevators (which don't stop on the arrival halls floors), or try BS you ways past pencil neck public servants with a badge to get to anywhere sensible.

    Entry, exit, reentry - all a total disaster both from point of view of immigration as well as convenience. The whole system needs to be tossed in the bin, put a broom through the 'management' of both AOT, Immigration, Ministry of Tourism and try to get some modicum of people with 'common sense' to handle these issues once and for all. :)

    I guess that you forgot to mention that none of the computer systems are inter connected...Swampy is not connected to Chang Wattana, none of the outstations (CM, Tak etc ) are connected to anywhere else and to top it off I was told by Immigration that it wasn't their fault as it was a pre-packaged system bought from the USA :D

  3. My prediction is that Katoes will be offered hostess positions with Thai International as they already know how to "turn the other cheek"...so to speak! Farang will be allowed to board the aircraft carrier and learn the secrets of the Thai Navy and Takki will announce his intent to be a "working boy", thus allowing others to do to him what he has done to the Thai nation

  4. Ah , aspirin , that wonderfull blood thinner , the side effects including things you cannot have done whilst taking this medicine is why I got away from it , the Yunnan Baiyou does the same work on platelets but none of the nasties assocciated with Aspirin .

    After 6 heart attacks (I finally stopped smoking!!) I cannot get Ezetrol in Thailand as my chemist says it's not available, I use Lipitor 80mg, the largest size in Thailand is 20mg! So it's 4 x boxes a month, the Canadian clopidogrel is the same price as the US one although you get twice as many pills! All in all after 4 stents I'm happy to be functioning at all, I gues it's just pay up and hope for the best :)

  5. "Because the alleged crime took place at night, they will face more serious penalties than for daylight shoplifting if convicted.:???????? TIT :)

    No not heard a word about it.

    My secretary's son goes to the same school as the Aussie bar mat thief and she actually met her for the first time last week at a school function, her assessment of the tea leaf..."as rough as hessian underpants"

    In most countries that use the British justice system any offence that happens between the hours of 9pm and 6am is considered to be a more serious offence...stealing as against shoplifting in this case! :D

  6. It would help if the article mentioned some detail about its form.

    My guess it's powder diffused in sand. If it was veins in rock, or nuggets in a streambed, there would be full scale gold rush with corporations, VIPs and gov't agents grappling to be at the head of the queue.

    I owned property in California, not far from Sutter's Creek, where the first gold nugget was found by a white man 1847 - which led to the Gold Rush, Levi's jeans, a big railroad built by Chinese, and a whole lot of other crazy things coming to the US west coast.

    More than a few times, I had gold miner friends on my 10 acres tell me there was gold there - however, it was dust-like, and spread within the sand, so as to not be worth the trouble to separate it. Probably the same sort of scenario with this recent mention re; Thailand. If I'm wrong, that's fine, and I hope a lot of ordinary enterprising Thais make some money - and that it doesn't cause too many problems - which often happens when something valuable is up for grabs.

    If you could point out to me exactly where this "sand and gold dust" mix is I'll go you halves, ok??

    There are quite a few ways to recover gold from "dust"! Ever try panning or even a trommel??

  7. These are also the same "influential" people who use to prey upon the Vietnamese boat people in the late 1970s.

    True and very dangerous people!

    My ex wife and myself (some 30 years ago) visited, (coming from Penang/Malaysia) Sonkhla city where the harbour is and staid in the Samila Hotel.

    The hotel was completely deserted and we noticed nobody in the lobby, not even servants. Later we found someone and were registered. There was NOBODY on the beaches around, nobody around the swimming pool.

    Very weird and scary.

    It's a long story but in the evening we went into town and harbour where all the fishing boats were and wandered around; we narrowly (with the help of a Thai/Chinese lady) escaped a bunch of aggressive fishermen.... :D

    In the morning at breakfast we found 4 HUGE Americans and Canadians having breakfast and upon seeing us, all four of them dropped their cups and gasped at us :):D:D until one of them asked:

    "what the <removed> are you guys doing here ?" :D Don't you know it's very dangerous here, people get killed, murdered, raped ? Haven't you heard about the Bangkok Thai tourist 2 days ago, asking a beach vendor for a drink and got shot immediately because he didn't like the question?

    They happened to be 4 helicopter pilots, flying to and from the platforms in the Gulf. They advised to pack and leave ASAP for Hat Yai airport and NEVER return...which we did.

    Explanation: the fishermen from Sonkhla are/were (amongst others) the infamous Thai Gulf pirates, preying upon the Vietnamese boat fugitives, murdering them, raping the girls and women and keep them aboard as slaves for cooking and other "usage" :D


    It was southern Thai fishermen who kept over 400 women prisoners on an island and would regularly call in and barter sex for food...souless SOB's

  8. Unfortunately to make explosion sound requires the shell to contain explosive to generate a shock wave. Someone standing nearby would feel the effects of that shock wave. They could suffer anything from temporary deafness to physical injury, the shell may not contain shrapnel but gravel makes a very painful alternative.

    In any other country this would be considered a very serious matter never mind if the shell was a training blank, or smoke shell or anything. For a projectile to land in a school yard from a military training ground is a severe lapse of discipline.

    Also what is a "live" fire test ground doing anywhere near a school?

    tanks can fire up to 20+ kilometres away

    nonsense!...take a look at the maximum range of the new chieften II or the new abrams II...3-4 km max?

  9. Watch this name:

    Phongphat Chayaphan

    If he is involved in the police crackdown it is serious. I have known this man for over 8 years now. One of the few serious police officers in Thailand. When he was a Captain he went and arrested a corrupt general even though everyone told him not to. This man has huge balls and hates corruption.

    This was a serious raid.

    Good - then i hope we will see many more raids from this guy and his team

    If he's that good...then why isn't he dead yet? :)

    When he was the head of Crime Suppression and even before that his name showed up in the paper a number of times in relation to these kind of raids that he lead.

  10. They can not determine what chemical (toxin) is leaking, do they know the source of the leak? Go ask the employees at plant/vessel from whence the leak originates and they will give you info. How can you treat victims if you do not know what they were exposed to.

    The ship and the dock should have a "material data safety sheet" that lists its harmful effects and who to contact in an emergency?? Ahhh! Thai efficiency!

  11. Interesting Takki's great grandfather also changed his name - :)

    Thaksin's great-great-grandfather Seng Sae Khu was a Hakka Chinese immigrant from Meizhou, Guangdong who arrived in Siam in the 1860s and settled in Chiang Mai in 1908. His eldest son, Chiang Sae Khu, was born in 1890 and adopted the Thai surname Shinawatra ("does good routinely") in 1938, and the rest of the family followed suit.

    Seng Sae Khu made his fortune through tax farming.?? :D

    Source - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thaksin_Shinawatra

    I thought his clan was "Toh Shew" like the rest of his cabinet, and the leaders of s'pore...Wasn't that the tie that bound him to Temasak Holdings??

  12. Just ranting here.

    Generally, my building's wifi 3Meg TOT international internet access is slow, averaging dial up speeds or less. I would be thrilled if I got 10% of the 3Meg. I usually keep my laptop on late at night hoping to get much better speeds but this still results in very little data being downloaded. Over the last 6 weeks, I have gotten a couple fat data downloads (for me) of about 1.5GB and uploads of up to 1GB. But recently, I have noticed that uploads have outweighed the downloads by many multiples. Last night, from about 1:30A I downloaded 100MB versus uploading 500MB. I would have been happy if it had been the reserve. It is really frustrating to notice a number of times getting slow dial up speeds on the uploads but nearly nothing on the downloads. My speed limits are set to download up to 300K and to upload up to 50K. I use the latest utorrent program running on XP sp2. My wifi through the day usually runs well over 40 Mbps.

    Many of my torrents appear to be very popular. Is it TOT limiting me or that for some torrents data is not available for me while my data is available for them.

    I also notice during the day that I will start my utorrent program which will download between 5 to 10MB with 1 or more seeds than drop off to nothing. I then wait for utorrent to end. It seems to take 70 to 90 seconds to do that, is that because of the many torrents I still haven't removed. I restart it and can re-establish the torrents again. While at home I may have to do that many times.

    Regarding downloading late at night, I guess if a lot of people are doing that then it may jam up the internet highway just as bad as during the day.

    End of rant. :D

    Check you calander to see if it's school holidays, I'm up country and school holidays jams the web so badly that most of the time I can't even get on to my ISP!! So, think yourself lucky? :)

  13. We do regularly import goods from Australia. Does anybody has experience with the TAFA agreement? There are some information in the internet, and even a website. But these information are either pure theory or confusing (especially the "country of origin" requirements). I need the practical steps. What I have to do (step1...) to get tax exemption for a particular good imported from Australia.


    I would help if I could but....there's only conflicting information out there! Whatever you do, do not, I repeat do not use the Thai Embassy in Australia for information. In the 3 times I've used them (fool me) the information has been dead wrong and caused me no end of problems with Customs this end. Best of luck with your search!

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