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Posts posted by TPI

  1. Gee whiz folks! What you don't understand is that these brats of prats are too taken up with getting their photo's in the "glam" mags to worry about about what mummy and daddy are doing with the paperwork!

    "We've got a life to live" is the plaintiff cry, "we're beautiful and we're going to the best schools in the world and it's our right to do what WE want to do and you're all jealous and ........everything!"

    These bimbo's and floosies leave no mark on the world....their children will spend like drunken sailors and their children will have nothing, it's how the world spins.

    Nobody loves them for themselves, they are truly just walking ATM's. :bah: :jap:

  2. http://www2.manager....D=9530000182495 . . . I think you are all wrong. According to Yellow hi-so PAD Manager.co.th, the van was modified to put in a heavy NGV tank at the back, casing it to be unstable and flip over. Also, there is evident, red paint mark on the Honda sedan, mean that possibly, another red car is the cause of the accident, collided with Honda, which then have to choice but to collided with the van. The van should NOT be on the road in the first place, since it was MODIFIED with a NGV tank. Please leave the poor girl alone. She is innocent, and have the physical & metal ability to txt message while over-taking, unlike some old drivers could could not single task; let along multi-task. Please remember that children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside. Give them a sense of pride ...

    Are you insane woman???.....It's ok for her to to do a txt message while she is overtaking? Show them the beauty they possess inside?/... if this brainless bimbo was txting while she was overtaking she deserved everything she got!

    Please! Pride has nothing to do with intelligence

    2) the NGV tank weighs no more that a normal fuel tank and the 100 lts of fuel weigh less than petrol or diesel, obviously hi-so newspapers come out in defence of hi-so customers, this is Thailand, right! :bah:

  3. i had some fields ploughed that already grew rice and they charged 150 per rai. I then had some fields cleared that nothing was grown on it before, so it needed to have all the brush cleared out and then leveled out and finally ploughed. The tractor for clearing charged us 500B per rai, (I had to hire in some other guys to move the brush around and burn it) then again 150 per rai for the ploughing. This was in Surin. The land clearing the guy used a big Ford tractor, dont know the size but it was fairly big.

    agree 60K sounds like allot. if she has 27 rai that is over 2K per rai.

    Good luck.

    Around Phrae the price is about 1,000 baht a rai (farang price), maybe you need to disappear for a while?

  4. it's amazing how many of "us" don't get the facts that chiang mai is not just an overheated city but also a province.it is almost 5 degrees colder out in serapi when i go home at night and a lot colder higher up in the mountains where the poor eek out a living. they sleep in bamboo huts and yes -they are cold,and last years stuff if they ever got it probably went to the dogs.....

    if you don't believe it try mea hon song or just go up doi suthep on your motorbike early in the morning in a t shirt!:ph34r:

    CM is not the only place it gets cold, in Phrae my weather station is telling me it's under 15 degrees on most mornings, up in the hills it's much colder....quityerbitchin! :jap:

  5. waiting patiently for the anti-Thai brigade to march in and claim that all published figures are fraudulent, the economy is on the verge of collapsing and the Baht falling in the abyss vs. <insert preferred currency>.


    Seasons Greetings Herr Doktor. Would you happen to know if all new issuances of public and "state enterprise" debt are denominated in Baht? TIA

    seasons greetings returned LRB. of course there is public debt denominated in other currencies too. but i assume this debt is consolidated and expressed in Baht. if not than one could indeed label the "42% of GDP" as bullshitting people.

    p.s. actual government debt denominated in other currencies than THB is relatively low. have no idea how the situation is with state enterprises. CIA factbook states for 2009 debt = 44.9% of GDP which tallies with the IMF figures.

    This explains the strong baht and the ability of the govt. to spend billions in support of Thai farmers, isn't this the way that governments are supposed to run?

    I'm amazed that some people think that a government should make a profit!

  6. Brahma for beef is like Grey hound for house dog. They are not a breed bred for today's taste of beef. Tender beef is more a result of handling/aging after slaughter rather than the breed. Beef (eating beef) breeds are a result of the desire for larger so called prime cuts, as well as rapid weight gain. You could fatten a Brahma but the prime cuts will be smaller than beef cattle and by their nature, marbling would be less.

    The economics would need documented feed vs rate of gain for the subject breed. When you compare beef slaughter cattle can reaching slaughter weight in as short as 15 months and look at the normal age of kill here of 2 plus years it would appear to be a bad investment.

    Just my thoughts and observations for what its worth.

    Maybe he would be better off breeding bufalo? A lot less trouble and very tick resistant...better meat as well!

  7. Bad luck Russia. Obviously America's bribes were bigger than yours.

    OK, smart-ass, let's see your proof that the US bribed/coerced anyone to hand over Bout. Or are you just another one of the "Bash the US Because It's Fashionable and I Want To Be With the Cool Crowd of Ultra-Politically Correct/Nanny State Types"???

    Gosh! If you were to read #14 then you might climb off your high horse. Pick up your hand bag and go home, the guy was merely expressing an opinion! "Right wing", "Left wing" or "center" he didn't need your flame.:bah:

  8. Will the machines have slots to pay the bribe money directly? or is that part still handled by a real "person" :whistling:


    Since the OP does not go in to great detail, we must use the status quo to infer that the

    machines more than likely will require you to insert Baht Bills until a "Kahk Kun Khap"

    receipt issues forth from the belly of the machine, just below the belt buckle, centered.

    Note that the place to insert the baht bills are located on both the left hand and right hand sides,

    right near where the pockets would be.

    People who do not pay the exact amount, and walk away before the receipt is issued get

    "Silly String" sprayed all over their face, and a "warning...warning" played loudly, the same as

    the robot from Lost In Space.

    But seriously...

    A database? Are you suggesting that there is a database? Does it contain all the people who are not registered owners of the vehicles they are operating? Or that they do not have driver's licenses? Or that they are under the legal age to operate a vehicle on public roads? Or that they do not have ID cards? Or that most foreigners operate rentals without proper licensing and documentation? Or that there is no license plate on the vehicle? Or that the license plate is damaged and obscured beyond alpha-numeric recognition? Or that the license plate does not have current tabs? Or...?

    How will the information of an illegal act be picked up by, or transmitted as data into these machines? Will the data that is entered into these machines be by human beings or by photo recognition software? If by humans, therein lies the problem. If by photo recognition, then how does a database recognize something that it has no record of?

    The article does not explain the details and peculiarities of these things, and I am very curious to know how this will function at, liberally speaking, even a 45% accuracy level.

    I would sincerely like to know how this system works from beginning to end; where the process is inanimate, and animate, and in what sequence.

    Pleeeeese! Mah kit mark! It's Thursday, the day when everyone is bored, they've done nothing since Monday and it's only one day to the weekend, "think of something to put in a news release" comes from on high! Done!:jap:

  9. I agree with comments that describe Thailand as deeply flawed, third world and hypocritical. Also, it is embarrassing to confess to being based there.

    I too have cut my time here, preferring to travel in Europe for up to 5 months each year. I find that being amongst a civilised culture, for example France, soothes my soul. Without the infusion of good taste, architecture, museums, art galleries, a worthy film genre and incisive quality newspapers, I would find it impossible to spend any time in Thailand.

    Even now, having returned from my latest trip to Spain, I find Thailand to offer little more than the same confinement known to prisoners. I feel I am treading water waiting to escape. Consequently, I too am planning the final departure. It will be Thailand's loss as I spend considerably but even that seems to be resented, and I live upcountry.

    Bangkok was where I worked. So too was Pattaya, which appalled me to such an extent that I suggested that our whole SE Asia operation be relocated from the Eastern Seeboard. This has been accepted and comes into effect from 2012. It means a loss of over 400 jobs to Thailand but when faced with entertaining clients in Pattaya, and losing accounts as a result, there is little choice left.

    You see, part of the problem is that those who are posted here would otherwise not have come. I've never worked with any middle-aged sex tourists before; just regular engineers, programmers, designers etc, so it comes as a shock to all of us when faced with those rough, drunken, burnt out bar stool hobos who adorn the bars of Pattaya; those squalid, sordid bars. And each 'grand dad' seems to be escorting his grand daughter for the day. If only.

    Sorry. But this scene is not acceptable at home. Neither is it acceptable here; to anyone in touch with the real world, a place in it and their real life. Not the one they have currently invented.

    But this draws parrallels with the view that celebrity needs to be protected from its candy floss frothy self. If, in the face of an abortion story that is disgustingly shocking beyond the stored foetuses; beyond the corrupt officials; beyond the illegal acts of the medical profession; beyond the 8 month terminations; beyond the enslavement of the surviving babies.... if all the media can see is the need to keep celebrity involvement secret, then Thailand is without hope.

    Sadly it has been for decades. It is only as a visitor that one can see this and have something far better to compare and contrast it with.

    The one line posters and other totally irresponsible persons who fail to grasp any meaning or show any original insight or thought or solution are to be dismissed as the trash that they are. Trash. Drawn to Thailand because it offers exile for the failed, the amoral, the criminal, the malcontent.

    Anyone who retires here must be questionable. It is simply not an acceptable place to stay.

    In conclusion it is inevitable that Thailand is best left to itself. That is the greatest harm that we can do it. So be it. Ironically, that is the view of the xenophobic Thais because that is what they are told to think; to believe, by the Bangkok elite that wish to maintain their 98% staus quo. More un-original thought due to a lack of education and opportunity.

    Now Westerners .......... how do you excuse yourself?

    It seems that you have never traveled to or through central Thailand? If your only view of this country is based on your travels on the eastern seaboard or Bangkok you're bound to get the "wowsers" perception! Surely you aren't lumping Mat ta phut, Chomburi and Chatcheong sao into the mix? Your bitterness is obvious, as is your choice of language! If you think that all retirees are pedophiles and drunken low life why don't you go to somewhere where the retirees leave their shirts on for the entire year, drink only water and on the entire continent there is not one child! Like...... Antartica! :annoyed:B)

  10. It's been a long time coming, an airline service that looks after Phrae, Nan and Roi Et provinces. Set up by SOLAR AIR and based at Don Muang airport it's the fastest (1 1/2 hours) way to get to central Thailand!

    My wife and I were on the first flight and as every seat is a window seat had a great view for the whole trip. The fares are being subsidised by Phrae province, so get in quick! :D :D

  11. This, of course, has nothing to do with Thais obtaining a visa to another country!

    However, like the pinned pension thread, I've let this run as it may effect people living in Thailand who need to know about any changes to how they claim their benefit and what they receive.

    However, keep the topic to that, please. If it degenerates into a discussion on welfare cheats, pension funding, taxation etc. then it'll be closed.

    Thank you.

    Perhaps the thoughts of someone who as well as being on a disability pension and is married to a Thai citizen (not me - a friend) might have some bearing on the discussion? In Oz The disability pension is used as a grab all to pay money to those who don't fit into other catagories ie. people who are unemployed but are over 60 .....they can't get a job but they don't fail the work test! What do they do? Trot along to a doctor, get the certificate and dissapear o/seas! No one can live on the pension in Oz so what are they to do? It's not as if there're hundreds of people lazing on a beach drinking pina colada! Being a typical government the people back in Oz are picking on the weakest of the herd, never realising that in the near future they could be shooting themselves in the foot!

    The ฿42,000 a month is just enough to support a marriage visa, why should anyone give a flying f@#k if someone else has made Thailand the winning post? Selfish, selfish, do the complainers actually think that the government is going to drop taxes if you dob anyone in???? Wood ducks!

  12. I know it's sad but I don't think that the Thai Ed. System (?) is ever going to change! Every teacher gets their bonus from the text books they sell or failing that, from the extra classes in their private language school. What would a Thai Matyom teacher do with only 18-20 students in the room? She or He would still sit at their desk, still have the children come to them on their knees for their work to be checked, still only be worried about what the teachers room was having for lunch!

    A waste of time suggesting change, a new outlook or even using gasp, horror, "multimedia"....it's against our Thai culture is the cry! Dam_n and blast!

  13. What are you, some sort of "do-gooder or something? Next you'll be saying that pulling out into traffic without looking or filling up your car with LPG while smoking a cigarette is dangerous! Don't you realise that "real men" don't need to think about that!B)

  14. We paid ฿1,600 for a cattle zapper (48,000 VDC very low amps). The kit contains about 500 metres of line, a charger, either mains or battery, and an earth spike. we use it to keep our buffalo where we want them, it works very well for our dogs as well!<BR><BR>When touched it gives a proper zap, quite harmless really but a real fright if you're not expecting it( just quietly, even if you are!), for insulators all you need is to put coke bottles on top of the wall with the orange string wound around them, a stainless steel wire is integrel to the string.<BR><BR>With a sign in Thai pointing out the nature of the wire and mentioning that there are more inside the wall should keep the ner'do wells out of the place!<BR><BR>Chok Dee <BR>

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